Walk around the garden........
The rhododendron's have large buds and are looking healthy. I close my eyes and think of spring and can see them in bloom. Something to look forward to.........
The Christmas box (sarcococca confusa) is in bloom. It is planted close to the house. The tiny flowers are noted for their intense honey scent. It is very much appreciated this time of year.
The chamomile is still in bloom despite heavy frosts. Did you know that chamomile at one stage was inhaled as snuff or smoked to relieve asthma and cure insomnia. It also relaxes facial muscles........feeling tense, perhaps a cup of chamomile tea is the answer.
And this my blogging friends is rabbit (grrrrrrr) damage. For the third consecutive day I have been filling in large holes in the copse. They have dug up snowdrop and bluebell bulbs. My cherished ferns have also been badly damaged. So frustrating, yet this is what I deal with year in year out. It is a way of life. I going indoors now, think I need a cup of chamomile tea. Have a good weekend and keep those facial muscles relaxed.........
I love looking at your gardens. So many beautiful sights even in the winter. It amazes me that you have flowers in bloom-thank you for sharing them. I wish i could smell them as well.
I am so sorry those darn rabbits are making such a mess! I suppose they are only doing what come natural, but let them move on down the road! That's what happens when you make the garden such an inviting place. Hope you find a solution.
The tea sounds delightful and I will have to learn to like it now that I know it relaxes facial muscles.
Can you get it in barrels? :}
You must get your dog out more Cheryl. Maybe he will get those rabbits rounded up into the neighbors garden. tee hee... I know it is frustrating to have damage.
Your rhodi buds look promising. It won't be long and they will be glowing in the longer days.
I can't drink camomile. It smells good to me but I have a reaction to it when I drink it. Not good.
I just finished a cup of hot chocolate. Yummmmmm now that warmed me and made me relax.
Hi Beckie.......The garden does not look too bad and I do have some lovely blooms at the moment, including hellebores......
The rabbits are always a nuisance this time of year......Nella chases them around and keeps a lot out. At one time there were twenty two rabbits in the garden, we now have three. But that is enough.......the damage they cause is horrendous...
Chamomile takes a bit of getting used to.......the barrel comment had me laughing........
Hi Lisa......Nella spends most of the day chasing rabbits.......we have far less than we used to, she does her job well.......
Reaction to herbs is quite common Lisa....hot chocolate sounds good and oh so very comforting.......
Bad rabbit !
I haven't walked around the yard in weeks...maybe I should.
Best wishes,
Cheryl, I always think of you as such a kind-hearted person when it comes to all creatures. My facial muscles have relaxed into a smile thinking of you threatening those darned rabbits:) Of course, I would be mad, too, if they dug up my bulbs.
I'm amazed to see so much blooming in your garden, though I've seen the chamomile on some Tennesse blogs (they're a warmer zone than we are). I often have a cup of chamomile tea; it's also good for digestion. I've told Beckie it's an acquired taste:)
Have a good weekend, Cheryl!
Your buds and blooms look lovely. Your winters must be very temperate.
Those wascaly wabbits! They remind me of our armadillos. They do quite a lot of damage too.
Mmmmmmm, chamomile tea--I love it, and now that I know it relaxes facial muscles, I will drink more of it. About a gallon or so a day should do the trick!
Hi Patsi.....regardless of weather a walk around the garden is good....you never know what you may find.....
Hi Rose......I am glad it made you smile.....I am too passive really, the rabbits do a lot of damage here and cause a lot of work. They are digging at the roots of the evergreens at the moment. I have spent around three hours each day, this week, filling in holes etc and it is freezing at the moment. Then saying that I watch them trying to find food and actually feel sorry for them......don't tell mr P but I have been leaving carrot tops etc for them in the copse. I know, I am too soft but I am too old to change......
I agree chamomile is an acquired taste, my daughter hates it. It took me a while to get used to it.
Enjoy your weekend Rose.....
Hi morning glories......The temperatures at the moment are around 2C - 4C in the day and at night between -2C - -5C.......I have planted lots of evergreens to shelter and protect the garden where I can. It appears to be working well.....
I love chamomile to......love your comment re quantity, made me smile......
Enjoy your weekend.......s
Hi Cheryl
Those rabbits are very naughty! If you ate meat, I might suggest rabbit stew ;)
The rhodos look lovely - I'm sure there'll be beautiful flowers in just a while.
Along with the chamomile, you might like to eat oats - they are mood elevators, as well as doing wonderful things like lowering cholesterol. A fantastic food. xx
How lovely that you are enjoying blooms in your garden now. I have never seen rabbit damage in my garden although we have plenty around. Of course the ground is frozen solid right now. The squirrels love my bulbs though and dig them up readily.
Your garden looks so nice for it being the heart of winter! Have you thought about rabbit food? If you give them food, they may stop eating everything else, no? Maybe? Poor bunnies and poor garden. What a dilemma.
Naturewitch......rabbit stew, no thank you......but I must say it is popular in these parts, and of course rabbit is a healthy meat......
Thank you re oats.....I do try and incorporate them in my diet. I have porridge every other day for breakfast and I also use oats in crumble topping......but I am so glad you mentioned it because others may read it ......
I am always grateful for any tips you may have.......
Hi Ruth.....our ground is also frozen today....temperature have dropped below freezing for about five days now......
Yes I still have blooms and enjoy each and everyone of them........
Mimi it is most certainly a dilemma......I know what you are saying re food.....and I do leave carrot tops and other veggie scraps in the copse.....but nothing seems to really work....when they want to dig, they dig.......
i love this rhododendron bud. will it keep until spring or bloom now?
it does have the promise of spring written all over it.
i was happy to see your chamomile in bloom. i recently discovered while getting a massage that i hold a lot of tension in my jaw and i will now turn to chamomile tea to relieve that tension, i knew i liked it, i just wasn't sure why.
the rabbits are a frustration i am sure but do they provide any good for you?>
I also am amazed that you have flowers in freezing temps. Your garden looks lovely and the blooms cheering.
One spring I had rabbits digging up my bulbs too. Very frustrating! I read somewhere that they don't like perfumey smells like detergent or fabric softener, so I poured a bunch of fabric softener all around my tulips and crocuses. They stayed away, but was it the smell? Or had they just decided to move on? I'll never know.
Lovely garden in winter. Sorry the rabbits found the bulbs. They can quickly ruin hours of work.
I didn't know chamomile was so useful. Interesting.
Hi Cheryl, Your bunny troubles sound like a lot of work for you:(
I agree, they are cute--but little troublemakers, for sure! I've never tried growing chamomile, but I do grow St John's Wort. The yellow flowers it produces are beautiful! I don't use it as an herbal remedy, though. The leaves are very pretty, as well. Now I'm thinking of having myself some chamomile tea. I just happen to have some in the pantry:) Happy New Year! Jan
Happy New Year Cheryl, so very pleased you decided to keep the chicken, these sort are so easy to look after!!! I'm also thrilled you decided to keep blogging, you and your garden bring so much pleasure to so many people. I must admit I am seriously thinking on returning to native planting, having watched Chris Beardshaws wildlife gardens, mind you I could do with him coming round and starting it all off though!!! lol!!
Dear Marmee.....the rhodi will bloom April/May here....so something to look forward to.....I have five in the garden, all different colours......
If you drink chamomile daily I am sure you will find it a great help. In beauty salons they often give people a cup to relax facial tension.....
Rabbits are a nuisance because they do ruin the habitat I am trying to create for bees bugs and birds. I have learned to not be precious about the garden but the extra work in the depth of winter is not enjoyable.......they do add nitrogen to the soil by way of their droppings. This of course makes the soil extremely fertile.......so yes they do add something to the garden and of course my little grandchildren love them, especially Poppi......
Dear Wendy.....thank you for the tip......something to try. It could keep them away from treasured plants. They will never leave the garden as their warren is here. It is deep in the copse and goes out onto the railway embankment. They are definately here to stay.......
I have planted many shelter belts around the garden and this gives many of the plants protection. It has been hard work but worth it.......
Hope you and yours are ok?
Thanks42day.....St Johns Wort is indeed a very useful plant for healing....I have many plants, they are there for the bees, who love the bright yellow blooms. I love the leaves to. This particular species gets a bad press here, but I love the plant.......
Hi Libby......what about all your beautiful tropicals....or could you put them amongst natives......I think this could be the way to go.....if you want any seeds later in the year, do let me know. I would be more than happy to send you some.
I love Chris Beardshaw and have many of his gardening books....I would like to have him in my garden to but just to look at!!!!The fantasy of the older(much older) woman!!!!!
Happy New Year Cheryl for 2009 - hope it's a good one for you, your family and of course the garden too - it doesn't look as cold up with you as it is here - was down to -6 here last night and at 11.45am it's still white white white outside... take care Miranda
Cheryl: What a Joy to have Spring in your garden already! Here it is still
winter grey black and white.
smiles to you NG
Beleive me it is cold Miranda.....minus five last night and everything is frozen......
Happy New Year to you and yours....
Hi naturegirl.....Spring has definately NOT arrived....it is freezing here.......I have solid ground and freezing temperatures.....bbrrrrrrr......
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