butterflies and moths........
We talked of colour.....
We both loved this Aquilegia.....I love white and Poppi loves lilac....this little bloom had a touch of both and is very pretty.......

Walking around the garden with her, showing her the flowers.......
watching, as her tiny hands touch the leaves. I gave her a little job to do. Plant some strawberry plants for Mummy.......with soil, tubs and plant on the patio she started to work. I gardened nearby, and listened to the song of the skylark. The swallows were in flight..........then suddenly drifting on the light breeze her voice came to me. Little Poppi was singing.........quietly.......softly.........I watched her working, her sweet voice music to my ears.....and a tear fell, I was so moved by the moment. Her head turned to me, and without words she came running towards me, her little arms open........I bent down and opened my arms......she hugged me tight, so tight and said "I love you Nanna."
This morning I looked out of the kitchen window.......I saw the kitten on the lawn.....Poppi would smile and say how sweet she was........
I sat in the silence and sipped my tea.....Poppi had left her magic with me......I was looking forward to working in the garden.......I may even sing .........
Oh how sweet. I am glad you had a lovely day. You have quite a collection there. We too have had flooding but not as bad of winds. Take care hun! ~Brooke
Cheryl, What a sweet and magical day you had~~I've heard my friends talk about the joy of grandchildren and I can hear it in your words... So very wonderful! Your flowers are delightful and just what I needed this gray morning! Thank you~gail
A lovely, lovely post Cheryl and beautiful photos again.
It has been grey and miserable here the last two days and before that although sunny it was cool and very windy, we too have leaves scattered all around, such a shame as many were newly emerged.
What a delight Poppi is and how 'in tune' with her Nanna, little ones do such wonders for the heart and soul.
Ragged Robin reminds me so much of childhood walks and I still love to see it but had never thought of having it in the garden...now that's a thought.
Those precious moments in the garden with Poppi must refresh you no matter what. Lovely post...a tribute to nature and to children everywhere.
Cheryl, this sounds like a perfectly magical day! I always picture Poppi as sort of a fairy princess spreading drops of sunshine and happiness wherever she goes:)
We had strong winds and lots of rain yesterday, too. I am waiting for a sunny and dry day to have two of the younger grandchildren over. They have both been asking me for weeks, "When are we going to plant flowers, Grandma?" I think the new butterfly garden will be the perfect place for them to start.
Oh Cheryl, this post brings tears to my eyes too. How sweet is the love of a grandchild. I can just see you two, gardening side-by-side, drinking up the moments, singing to the bees and flowers.
I've never seen ragged robins. They are pretty. I also like your angelica flower (sorry the name is not right) - the one that both you and Poppi liked. You for the white and Poppi for the liliac. I can see her bringing you a bouquet of these flowers one day, when you least expect it.
These moments are to treasure, and bring out on a dreary, cold and windy day.
Oh, and I love that teapot! It looks like just the perfect pot for brewing herbal teas. I must look for one!
Thank you for sharing your garden and magical moments with us.
Aw what fun things bloom in your gardens: plants, animals, and little humans! :)
Wonderful photos and I love the colours, definitely my kind of garden!
The weather has been terrible here recently, no chance of photos and it's really beginning to frustrate me as I need to be outside!
Thanks for sharing these magical moments, Cheryl. Children are so pure so full of feeling so I'm not surprised that Poppi started singing, her little heart was running over ......
Here we have had strong winds too but no rain at all so everything is bone dry. Not good.
Hi Gail...I think that being a grandparent gives you the chance to give children more time. To take in the little things.......they are pure delight.......
The flowers are blooming well....surprising really, we have not had rain for a long time......
Hi Jan.....I love to have wildflowers in the garden....ragged robin in drifts is delightful and the bees love it....
and of course our native wildflowers have been able to deal with all sorts of weather and conditions....they are as tough as old boots, and yet they look so fragile........
If ever you want any seeds be sure to let me know......
Dear Rose....Poppi really does bring joy to those she meets......wherever I take her people always remember her. She is rarely unhappy......and such a contented child. I love to share time with her. My two little grandchildren are everything to me.......
It has not rained here for a long time.....the soil is bone dry......and yet it is so dull.......
Dear Wendy.....I know you understand about the joy grandchildren bring....there love is so pure.....and totally unconditional....I count my blessings everyday....
The teapot is perfect Wendy, I use it for brewing all sorts of things....it is a lovely gift.......
Dear Yolanda.......our soil is bone dry to and as you so rightly say 'not good'........I long for some light summer rain......to refresh the garden.
Poppi is a little darling......I treasure each moment....another year or so and she will start school......
What a pretty time of year it is right now - I love all your wild flowers and lovely to be able to share your moments in the garden with Poppi too. As I type the rain is hammering on the velux.... this week has been a washout over here and the garden is benefiting without a doubt and so are all the weeds!:-)
Take care Miranda
Dear Cheryl,
I am shivering and tears are wetting my checks. These are joyful tears. I love this moment for you and Poppi.
She is a dear heart. Outside with the birds and the bees and the blooms is the perfect place for you two, kindred spirits...
Magical moments indeed.
What a magical moment you described!
Pretty pinks.
Tea from the garden...I must try that.
That sweet Poppi makes everyones heart sing. Ahhh yes, so many blessings.
Oh Cheryl, what a wonderful memory for you and for Poppi. Grandchildren can bring tears of joy and happiness with their innocence.
I hope you don't over do trying to clean up after the storm. We have had so much rain and wind here that it has been impossible to get much done in the gardens. Even my containers are sitting empty. Grandgirls are coming this weekend and I hope to have them help in the gardens. Take care and have a great weekend!
A beautiful post indeed!
So peaceful and serene... I'm at home here. I always enjoy my walks with you in your garden, my dear friend... may our Heavenly Father continue to bless you and yours...
How lucky you aro have such wonderful grandchildren, it must be magical for them to visit you too! Nanna's are very special too! I know I had one!
your place is magical, you have created a sanctuary there for the people you love and for the creatures you cherish. i am certain that anyone walking into your garden would at once feel peace...nothing could replace that.
it is wonderful to be able to share that with the ones we love the most...like our grandchildren.
you are creating a legacy...wonderful.
Hi CheRYL....
How beautiful....
`precious moments`..
I was there with you......
love the tea pot..
I bet your lemon tea is the best!!!
Have a lovely week..
loves to all:)x
Cheryl, this is a beautiful post. I know exactly how you felt and there is nothing like it when these little souls connect with you that way. You 2 are truly soul mates. Most mornings we are woken by the sound of Kyla singing - it always makes me smile and I feel so glad that she is happy and contented at the start of her day, but also sad at the same time as it reminds me that so many poor kids in this world we live in don't have that.
I'm glad that your sanctuary wasn't too wrecked by the wind - how destructive the elements can be. I remember years ago looking after my mum's garden while they were in the US on holiday. The work that they had put into this fairly small space was incredible, and like you, my step father had a gift and an affinity with the natural world. We had such high winds while they were away that it made a mess of the garden and I was so upset to see it, and I knew that they would be heartbroken. We did our best to put it all right, but it wasn't the same. They took it well when they got back - it wasn't anyone's fault at the end of the day - but it must have been horrible for them . Take care xxxx
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