Silence greets me.
The cold chills my bones and yet........ There is something quite magical about a frosted garden. I breathe in the cold air, and savour the moment.

Cold days mean log fires.....old houses are hard to heat. Nella loves the warmth of the fire and dreams of chasing rats. I dream of Spring and what is to come.
Winter months.....time to dream.......
Wow, Cheryl! You have a lovely property anyway, but it does look beautiful frosted!
Your home looks like a warm sanctuary right now.
Beautiful photos!
Hi Sue.....tku....I love the garden when it is frosted.....especially seedheads and grasses.
Brrrrrr that frost looks cold too. I love seeing your garden even during the cold of winter. Is the first picture one of your drawings? You should post some of your sketches. I would love to see them. I am glad to hear that you are sketching again.
I love the header photo. That big spot of yellow reminds me of the sun that hasn't made an appearance the past few days. I can't wait until it shines again. Never mind the cold just give me some sun.
Nella has the right idea. I would be making me a cup of tea and snuggling up by the fire too. Your photo looks so inviting.
Hi Cheryl,
Your photos look wonderful, so pretty!
Not too sure I'd like to join you on a stroll around the garden right now though... However you may find me sat infront of the fire :)
Btw, got a wonderful website for you with so many nice things it's just evil... I just had to buy some things off it...
and their other site:
Your garden does indeed look quite magical with it's dusting of frost. Winter is a time to dream, and the garden is always full of promise and perfection in my dreams.
Hi Lisa.....the first picture is a garden ornament covered in frost. I am thinking of changing my blog to a daily journal (only thinking at this time). I may show some of my sketches, although I must say I am always a bit shy when I show my work.....I never think it is quite good enough. A childhood thing.....
I changed the header for that reason. I needed something that looked pretty and showed some warmth.....
Hi LIz....I do not mind the cold....but I should have put my daytime clothes on. Trouble with me is I look out of the window and I have just got to be out there.
The fire is wonderful......I always wanted an open fire....
Tku for website....I do hope you are not leading me astray again!!
Moi??? Leading you astray?!
But of course I am my Dear Cheryl :)
But yes, I’m often out in my dressing gown too, I only stick to the decking area though where I’m well hidden from anyone seeing me… I know when we finally get a frost and I’m home I’ll definitely be out there taking photos, and it’s likely I’ll still be in my pyjamas too!
I hear snow is due on Friday? Mind, we were meant to have sleet yesterday and none came… Snow here today too… Seems actually quite warm this morning compared to recently… So I don’t think the snow will come.
We are both dreaming of spring, Cheryl:)
I agree there is something magical about the frost; your garden looks as though it's been covered in fairy dust. It actually looks colder there than here in my garden--I'd like to stay by the fire with Nella.
Your garden is lovely dusted with crystals. I envy you that beautiful fireplace. What a perfect place to curl up with a good book.
how lovely your garden looks under a blanket of frost. i do so love to walk around a frosty makes you embrace winter. i dream of spring to but try to enjoy winter as well. i do love sitting fireside with the dogs huddled around close.
happy december dear cheryl.
Nothing like a fire on a cold day.
Your garden is so beautiful, even in it's winter's rest---so peaceful.
Hi Cheryl, I often go out in my robe and I don't even bother to put a coat over it! Love the frosted blooms. I've made my first suet of the season. We have no snow but it's bitter cold. The woodpeckers, in particular, love it.
You are right Cheryl the garden looks magical, and the fireplace very inviting I can see why your dog like it.
Cheryl, it is beautiful! Thank you for sharing it with us~~I wish we had more lovely frosted days like these~~They might make up for the no snow that has become our winters....and they show my garden at its wintry best;) Not the gray and brown it has become.
Fireplaces are wonderful~~Yours in magnificent. I will have to have one no matter where we live. A garden, a place to walk and a fireplace~~Not much to ask!
Many days I run out into the garden in pjs and sweater! Brr is right. Keep your scarf handy, bundle up and keep warm.
Hi Gail Do you know I dreamed that for most of my life. A large garden, a place to walk and be with nature and an old house with an inglenook. It has not come easily...but then anything worth having never does. I was 51 when we moved here seven years ago......the time has flown and my journey has been one of wonder. I have had down times but that is life, ups and downs.
It is good to dream.....dreams can come true, it we dream them often enough........
Hi Cheryl:)
Your house is `beautiful` any time of yje photo`s
Wishing you and yours a very `Merry Christmas and Happy New Year`
Have lots of fun with `poppy and Riley`...big loves to Michelle too...
(Your cards are in the post)
`Enjoy` lots of love and `Many Blessings`:)xxx
Gorgeous frosty pictures. I like the mental image of you walking around it in your dressing gown and coat. It is exactly what I would do.
Dear Cheryl,
I was checking your responces to comments and saw I never made a comment on this exquisite set of photographs! Maybe I was called away. These images are incredible. Your garden is beautiful in every season. It shows your love and hard work.
I often will grab a coat and a camera....Making sure I have warm boots on is the most important part. My nightdress so often is long underwear!
I hope we get snow for Chriatmas. It is just brown and grey in my garden. The birds are my bright spot.
Your fire is inviting. I would sit and knit with Nella. The open hearth is lovly.
I am dreaming wellness.
Stay warm.
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