I love this ornamental nettle.......the flowers are unusual and very pretty......
Two dahlias have not been touched by the rabbits....this one is 'surprise Lucy'...
and this one 'surprise Becky'......both delightful little blooms......

Allium Cristophii is just beginning to open....this is an all time favourite of mine.....
This beautiful clematis is 'Mrs Cholmondeley'......a cheap buy last year, it did not do particularly well.......this year it is wonderful, with blooms as large as saucers........
and finally oriental poppies......a bright bold bloom......dotted around the garden........and on a miserable day like to day they really do cheer the heart......
Maybe we need to change the phrase of dressed in sheeps clothing to rabbit...I love rabbits, just like deer....until I see the damage done.
I have Mrs. Chomondeley too. They are beautiful!
So many beautiful blooms Cheryl, but such a shame about the rabbit damage! I suppose it does indicate what a wonderful wildlife sanctuary you really do have though and comes with the 'job'!!
I had never realised there are Dahlias that flower this early, I have only had ones which bloom in late Summer.
A lovely cheering post!
I do love your garden, Cheryl. Too bad those rabbits can't get lunch elsewhere. Hope the weather breaks soon.
Well that was a nice post - full of bright flowers! Not dull at all! LOL! I do love dahlias and it's too bad those naughty bunnies are eating them. Roses too. Don't they know they're supposed to eat carrots?
We are having cold, wet and dull days too. Hope the sun shines soon!
Cheryl, you may think your garden dull, but I find it delightfully cool and refreshing looking. Those poppies are beautiful-I am envious. :) I love your cornflower and nettle as well as the phlox. It heard you had a great garden and wanted to join all the fun.
I hope those darn rabbits learn some manners soon! Nella is probably worn out chasing them.
Getting packed to go to Spring Fling. Rose and I are leaving in the morning. Will think of you and wish you were there.
Dear Cyndee....I must say I love rabbits to, they are such gentle creatures but the damage they do is enormous. I must say I didn't relise quite how much until I mved here.....
Hi Jan.....I like the early flowering dahlias.....but not as much as the late summer blooms. The rabbits have unfortunately eaten all my favourites.....the dahlias will of course come back but they were looking good.....
As you rightly say it is all part of wildlife gardening....
Hi ncmountaingirl.....I live in hope that they will find a better restaurant and dine elsewhere.....
but they are regular customers at the moment...lol
Hi Wendy......I have put old carrots out for them, in the hope they will leave my garden alone....it doesn't work.....
You would not think that such gentle creatures could cause so much damage......
Hope your weather lifts.....as I type and look out of the window the sun is shining......
Hi Beckie......thank you. Yes Nella is worn out but enjoying every minute of it. Patterdales are rabbiters and ratters, so she is having the time of her life and doing what comes naturally.....
I do hope you have a wonderful weekend. Shall think of you all, and raise my glass to you......
Hi Cheryl,
Our first visit to your blog and must say that you have great blooms in your garden.Will be following for more:)
All these blooms make your garden very cheerful, Cheryl, in spite of the weather. Too bad about those nasty rabbits, though; they must be awfully brave to come back, knowing that Nella is on patrol.
I'm leaving in about half an hour, so I'll try to leave a proper thank-you later, but I just wanted to let you know how much I appreciated the surprise birthday gift. You seem to know intuitively just what I like, Cheryl! Thank you for being so thoughtful; I will be thinking of you this weekend as I tour some marvelous gardens in Chicago.
Our weather here has been similar for the last week we had torrential rains everyday. I feel for your rabbit problems, they are so cute but so destructive.
Dosen't look to dull to me.
Everything looks wonderful.
I think I'm behind schedule.
I cut my honeysuckle down last month for the first time ever...maybe not a good idea.:(
Dear Cheryl,
The rabbits are eaters! I am glad they left some flowers for the bees and butterflies. It IS all part of gardening. I also have rabbits but not as many as you! Right now mine are behaving and eating the clover in the yard...good bunnies...I am glad of it too! I hope to cut lettuce for our supper tomorrow and peas! The rabbits did not eat it this year!
I love seeing all your pretty flowers!
Being in your gardens gives me a feeling of peace and calm.
Thank you.
I agree with the others...dull is not a word to describe your garden! But it has also been very cool and rainy here in Ontario this week and I have been unable to sit outdoors in the evening to enjoy my garden.
dear cheryl,
your garden could never be dull...just the weather...but your garden is so full of life and flowers. it looks beautiful...what can you do with those hungry rabbits?
i am sure the sun will come out tomorrow...bet your bottom dollar.
Dear Rose.....I do hope you have a wonderful trip....I know that you will...shall think of you all enjoying your time together....
I am glad that you like the gifts....it is difficult to choose for someone you have never met...but I did my best......
I must say the rabbits are becoming more than just a nuisance....I feel so guilty saying that, as they are such gentle creatures. I have never had so much damage in the garden......
Dear Sherry....I am so glad that your bunnies are behaving...maybe mine should have lessons from yours. The damage does get worse each day and unfortunately they have started on the borders now, eating the plants that I grew in my little greenhouse. I lost my morning glories.....cupids darts......and a few others.....
The garden is colourful and is taking a lot of my time at the moment. Little Rileys is coming to stay today......he will stay overnight.....I am looking forward to this.....
See you Sunday...
Hi Marmee....hope you are having fun....
thank you, I do my best with the garden and enjoy it.....the rabbits are so very naughty and as you say 'What to do, what to do??'
It is dull wet and cool in our garden today (Wednesday) too Cheryl. I am sort of glad becasue I am still tired from the Spring FLing trip and work. The garden is on autopilot. The weeds appreciate this. Ha...
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