I have given the wildlife somewhere to come, where they will be safe........
I have planted hundreds of plants for bees, butterflies and birds. I am at the moment waiting for these epimediums to come into bloom. Will someone please tell me they love them, as much as I do. They are, I think, the prettiest little flower......
I don't think a garden is ever truly finished. There are always new projects to do....ways of improving things.....

I divide plants each year and relocate them.

My favourite area is the woodland walk. The trees have done well and the underplanting is lovely.
I love to add fairies to the garden......I like them to have a bit of age.....
And one of my favourite pieces is this owl.......he was carved from an old oak, that had to be felled.......my dear father in law bought him.........we lost him five years ago. He was a kind man, with a big heart. I called the owl 'George'.....that was Pa in law's name........
and this sweet little girl reading her book, reminds me of my dear little Poppi.

I will leave you with some photographs that I took in the garden today. My friends do not share my love of gardening or nature.....so for me, to share with you is wonderful. I want to thank all of you, for leaving comments, visiting so frequently and sharing my ups and downs. I think of many of you as close friends. I love to visit your blogs and read about your lives, gardens, dogs, wildlife and much much more..........
Thank you for strolling around the garden with me. Hope that your days are warm and you are able to do the things that make you happy.........
Oh Cheryl~Someday maybe I will find the time to travel & we can walk around your garden & play Poppi. I love my friends I have made here in blog land. You are one of the nearest & dearest. Thank you!
I don't plan my garden either. I play & plant & explore.
Cheryl the year we lived in England I cooked on an Aga. My small oven is electric, portable, and will be kept out of sight until needed. I have very little counter space in my small kitchen. I prefer not to use a microwave, so the small oven is the next best thing.
Thank you for being the very first person to comment at my new blog! You're such a special friend, and I'm so glad I've met you.
Your garden is exquisite! What I would give to spend an early morning exploring it. Your photos are so beautiful, and make me feel as though I'm there. How I love the English gardens. There is nothing like them on earth. ♥
Wow, your garden is lovely! I love the owl and the man who made him sounds special, too! Also, love the fountains. George looks nice near the euphorbia! P.S. No, gardening is never done. Isn't it great?! ;-)
Lovely photos Cheryl, your Garden looks wonderfully magical - just what I hope to achieve some day!
I've been hunting for one of the flowering currants, they're really not very easy to find these days, rather like my hunt for hedging Hawthorn last year!
The lovely weather recently has really lifted my sprits as the garden is coming to life, nothing better for the soul at all!
Oh Cheryl, your garden is indescribably beautiful. No wonder you call it your wildlife sanctuary, the peace and serenity shines out of it. I love all the sculptures as well, the Owl is beautiful. I have a small piece very similar to your little girl reading which I bought a few years ago at Art in Action at Waterperry Oxfordshire it is only about 7 or eight inches long and is an indoor ornament but does remind me of yours.
I have followed your blog for more than eighteen months now, long before I had the courage to comment let alone blog. It really does give me immense pleasure to share your beautiful space and thank you for letting me.
Please excuse the 'novel' I do have problems knowing when to stop!
Hi Cheryl. I agree that gardens are never "done". I am happy that they aren't actually. I would miss the hard work. Uahh did I just type that I would miss hard work? Ask me again in July. But really, I would miss messing around in my garden.
And with the addition of blogging I would miss my blogging buddies. I would miss reading about your ups and downs, achievements and failures. They all add up to a wonderful life. Thanks so much for sharing all with us. I would really miss you if you didn't show up on my reader most days. And that sweet little Poppi and Riley. They add the icing to the cake so to speak.
Dear Cheryl, your garden is wonderful...full of surprises, with much to see and touch and watch. I especially love the little girl looking over her shoulder, and the owl. He is full of personality! I don't think a garden is ever finished either. It is always changing--evolving. How boring would it be if it were stagnant, and never changed. Like the changing of the seasons, flowers grow, bloom, and fade. Some multiply and take over a spot, while others seem to languish no matter the tender care it receives. So exciting! I always think of that quote from the movie, Forest Gump--it seems to apply to so many things in life..."Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what your going to get." So true when it comes to our gardens, and there are times I dream about all I want to do, and can hardly wait to get my hands in the dirt.
Thank you, Cheryl, for sharing all these broad views of your garden...I know I've said it before, but it's just amazing all that you have accomplished here. So beautiful! And I love all the statuary and artistic touches, too; you may not have "planned" your garden, but everything just seems to fit together perfectly.
Other than Beckie, most of my friends don't share my love of gardening either. And my children think I have become obsessed with it:) So I, too, so enjoy being able to share ideas and the pleasures that a garden brings with all my blogging friends. And most of all, I am inspired by people like you, Cheryl, who see so much beauty in the small things. For example, I never would have thought of a beetle mound! How interesting.
A garden is like life--I don't think we want either to be "finished":)
Your garden is alive with magic! Your flowers sing! I thank you so much for inviting us to stroll with you. The sanctuary you've created is a work of love and just the right place for wildlife to find sustenance and tranquility.
No, I don't believe the garden is ever finished either, but then what would we do?
"George" looks so wise. I do like an owl in the garden to watch out for all the naughty creatures who get carried away nibbling at your tender green shoots and pretty flowers.
My mother taught me to love gardening. I share this love with my brother, but not many others, except here in Bloggerville. I am glad blogging has brought us all together.
Our gardens are always changing.
Love the pastel colors.
Some friends will love what you have done but say they don't have time for it. :(
If health is on our side we make time for what and whom we love!
I think we all love gardening.
No. Gardens, like children are never finished...always a work in progress.
I do so love your beautiful garden. The statuary adds great feeling. If I ever get over to the UK, I'm hoping to see it in person.
I too love the owl. You have friends here who love your sharing of your gardening adventures. A garden to me is more a "process" than anything else. I enjoy the journey.
Hi Cheryl, I very much enjoyed the walk around your garden. You are right to be proud of your achievements. I don't have you're obvious artistic touch but like you I do know what plants I like. I believe the garden is a journey with lots of twists & turns as we try to paint the picture we want but nature often does it better.
My dear friend, I love nature too. Don't forget to visit my blog. you and all of your friends are invited. I really appreciate your support. Thanks...
Dear Cheryl,
My gardens are always changing...like me. I have worked these grounds for 32 years. Every year something changes. Last year I added my medicine herbs and this year a Dyers Garden and an English Children's Garden, from the seeds you so kindly shared.
I once was in a garden club. They were all about size of blooms! Here in hyperspace have I been honored to meet kindred spirits. Here I share the love of all the natural ways.
Thank you for the love you put into everything you do. Adding the pond is such an important addition. I am looking forward to seeing your frogs!
You have restored and care for an important part of the countryside.
I feel inspired on this rainy, cold April morning, thank you.
Your garden is exquisite. I love seeing all the bio-diversity both in the plant world and your birds and bugs...
May you and your family have a blessed Easter.
Dear Cheryl, Funny that you posted about this topic...I was thinking that no garden is ever the same year to year...they aren't static. The plants grow and need to be divided, some die and need to be replaced....it's a wonderful dance we get to attend. Your garden looks and sounds perfect to me...the critters have plenty of food and shelter and human visitors have places to walk, play and sit. George is a wonderful carving~~goodness, I can hear the tornado warning being sounded! gotta go! gail
Dearest Cheryl, there is a saying- though I can't remember for the life of me who says it- that "gardeners live in the most beautiful places... because they made the that way." You really have. I love exploring your garden with you.
Cheryl These are fabulous photo`s `Beautiful`..
`Happy Easter`..
Have a lovely time:)♥
Your garden is a treasure of delights! Thank you for sharing your beautiful sights with us. I know your garden will never be finished. You will always be looking for ways to atrract and shelter more critters. And they and we love you for it!
What a beautiful heaven on earth you have there, Cheryl.... I love your fairies, and your fountains and flowers... every corner speak of peace and serenity..... to walk there is to be close to God.... Enjoy it, my sweet friend, and may you and yours have a blessed Easter...
dear cheryl,
your garden looks like an absolute paradise. i can just see you easing around there nuturing every living thing. what a pleasure after a very long, wonderful easter to come here and walk around with you and relax in your peaceful garden.
happy easter. i have loved being able to befriend such a friendly lady.
I love visiting your garden, if mine was bigger I would definately have woodland walks as well. You have inspired me to plant a bee garden, which I am really looking forward too, once we have finished the veg part!
I have something on my blog waiting for you to be picked up... come get it! ;)
Love ya!
It's so nice to look around one's garden and feel sheer satisfaction in having created it. Gardening is so rewarding in that way.
I look at your gardens and absolutely DROOL! They are so beautiful! I afraid mine has a loooong way to go. But I keep on digging.....LOL
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