The garden is teaming with wildlife....the best year yet, especially bees.
That makes me happy, it truly does.
Planting around the pond is slightly (actually more than slightly) out of control but I like it. It is growing on me.
My chair is also carved from a felled oak. Imagine the chair upside down. The legs are carved from the trunk and the back of the chair is the root system. Again the tree was a danger to the public. Sad that it should be cut down, but sometimes there is no other answer.
This is a natural bog garden. When we moved here....I removed the turf, added heaps of compost and sand. The plantings are beautiful.....marsh mallow, large leaf hosta, native sedge, arums.......and dogwoods.
In the centre, a beautiful Gunnera. I thought I had lost this during our harsh winter. Whilst it is a shadow of it's former is alive. Hopefully as summer progresses it will put on good growth.
Nella patrols this area regularly. This is where the rabbits enter the garden.
The beech hedge is now in full leaf.........
The copse is filling out.......
blue tits, wren, and blackbirds are nesting here.
The view to the house is slowly disappearing.
And finally this is what greets me when I leave the copse. Excuse any netting, cloches, etc in these photographs but when you have a rabbit problem, needs must and all that.
Hope you have all enjoyed the long weekend........I have.