This little wildflower has carpeted the looks pretty and quite magical........
and ladybirds.........

Poppi and I were on a voyage of discovery.........just enjoying the moment......
No effort deep discussion.......

Just nature, Poppi and I..........
Lost in our own little world..........I needed this day........a soft day........a quiet day.........
That sounds like my kind of garden day! How wonderful to share it with someone that enjoys it as much as you do.
We all need days like that every once a while. Your snails are better looking than my
Beautiful Poppi in the garden, surrounded by buzzing bees, wonderful butterflies and pretty blue magical :)
If you saw the tulip on my blog, Cheryl, it is called Tulipa Black Parrot :)
I love auriculas...and your display is wonderful...amazing what we find when we improvise :)
Your butterflies are feeling the warmth of your temps to be out and about. I have seen the small white in our garden...i await the orange tip, the small tortoiseshell and the peacock later in the year :)
As always, a treat to come here, dear Cheryl :)
That's so cool Poppi is so interested int he garden. And quiet--I thought she was a preschooler, ha ha! Well, come to think of it, my niece was quiet if her brother wasn't around, though she wasn't interested in the garden. :(
This sounds absolutely marvelous Cheryl. I could use a quiet day too. I don't think I will get one any time soon. I have plans for shopping (plants) and going to an auction with a friend. Dog sitting this weekend. This means I will be doing more walking as I like to keep the dogs worn out so they behave. Ha.... I should walk so much anyway. Your garden looks so lively with all the bugs. Those snails have beautiful shells. Our snails have ugly dull looking shells. Nothing as exotic looking as theese. Hugs to you and your sweet Poppi.
Cheryl, such a lovely day. I know you and Poppi refresh your spirits in the garden. Your wildflowers are so pretty. And I love all your bees. Eveb though those snails are such pests, yours are really beautiful.
Hope you enjoyed your soft and quiet day.
Such a beautiful day in your garden, Cheryl. I love the last photo of the toadstools--I can almost see a little fairy hiding behind them:)
The snail shells are so pretty! I know you don't want them eating your hostas, but I'd be tempted to collect those shells.
You and Poppi are so lucky to have each other to share these special moments.
Hi Cindy....Poppi and I are soulmates......I enjoy each and every moment I spend with her.....
Hi Rusty....yes we do, sometimes we just need to get some quiet, away from the problems and worries......
Hi wildlife gardener....tku re tulip, several people have kindly left the same name.....
Days with Poppi are delightful.....time will probably change her, but I cherish the moments that I spend with her now......
Hi Monica.....Poppi is without doubt a natural gardener......she helps with many little jobs.....she laughs a lot, but is basically a quiet child......
Hi lovely.....dogs and children are the best.....
Yes the snail shells are beautiful.......we do get a lot of pretty shelled snails here......something for you to paint, perhaps?
Hi Beckie....the day was calm and meaningful...I need this at the moment......
Poppi is always a joy and without doubt refreshes my soul with her gentle ways......
Hi Rose.....I was very surprised to see the toadstools.......we looked for fairies but they must have been hiding!!
If the song thrush eats the snails I will collect the shells and put them in a nature box.....
It was a delightful day with the little one.....
Hi Cheryl, it sounds like both Poppi and you needed a day like that to charge the batteries. Lovely pics, thanks for sharing.
BTW I think we would all benefit from having a little Poppi in our lives too. ;-)
A beautiful golden day Cheryl and it was lovely to share it with you and Poppi. Sunshine, a quiet garden and a beautiful little girl to share it with must help to soothe and restore ones spirit.
It makes my heart sing Cheryl to imagine what that day was like w/ Poppi in your wonderful magical garden. And to hear that she is your soulmate just thrills me to no end....
Cheryl, What a blessing to have a little kindred spirit like Poppi to share your quiet time in the garden and in life. I love your ..."Later in the day we found snails hiding in a tree. The song thrush will find them eventually........" If we all could embrace that philosophy we might be at peace more often...Warmest, gail
I like your kind of day. I've never seen a snail attached quite like that. Interesting. Everything in nature is interesting!
We need those soft, quiet days every so is nice to just observe and be happy.
What a beautiful day - to just be. You and your little granddaughter seem to be on the same wave length. How nice to connect that way. Both of you contented and happy in the garden.
I've never seen snails in a tree. How strange. Or maybe I've just not looked!
Such a calming post, I feel like breathing deeply and just relaxing for the rest of the evening. Thank you for sharing your bees and flowers with us.
Lovely post. I think you and Poppi are true soul mates sharing your wonderful garden.
Dearest Cheryl,
A lovely day indeed. It is marvelous Poppi understnads quiet.
An old soul I do think she must be.
Do I see your bees coming out of the bee box? How exciting! I am waiting on mine.
I loved seeing all your bugs. They have returned and are beautiful...I have my Butterflies and Moths book from the Wildlife Trusts. I shall go back and see if I can identify the lovely little butterfly. I saw my first Spring Azure today in the woods. Soon the butterflies will be in my gardens.
Hugs to Poppi.
Hugs to you.
Hugs to all your trees.
Hi was indeed a golden day....and my spirit was certainly restored.....have alovely weekend
Thank you Cyndee......these are special times, she will soon grow, and things will change. I cherish the moment.......
Hi Gail.....I learned to stop worrying about what was in the garden a long time ago now. For me it is the healthy option.....after all I still have a garden, so things are not that bad.......
Hi Wendy.....I have never seen snails in a tree before and they are so is amazing what you can find when you look around.....
DEarest Sherry.....yes the mason bees are out. It always excites me.....yours will probably be a couple of weeks after mine.....please do not miss this, it is just the best.....
I shall hug Poppi and trees, it will be a pleasure.....
Have a beautiful weekend.......
i too love those kind of days. we have been having very long, tiring days around here but all will be worth it when things start popping out of the ground. i love having a minute in the heat of the day to just read and relax and being with you and poppi is just what the dr ordered...thank you so much for the peaceful time.
Last week was just magical!
Some beautiful photos Cheryl - love the one on the top of your blog - wonderful colouring. Just walking around my garden today, I just have to find some time to take some pictures too - it's such a pretty time of year... enjoy the rest of your weekend Miranda
ps we have baby blue tits already in our nest box.... v. exciting!
Absolutly `Beautiful` Cheryl..
So precious are those quiet times...
Hope your enjoying your weekend..
Lotsa loves:)♥
Those are pretty snails. Mine are always brown.
I love it.. We have lovely weather here the last few days....Spring has arrived.
Poppi is darling.. I don't have a Poppi, but my grandson Caleb is as happy in the garden as I am.
Such a lovely day, dear Cheryl! You, Sweet Poppi (such a cute name), and your enchanted gardens, everything looks perfect! May flowers always line your path and sunshine light your day, my sweet friend...
Love you!
Cheryl what a beautiful quiet day you spent with Poppi appreciating the beauty of your garden. sigh.
Hi Cheryl.
I have just followed your link from Jan's blog(ShySongbird) and like hers, your Aple Blossom is lovely. You have a terrific garden Cheryl. I admire you for how you have developed it. Great for wildlife, also nice tranquil spots to sit and contemplate.
it is wonderful that you spend time like this with your granddaughter. She will remember these days her entire life.
I will seeing my little granddaughter in 2 weeks and cannot wait. :)
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