As it flew away it made me looked so scruffy......almost tatty.......I found this little creature quite captivating and it was a first sighting for me......
I do hope that you enjoyed the first Safari Sunday of 2009. What is visiting your garden at the moment?
Very nice. You are open to that small world that is invisible to most people. Enjoy the day! Art
As your Sunday is winding down my Sunday is gearing up. It has rained more last night and this moring. After I finish my morning tea we will head out to do some birding. Right this minute I am watching a House Wren family build a nest in the nest box right outside my window and I can hear the Mourning doves calling to one another. It promises to be an interesting day. I love seeing your bugs. I too watch them buzzing around the garden. I will try to capture some bug shots today if it stops raining.
I like how the fallen petals kind of look like wildflowers! And it's always interesting to see what buzzing by.
I am so happy to have just discovered you and loved your Sunday Safari. I treasure the same things you do I will be back often. Looking forward to having you visit my blogs Shells and Roses and Furry and Feathered Friends when you have a chance!
best wishes,
Cheryl, Your photos are wonderful! The one is so funny--you do have a "bee in your bonnet":) I've been enjoying my apple tree, too; though the ground looks similar to yours with blossoms all around, the tree is hanging on to blooms far longer than my flowering crabs did.
Yesterday was the first sunny day in awhile; too wet to dig, but I did manage to spread mulch and weed. I saw my first honeybee! He was enjoying my tulips, too.
A lovely follow up to your last post Cheryl with beautiful photos and narrative again.
I find it fascinating how much more there is to see if we just take the time to look properly.
I laughed out loud at your description of the bee trying on a hat it is so accurate.
dear cheryl,
the beauty of the petals on the ground reminds me of when the leaves are all falling. i love seeing all the creatures that are visiting you. we have plenty here i don't even see, just here as i walk around. some of my bees are boroughing in the herb hutch...fascinating. enjoy your sunday...we are sopping wet here...this is the third day straight of rain.
Thank you is a joy to see the little things.....
Dear Lisa....that sounds so delightful.....I have a picture in my mind......
It would be lovely to see Lisa's Sunday safari.......
Nice thought Monica.....I like it, wildflowers......
Thank you Nan will pop over tonight and view your blog......
Dear Rose....I am sure the honey bee enjoyed your tulips, they are so beautiful, who could not enjoy them?
'Bee in your bonnet'.....why did I not think of that.......Hope the sun shines on you soon.......
Hi Jan....the bee is delightful....I see them often on the pulmonaria.....all trying their bonnets on!!
It is wonderful what we can discover through the 'eye' of our camera......
Hope you are having a lovely weekend......
Dear Marmee....thank you for dropping by.
It is wonderful to hear the bugs getting on with their see them as well is even more satisfying.....I could dream my life away just watching them....
I do hope the rain stops soon, to give you a chance to get out into your delightful grounds.....
I am in love with your wonderful apple tree. Beautiful photographs.
So am I am I.....
Cheryl, love your new header-so bright and sunny. I'm glad to see the Safari back. I always enjoy seeing your bees and insects. The carder bee is lovely in it's new hat. :)
The sun has been out the last 2 days and I have so enjoyed being in the gardens even if it was mostly pulling weeds. But I did see a bumble bee on the phlox-yea!
Dear Cheryl,
I so enjoyed Sunday Safari! Thank you.
Bee Fly is new to me too. I will see if they are in my area. I love all your bees and being with your Apple Tree was delightful.
I love hunting bugs with you!
Your Apple Tree World is lovely. Every little insect is busy working in it's own little world, all within the arms of that grand lady.
Dear is good to be back with safari seems like only yesterday Sherry and I started it....
Glad the sun is shining and that you are able to get into your garden. Did you get a photograph of the bumble??
Dear is good to be back amongst the bees and other insects....
I like 'little bee fly' he was quite a cute bug. I would think that you would have this species.....
It is a pleasure to do Sunday safari with you again......
I love apple blossoms; unfortunate apple trees don’t grow around here. Your bee pictures are fantastic as always.
I loved the first Sunday Safari! It's just what I needed to see after a day of chilly temps and constant rain...(My friend from the North of England says it feels like home!) I love the bees and those really tiny ones are cute. It will be good to see the apples forming...I did peak out the window this morning and see Ms Bluebird pop into her house...I am glad to know they like it here, I feel complimented that the garden can provide them the bugs they need! know what I mean! Have a good week. gail
Our apple trees are just coming into bloom and should be at their peak next weekend. We still are having night temperatures near freezing so the fruit trees are at risk. Lovely photos as usual.
Hi is swings and roundabouts, is it not. You have your lovely tropicals, I have my apple tree.......we enjoy what we have......
Dear Gail....I am sure Ms Bluebird is happy and content in your garden...who wouldn't be?
It is a lovely time of year for time wasting, watching the bugs and birds go about their business......
Hope the rain soon stops and the sun shines......
Hi Ruth....we had a very light frost last night....May is always unpredictable here.....
Hope you warm up soon......
`Beautiful` Cheryl..
Hope your enjoying your Bank Holiday weekend:)♥
So happy to see a Sunday Safari...the carder bee is so funny. I have not seen the Bee fly here, but I thought it looked familiar from my field guide. They have such a fluffy look.
I am starting to notice a lot more activity in the gardens now. The bees have been enjoying the early spring blooms...I think the bumblebee has made a home in one of our flower beds.
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