Saturday, 31 May 2008

Leisure by W. H. Davies.

What is this life if, full of care, we have no time to stand and stare.
No time to stand beneath the boughs,
And stare as long as sheep and cows.
No time to see, when woods we pass, where squirrels hide their nuts in grass.
No time to see, in broad daylight,
Streams full of stars, like stars at night.
No time to turn at Beauty's glance,
And watch her feet, how they can dance.
No time to wait till her mouth can
Enrich that smile her eyes began.

A poor life this if, full of care, we have no time to stand and stare.


Michelle said...

What beautiful poetry and photos mum. As for my little man, what can I say? Firstly it is amazing that he was still enough for a photo, but secondly I look at him and cannot believe that he is my child, so precious and beautiful. Oh what a wonderful world!!!!

Kylee Baumle said...

Oh Cheryl, what a beautiful post. I really must stay longer and read more of your blog. Thank you for leaving comments on my blog enabling me to find you!p

beckie said...

Such amazing flowers!! I love the poem and how true the words. Your poppies are lovely and bright and I adore the lupines. What is the plant with the little yellow blooms? It it so unusual. And of course the darling in the swing is precious. Wonderful post!

Miranda Bell said...

Well Cheryl despite the horrible weather you've obviously had - garden is still looking gorgeous! We too have had a pile of rain but not the last 2 days which has been great! I did get a bit of a surprise though tonight whilst watering in the things I'd planted just as it was starting to get dark and something started moving quite quickly (it was obviously not that small!) in amongst the plants - and out came a huge toad!! A welcome visitor at that!

Have a good day .... Miranda

Rose said...

A wonderful poem, Cheryl, with a message we should all remember. Your garden is just bursting with blooms, including one of your "treasures", too.
This last photo brings back memories. I spent many hours as a child swinging on an old swing hanging from a large tree in our yard. My mother said I would swing and sing for hours. I still like to swing, but I'm not very good at singing anymore:)

Cheryl said...

Hello lovely I knew you would like it....I just managed to capture him as he looked up at me and smiled. The words are true....take the time Michelle to stop and stare. xxxxx

Cheryl said...

Thank you Kylee, so pleased you enjoyed it.

Cheryl said...

Hi Beckie....My two little grandchildren are more precious than anything in my life.

The little yellow plant is an alpine. Its in one of the troughs on the decking and is reseeding all over the place. My parents gave me a clump from their alpine name supplied I am so many of my plants. I get to the point where I can't be bothered to look them up. As long as they are doing well so be it!!!!

Cheryl said...

Hi Miranda....yes still some beautiful blooms but a lot of soggy ones too!!!lol
Don't you just love toads, you can imagine them munching away on all those nasty slugs!

Cheryl said...

Hi Rose.....Little man and I spent a long time on the swings together. He stayed overnight, and is such a good little boy. Bright as a button and eager to learn. I know you would like my little Grandson, he so wants to learn, can't get enough information. He is also a Gemini.

Lisa at Greenbow said...

Love the way you put your pictures to the poem. We all need to take more time to stare especially you with all those gorgeous blooms. That sweet face at the end is enough to make you stop and stare too.

Zvrk said...

Beautiful words with beautiful photos!

P.S. This rain has been to much for my garden which now looks more like a bog.
(I live very near Sissinghurst Garden, which part of Kent are you?)

fiona said...

Great post! Lovely words and stunning pictures.. today's favourite: the beatiful hot red poppies :-)

Naturegirl said...

You took the time to notice all the beauty around you! Lovely post and what gorgeous flowers gracing your garden!! Oh my look at the sweet angel in last image!! Thank you for taking the time to share all that's around you today!hugs NG

Cheryl said...

Thank you Lisa.....there is always sun in my garden when the grandchildren are in it.....

Cheryl said...

Hi Zvrc....I am around fifteen minutes from Sissinghurst....
My garden is part bog, the rain is still having trouble draining away.
Tksfor the lovely comments.

Cheryl said...

Tks Hedgewitch.....those poppies certainly are hooootttt.

Cheryl said...

Hi Naturegirl....I was always told as a child to stop daydreaming. I am glad I didn't take any notice, I still do it now, and can get lost in the outside world.
My grandson lights my life, I just have to look at him and I feel happy.

Its good that we all share our gardens and makes this world a much better place.

Always a pleasure to hear from you.

Jeanne said...

Everything is gorgeous.
I love all that you share.
Love Jeanne

Cheryl said...

Jeanne you are so very kind....tku

Dawny P said...

Well these are stunning as always Cheryl I love the first two with the poppies -you probably guessed that I adore poppies!! But my very fave is that handsome little chap in the last one - awww how cute is Riley!! And Mich is a wonderful Mum - you can feel the love for him in her post. You have a very lovely and loving family Cheryl. Hope you had a great weekend xxxx

Mary said...

That last line is so true. I love to stare. What a wonderful post.

Thanks, Cheryl.


Meems said...

Cheryl: Well I could stop and stare in your garden any day... and how I would love to! Stunning poppies and those white cone shaped flowers... what were they? besides beautiful that is? Very nice and a lovely visual of so many wonderful flowers and scenes... but of course that last little fellow makes me smile. I know the joy of grandbabies ... there is none better!
Meems @Hoe&Shovel

Anonymous said...

Cheryl, your post and poem and flowers are beautiful!
It is such a pleasure to stand and stare really. I love to spend hours in the park staring and now I will recollect these words every time I go for a walk.

Cheryl said...

Hi Dawny.....there is nothing as important as family, and I know you hold yours close to you heart to.
Thanks for the lovely comment.

Cheryl said...

Hi Mary me too......

Cheryl said...

Hi Meems....we carry our grandchildren in our hearts, thats for sure.

The white flowers are lupins....they have the most wonderful fragrance, almost of ground black pepper, with a hint of sweetness. I adore them, they come in many colours.

Cheryl said...

Hi Aluajala......I can certainly imagine that you would do this.
Your posts most certainly relfect it.

Cheryl said...

Poor heart aches for you, it really does.
The first two years I was here the rabbits destroyed so much.....I know that feeling of giving will get there, truly.

Wendy said...

What a lovely post - your garden is doing so well. And I love the pic of your little grandson swinging in the garden. Ah - grandchildren are sooooo precious, aren't they?

Cheryl said...

Hi Wendy, they are precious, more precious than life itself....