Plums are helped me pick them last week......we have left some for the birds and bugs......
I was delighted to see this pretty pink foxglove........very late but very welcome.
This pretty butterfly bush is a self seeder.......this is a keeper.....all buddleja's are keepers here.......

I have to say I have been delighted with the pond. Although in it's infancy it has attracted a lot of wildlife. I have spent much time watching the comings and goings. The water has stayed beautifully clear, thanks to barley straw.
The tadpoles are large and growing legs. Some are fully formed and getting ready to leave. Good luck little's a jungle out there........
Butterflies are becoming more difficult to find. I noticed this one way up in the branches.......the sun had caught the meadow browns pretty.
A fluffy blue tit makes me has been such a good year for birds in the garden.......
"Don't forget me, it's not only Blue Tits that are cute."
As the day draws to a close I catch sight of Woody. I am very fond of this chap. He takes a dip in the pond each day.......and coo's gently down the chimney.....I find it soothing and calming listening to him. I have had a lovely week. I have been counting my blessings.....I have many and I am thankful. Happy Sunday
Hi Cheryl, don't you just hate it when it is so dry??!! Some are complaining here about how wet and cool it has been. I just loved this unusual summer weather we have had. Now the real summer has set in. It is hazy, hot and humid.
I just love the pictures of your birds. I can't seem to get close enough to take pictures of our birds. It is so frustrating. We have several cardinals hanging around for the blackberries that my DB hasn't picked for making jam.
I am glad you are having a good Sunday. Cheers.
cheryl so glad you had a week of blessings...with your family. your photos are so delighted you have had a good year with the birds and the fruit trees.
we have had one as well but completely different weather...wet and cool. august has been dryer which some things are loving.
i always look forward to visiting your garden and have loved being here today.
happy august.
So glad you had a good week away, Cheryl. But I'm sure you were happy to come home and visit the garden and all its inhabitants once again. It's hard to believe that soon it will be fall.
I'm going to be gone this week...moving youngest Daughter across the country to Oregon. I don't know if I'll have access to the internet during that time, so do have a good week!
Dear Cheryl,
So lovely even with the dry spell your birds and butterflies are charming.
Pink Foxglove is so pretty too.
Some years it is good to rest. I understand how the old Apple Tree feels. I too seem to need more rest these days.
I am so happy you had a fun week with your family. When I count my blessings at night I always say "Thank you dear Spirit, for Cheryl, Poppi and Reily. They have brought so much joy to this world and to my life."
Happy Sunday Safari!
Hi Lisa....yes I do hate it when it is hot and dry. I loved the summer last year, sunshine and showers. The garden looked great.
I was lucky with the birds Lisa. Like you I normally cannot get close enough.
We are expecting temperatures of
30C on Wednesday.....
Thank you family are so important to me. For all of us to get together is rare. I delighted in time spent just enjoying each others company.....
It has been a hard gardening year...but it is always rewarding......
Dear Rose.....I do hope goes well with daughter....take care and safe journeys.....
Dear Sherry.....thank you, you are so kind. I count you as one of my blessings to, you hae brought much joy to to my life.
The dry spell has been difficult to cope with....gone on for far too long.....still nothing lasts forever.
It has helped the birds and bugs.....but my trees and shrubs are not looking good.......I hope that we will have a wet autumn......
Mmmmm, plums and elderberries. (Actually, I'm not sure I've ever had an elderberry in not jam format, but I'm sure I'd like them!). Love the eyball peeking up int he pond--it that a frog or turtle, or... (it's not 6:00 am yet and my eyes aren't working!)
Cheryl, even dry your gardens look lovely. A real treat to ee your bird photos-and I know what you mean about their songs soothing. Your plums look delicious. They are a favorite of mine. And I am sure the birds are thanking you for leaving them so to enjoy.
So glad you had a restful week. Even the gardener needs to take a break now and then. Hope this week goes well for you also. :)
I'm so glad you enjoyed your 'family' week. You seem to have had much drier weather than we have, when HLH cut the lawn two days ago it was like the first cut of the season it was so damp, which is very unusual at this time of year, also some of the Cosmos are almost as tall as me! it has been a strange season here weather wise.
Your bird photos are lovely, I too love to hear the Wood Pigeons cooing down the chimneys, such a gentle peaceful sound. Have a lovely week Cheryl.
I'm glad to hear you had a lovely week with the family!
It's been very dry here too and last night I gave in and just had to water the garden, large cracks had appeared in the soil so figured it was time to do it.
My parents always complain about the Wood pigeons cooing, I can't say they bother me to be honest... It is quite calming and it's such a regular sound that I don't really notice it.
The plums look delicious! I need to get one I think... I just need a larger garden! :)
Your blue tits certainly are cute. Reminds me a little of our chickadees or tufted titmouse but yours have more colors. Hoping you get a good rain soon to put some color back in the grass and trees.
Thanks once more for sharing your garden with us. So pretty, and so reflective. Art
Hi always make me smile, you really do....the eye in the pond is a tiny frog.......
Have a fun week........
Hi are you?
I love plums, they are a favourite of mine to....these are an old variety and are very sweet and juicy....
The garden looks ok but some areas are just so dry....I need a week of rain, I really do......
I think I might do a rain dance if nothing happens soon!!
Hi has been a really dry summer here. We have had the odd heavy shower but nothing significant. Cracks are appearing all over the lawn....if they get any bigger I could disappear!!!
I love to hear the old wood pigeon.....we never get more than two here......I suspose if I had a flock they may be a nuisance, but until that time I shall cherish woody and his mate....
Have a good week.......
Hi Liz.....I know what you mean....I have large cracks in the lawn.....I could lose Nella if I am not careful!!
I love plums.....and I have loads this year, which is great. I am disappointed with the apple crop, blenheim orange are lovely and make the most delicious crumble. It is an old variety so I can never find them in the shops.....
Hi Marnie.....thank you.....I hope for rain every day but at the moment it is all in vain.
Have a good week.......
Cheryl, I knew it was drier then usual, but it looks like a drought....not good. The plums look delicious. I love the little Blue Tits...they are the cutest birds and I can see why you smile. They look so friendly. Where did the time go~~ It's too early to be autumn~~but we can't stop it from arriving. gail
Wow, your cracks really must be large to lose Nella! ha ha.
Perhaps you should propogate your apple tree to help ensure it survives? I'd like to get an old apple species, but do not have the first clue where to go to find one! Especially as ancient orchards are so scarce these days... We have one near us, and next time I go birding I might attempt a cutting because I know it will survive in this area.
btw, do you remember me talking about getting a new clematis? Here's a photo of one I took years ago, ever since I laid eyes on it I've been in love:
Hopefully you can see why I'm so in love!
Indeed Gail where did summer go? They say time goes more quickly as we age, I am beginning to believe it. So scary.....
I need rain, I really do.....I have resorted to using the hose but you cannot water a garden this size. I shall just water things that are really struggling......
Hi Cheryl such beautiful photo`s to share....
Love the little frog...TFS:)
hAVEa lovely week:)x
A lovely post, so full of gorgeous photographs and provoking so many memories for me. Just beautiful.
Love your little frog. I remember playing with tadpoles when I was a child. My brothers would dare me to catch one. I did. They were just fine. We'd watch them swim for a bit and then look for frogs.
I thought there were animals in your pond at first glance! Under the water looking up at us. It is so clear and pristine.
Can't believe you are harvesting plums already. Summer is flying by. I like the coo of a dove or pigeon too. It's a calm, soothing sound.
Hi Cheryl - I know it's been a while since I had time to sit with a cuppa and browse my favorite blogs - what beautiful photos and loved the little frog - so vulnerable aren't they! Hope you're having a good weekend and that things are a little cooler than here -just too hot to garden... the weather for a good long glass of Pimms and a BBQ... followed by hedgehog spotting at dusk! Take care Miranda x
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