The woodland walk is looking good and slowly changing should look even better in a few weeks time.
The grasses and shrubs have performed beautifully and add a dimension of their own. When the dogwoods wear their autumn coat, this border will have the wow factor.
All in all it has been a good year for has not been without its ups and downs, but that is gardening. The rabbits are causing problems at the moment.....they have eaten several plants while I have been away but that is the price you pay for letting the garden stay wild. I am happy to lose the plants here and there because it is the wildlife that interests me more......
Speaking of wildlife we have a mystery visitor....Mr P and I have both seen it amongst the shrubs at the back of the garden. It is pure white, has a long tail, low to the ground, and runs like lightening. At first we thought it might be a cat, but we can now rule that out.............we hope it comes back so that we can identify it properly.......
Whats happening in your garden??????
Cheryl!! It came in the mail yesterday. I picked it up on my way to work so didn't get a chance to open it. This morning I called Rose and asked her to meet me for lunch so we could open it together. Just like Christmas!! We were both so excited as we finally got into it.
WOW! The book mark s beautiful. We both oohed and awwed over it. And the notebook is delightful-did you do that or your daughter? I laughed as I told Rose if you could see my garden now you would think wildlife gone crazy. Thank you. Each seed packet was read and reread and dicussed throughly. We can't wait for spring to come to plant.
Cheryl, what a dear, dear friend and person you are. Rose and I are both touched that you thought of us(especially me!). Your friendship has brought both of us such joy. Thank you does not seem nearly enough to express what we feel, but will have to do. We will be sending you some seeds soon.
It must be good to be back in the garden and checking up on how everything is getting along with fall fast approaching. Great photo's as always.
Even though it has only cooled down a bit here I can see the plants and animals getting ready for fall. The insect activity has changed with different species being more prevalent than before and some of the summer ones not so evident now. The wild grasses are growing more slowly and have gone to seed. Some trees are beginning to shed their first leaves. Even the fish and turtles in the pond are acting a bit different. Oddly the turtles do not follow me around as much to get a free handout as they did only 1-2 weeks ago. And I haven't seen the big carp in over a week though I'm sure they are lurking around somewhere.
By the way, while you were gone I made a post that reminded me of your Sunday Safari posts. I thought about your posts when I was writing it. I know you are busy trying to catch up with everyone but I thought you might appreciate this particular one. It's a PhotoHunt theme post for the 'road' theme. If you get a chance you might want to check it out if you missed it.
Nice blog. Well done.
AB Clan
Cheryl it is so good to see that you are in the garden enjoying the change of season.
Here we have many bugs, wasps, bees and berries what with the temps being higher than normal. It is amazing how many are on the Goldenrod. Definitely a plant you could have in your garden. You wouldn't have to go around your garden to photograph them just go to the clump of Goldenrod.
We have had rabbits in the garden a lot. Luna got after one just this a.m. I hope the silly thing isn't trying to build a nest in Luna's territory. I know it is tempting with all the bushes and duff but Luna always finds them.
I wonder if your mystery critter could be a possum. Do you have possums in your country?
Hi there Cheryl :-)
Gosh… what a beautiful garden you have at the moment. I loved seeing the long shots of your borders which are looking quite handsome!
I also love the way you write about your connection with your garden. We have quite a few plants in common which is always nice to see :-D
New wildlife to the garden is always nice to see too! I am wondering if your new visitor could be a stoat or another animal that is albino perhaps. My guess is a stoat – tricky to get photos of though. Good luck with your ID :-D
What am I doing in my garden at the moment? Oops… nothing :-D I must get out there soon to collect cuttings, seed and to weed :-D
Cheryl, I love your header of the garden house. Your Pampas grass looks lovely. I have been thinking I "need" some in my garden. Your photos of the turning leaves are wonderful. It really says "Fall" and I can't wait to see the pics when the the dogwood turns.
Hi Cheryl. I hope you are having a nice day and not too cold after your hol xxx That said, it has been warm here today, a beautiful autumn day - and I got lots of washing dry!! I wonder what your little visitor is? How intriguing!!! And how lovely for you to have Kestrel near. I just love these little birds - they are just incredible little things. Richard's first bird was a Kestrel so he has a soft spot for them. Anyway, hope all is well xxxxx
i love autumn too!
your garden is so beautiful.
your post is full of wonderful words and images.
Cheryl, sust got home from work and
now, I have taken the time to read and enjoy your post. Your gardens look beautiful-I especially love the picture with all the grasses. And of course I am a big fan of the ferns. They are really turning a wonderful fall color. The frost and snow on perennials does add to the winter garden and I leave some of mine also. But knowing the insects will make use of them too is another good reasoon to leave them til spring.
I thought white fox when you mentioned your mystery visitor or mabe a white mink??
Dear is a pleasure....I hope you and Rose will have alot of fun with your gardens next year.....
The notebook comes from one of the country villages around here. A small shop sells them, they are made by local people....I like to support the community that live around me.....I saw pink and roses and thought of you......perhaps you could use it to note how your seeds progress and if you like them once they flower......
Dear Baker.......tku for letting me know what is happening in your part of the world......I like the piece about the turtles not following you around so much for a free handout.......
I shall pop over sometime and read the post you mentioned.....
Hi Lisa.....we do not get possums here....but someone has suggested an albino stoat....they could actually be it....I am now on the lookout all the time....
Golden Rod.....I have been thinking about this plant for a long time....I have seen it on many does seem to draw in the insects....
Nella our terrier is chasing the rabbits at the moment.....she is not happy that they are in her space.......
Hi Shirl....thank you for your lovely comments....
I think you may have the answer with an albino certainly had the shape of the was just so quick.....can't wait to see it again now....
It is so tempting not to do anything this time of year, isn't it....all the hardwork of the summer finished.....
Hi morning glory....tku re header....I love it when the leaves turn and there is a mass of colour....
Pampas grasses are lovely....mine are supposed to be the dwarf variety, but they are huge!!!!
Hi Dawny....I am is raining hard today but the sun is trying to come out......
Kestrals are so beautiful....I love the way they just hover, eyeing up their prey...wonderful birds.....
Hope you are feeling a little better now.......
Hi Dawny....I am is raining hard today but the sun is trying to come out......
Kestrals are so beautiful....I love the way they just hover, eyeing up their prey...wonderful birds.....
Hope you are feeling a little better now.......
Thank you glad that you enjoyed the post.....
Hi Beckie.....hope that you are not overdoing it,I know that you have been a little pushed lately.....
Anything that helps the insects is fine by me.....nice to hear you leave some many people have to have everything neat and tidy all the time.....mother nature does not do neat and tidy and I think she has it right......
Cheryl, I love seeing these sweeping views of your garden; I think I could sit there for hours! I enjoy seeing all the color change in your garden and can't wait to see it in its full fall glory.
I used to leave my dead perennial stalks up out of lack of time, but now I leave them for the very reasons you mention. I've seen the goldfinches enjoy the coneflowers, for example. I'm curious what your white animal is--not a cat??
I see Beckie already got here first and told you about meeting for lunch yesterday. We had so much fun looking at all the seed packets and discussing each one. Thank you so much for the nigella and the verbena, and thanks so much for thinking of me! Beckie's birthday gifts were beautiful.
Gosh, it's good to have you back:)
Dear was an absolute pleasure.....I like to think of you and Beckie sorting the seeds and enjoying new will have a lot of fun you know....
I to love to see the birds on the seedheads.....endless entertainment.......a garden full of life.....
I like your "woodland walk" is a time of change and reflection similar to spring. I will have to remember to leave more things standing over the winter to protect the little creatures!
I always love the change in seasons, the new colors in the leaves, the changes in the air.
I love the 4 seasons.
Great photos.
I think I would miss the changes in the garden if I lived where it's warm all year.
Also non-stop gardening!!
I like having a break.
Hi Chris....that is what I like about make a note and put it into gladdens my heart when people try to help wildlife.
Hi to I love the changes in the air.....
Hi Patsi....I could not live anywhere else....I like our moody seasons......BUT I am not a fair weather gardener.....I garden all year and I love it.......
Hi Cheryl
Love the autumnal colour in your photos.
Although spring is exciting with the emergence of new shoots and flower buds, I always enjoy autumn, too. It is a time of harvest and bounty, but also a time of sadness as many of our plant friends pass on or go into hibernation. But that's life and I wouldn't want it any other way.
Thanks for the beautiful photos. xx
Wise words naturewitch as always....I am totally in agreement.....the circle of life.....
Sounds like it maybe a polecat?? I haven't heard of a white weasel or stoat! Do let us know!
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