get your camera out and snap away......
Mahonia Aquifolium is just beginning to bloom. After flowering I shall cut it to the ground. I do this every other year to keep it bushy......
Primula Palinuri with it's cowslip like clusters of slightly fragrant flowers, looks delightful planted with muscari. I personally, love this combination......
Have you a favourite spring bloom and what setting do you like it in??
Have a good weekend..........
I love the tiny delicate flowers. Looks so fragile. But I know they're hearty.
Wonderful photos, Spring is such a fantastic time!
Beautiful photos of beautiful flowers Cheryl. How difficult it is to pick favourites, for me as a Spring garden flower it has always been the Daffodil but in the wild it is Primroses, Violets and Bluebells.
I have a lot of self set Violets which have just come into flower, some Common Primroses given to me years ago by an elderly neighbour, sadly no longer with us. I think they originally came from a local wood before it was illegal to pick wild flowers. I also have some Bluebells from my late Mother's garden which I think were also originally from the wild. I love all of them for their beauty and also for the memories they evoke.
Oh Cheryl! You have captured the sun shining through your spring flowers so beautifully!
I love all the bright spring colours. Your garden is alive!
A favourite spring flower? Ohhhh that's hard. I love them all.
But, I would have to say I like daffodils best of all. The yellow is so cheerful.
Let me wish your son a very Happy Birthday. I heard through reading one of your comments on Sherry's blog. My eldest son was also born in spring, on March 22nd. What a nice time to have babies!
I love all your wildflowers, Cheryl, and seeing new ones that I'm not familiar with. My favorite spring flowers are the old standbys, daffodils and tulips. They are really coming up all over my garden--that hard work last fall paid off:)
While I don't have much blooming outside yet, I know it's only a matter of time. I planted lots of seeds today, including the ones you have sent. I can't wait to see them mature!
Violets pop up everywhere around my garden. I have to watch out or they would take over. I always leave a few though. I love to bring them into the house in small vases.
Hi Brenda.....tiny blooms that looks so fragile....yet they are as tough as old boots.....
Hi lovely.....I could not agree more....I love to walk the lanes and look at the spring see a wood full of bluebells, there is nothing else like it....
You are lucky to have such memories that come with your blooms.....
Thank you son is a joy to me.....
He is on holiday at the moment with his friends.....
He is one of my blessings.....
May your son have a wonderful day to....
Daffs are so bright and cheerful after a dull and drear winter......enjoy your blooms Wendy......
Hi Rose.....the old ones are the best.....daffs have always managed to lift my spirit...they are so cheerful.....
I do hope that your seeds do well....
We are having cold nights with heavy frost....I am having to keep the heater quite high in the greenhouse...I pray every night it does not go out. My little seedlings are at the fragile stage....
Have a lovely weekend......
Hi to, love them in the house......I like them in an old fashioned vase....reminds me of days gone by.....
Have a wonderful weekend........
Aren't anemones the cutest things ever?! Mine don't even have foliage yet, but my primula leaves are starting. I didn't realize you had mahonia in the UK; cool!
this year is going to be an experimental time for new things in the garden. i feel like a pilgrim on a new adventure.
all of your wild blooms look so delicate. i planted a ruffled pansy yesterday with ruffly leaves too.
Hi Monica....I love mahonia, they are the best bee shrub ever....I like charity and aquifolium, both have such a gorgeous scent.....
Hi is a take the path in a garden is pure delight, full of dreams and adventures....
The pansy sounds delightful. I planted some Panola last month....a cross between the pansy and viola....can't wait to see what the flower is like......
LOVELY BLOOMS I just have a few baby daffodils and some crocus.. but it's a start..
Love foxes too
I don't mind the wolves and coyotes..just let them stay on there territory and not my yard..
fondly, Deena
Hi Cheryl
Such gorgeous photos! I love the delicate spring flowers. They are definitely worth the work in autumn . . . so I'd better get out to the garden! xx
Hi Deena....I just so enjoy looking at your blod and seeing wildlife that will never frequent this space.....
Hi Naturewitch.....good to hearfrom you again....hope the bees are still doing well.
It certainly is worth the work in the autumn to have pretty blooms in the garden for spring. It will be good for your bees to.....
Dear Cheryl,
Just discovered your lovely blog. What beautiful photos you share. I will enjoy following the progress of your wildlife garden.
My favorite spring blooms are from my childhood memories. There was one mossy, open canopy of trees on our farm where blankets of snowdrops came up each spring. This seemed a magical spot to me when I was a child.
Lovely spring flowers. I was interested to read that you cut your Mahonia down after flowering. I must try that with mine as it is getting tall and straggly.
I have no violas, hall have to remedy that!! I should be out in the garden today, but I am blog hopping instead!!
Dear Cheryl,
I am enjoying catching up with you.
All of these spring flowers are lovely. My favorite of the spring bulbs is the muscari. I have thousands planted. They border all my beds. When in bloom my gardens look so pretty. I like the idea of planting Prinula Palinuri with the muscari.
I feel so much better this spring than last year. I hope to be out in the dirt planting and caring for the gardens.
Thank you for the garden tour. I love being in your gardens. My violets are still sleeping...When they are in bloom I will pick them for our salads. My husband thinks it is just grand we eat flowers!
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