Watching a squirrel making a nest in an old owl box, was fascinating. She busied herself, for around an hour. Up and down the oak with leaves, straw and any other useful bedding material that she could find.
Daffs are peeping through the soil....a sure sign that spring is not too far away. It does lift my spirit to see plants moving. I walk the garden everyday, regardless of the weather. I have a need to be part of it, as it makes it's journey towards each season.

Regardless of the snow flurries and constant chill....I have found the motivation to work outside. I have been tying living bamboo together to form an arch. I thought it would give a pleasing walk to the greenhouse.
January and February are always the worst months for rabbit damage. Many plants have been taken to the ground. My beautiful specimen Fatsia has been eaten to within an inch of it's life, only three leaves remain. It should regenerate but I do not know if I really want to keep it. I am seriously considering removing many plants this year. A garden needs to move forward, as do I. I have ideas........
The eucalyptus has had the top four metres of growth removed. The wrong time of year to do this.........had we not done it, the tree would have come down in the strong winds, we had a month ago. The tree is of great sentimental value, as Mr P and I planted it the first spring we arrived. I am sure it will be fine, despite it's early haircut.......
Mum and Dad bought me The Ivington Diaries for Christmas. Monty Don is my favourite gardener. I love his style......his organic ways......and his uncomplicated thinking. He has many wonderful ideas, so I am trying to think how I can use them here........roll on warmer weather, when I can put thoughts into action......
Winter Solitude
in a world of one colour
the sound of the wind
I shall send The Forgotten Garden to you soonest.
A happy and healthy New Year to you all.
Hi Cheryl, Is it normal for daffs to start to emerge so early in the year? I'm always amazed how far ahead other places are... the arch is wonderful, it's just amazing to me that the plants have leaves on! Gail's haiku is indeed good, though i admit I was pleased with my own entry. Still, I shall be the bigger person (easy for me, ha ha!) and be happy for Gail! Happy new year, Cheryl!
Hi Cheryl,
Nice to see you back posting after the Christmas break :)
I love Bullfinches, we have lots around here thankfully but they generally are not very common across the UK so it's great to see one visit your garden.
The Daffs are a wonderful sign of Spring to come, it can't happen soon enough either, especially with the forcast Snowy weather over the next week... Very unsual to get so much snow... I may be forced to take more time off work because of it.
I love your Bamboo archway, I'm sure in summer it will be wonderful to walk under the swaying canes :)
Hi again Cheryl - the Ivington Diaries was also a present for me from my parents - I love Monty Don's approach too - bring him back to Gardeners World anyday... :-)
Hi Cheryl, love your blog. I'm from sunny South Africa! Where are you that the daffodils will bloom so early?
Have a wonderful 2010 I look forward to reading more of your blogs 2010...
I did enlarge the first photo Cheryl. I could see your handsome bullfinch. I really like the idea of a bamboo arch to walk through. I will see if I can find the Irvington Diaries. I bet it is a good read. Last year our daffs came up early. I don't think I will have to worry about that this year. We are in an Arctic zone right now. Happy Sunday Safari.
Monica.....the daffs are about right. They should flower end Feb/ beg March here.
I am pleased with the was done on a whim, it does look quite pleasing.
Love your last comment.....I am laughing, a good way to start my new year blogging...... have lots of bullfinches. How wonderful. They are rarely seen here, so for me it was exciting.
The bamboo arch is not finished yet....I hope it will be quite a feature by the time I have finished.
I was pleased to see the daffs up....not much else though. It has been snowing today and it has now turned to ice due to drop in temperature. We don't usually get so much snow......
Hi Miranda....I really miss Monty Don. I thought he brought Gardener's World down to earth. He is such an earthy man......
Hi LG.....I am situated in Kent...SE UK.
I visited South Africa in 1998. What part do you live in?
Hi Lisa.....we are in the middle of a snow storm at the moment. We have ice underneath from the previous day. Winter has really got a grip world wide I think.....
I am surprised the daffs have peeped out from the soil......
A belated Happy New Year to you, Cheryl! I hope 2010 has gotten off to a good start for you. I did enlarge the photo of the bullfinch--what a beauty! If we have these at all in the U.S., I've never seen one before. What can I say about your garden, but amazing! Your bamboo arch looks lovely. It's hard to believe you can work outside, when our gardens are covered in snow and the temps are hovering above 0--Fahrenheit, that is. It will be a long time until we see any signs of daffodils or other bulbs here.
Congratulations to Gail--Basho's haiku is perfect for the wise old owl. And to Monica, yes, your entry was very poetic as well:)
Hope you have a great week, Cheryl!
Dear Cheryl,
Your gardens look so green! I love seeing how your daffs are marching into early spring. Wow you could have blooms by St. Pat's Day!
My gardens are under a foot of snow and are in a deep freeze.
I love seeing your birds. Always a delight, I do click on your photographs and look deep into your trees. Being in the country makes a big difference with the birds. They have a small yard at my house so cannot hide too much from me.
Wonderful to see your new books. I too have a few new books to help me stay warm while the snow flies.
Thinking of you and your dear ones.
Happy safari. Happy New Year.
Daffodils! How lovely to see green. Your bullfinch and woodpecker are both very pretty birds.
Hi Rose....It is very cold here and we do have snow.....BUT certainly not as cold as your world.
The daffs are in the shelter of the small copse and that makes such a difference. The log piles also give them some cover. In the borders they are reluctant to emerge and I can't say I blame them.
I am loving my bamboo was an impulse 'sort of thing' The bamboo had got out of control, so I felled some and have started tying those poles that are left together. I am a little chuffed.....
Do hope the sun shines for you Rose and brings a little winter warmth.......
Dear Sherry.....tku. The gardens are green, with a sprinkling of snow. I do have a lot of ice though. My house is cold.....I am wearing big fluffy socks to keep my feet warm.
I thought I would try and show some of the bird life in the garden. It was much too difficult, as they were just too far away. I am learning acceptance.
The daffs, I feel sure, will be in bloom by St Patrick's Day. Something to look forward to.
I love your safari.....your bird photographs were just so amazing.
Dear Cheryl, the temp right now is -17 C and a windchill of -27 C. Brrr! No going out this weekend except for have to's.
I love the tree full of birds and it looks like a great place to roost. Your arch out of the bamboo is a brilliant idea. You will have to do some trimming and tying as it grows, but wih wonderful results I think.
I have not heard of Monty Don, but shall look for his books. And I am sorry I missed out on the haiku, but am such a poor poet. :) Gail's was very good.
Keep posting pics of the daffs. It will give us something to oh and ah over during our looooong winter.
Cheryl, I am very intrigued to watch the changes you hinted at that may be coming in your wildlife sanctuary. Very exciting!
My daffs are at about the same development--peeking out from their winter bed, telling me Spring will be here before we know it! I have been pouring over my seed catalogs as they come in dreaming of new plants, bigger beds, and of course, perfect plants with no pests!
I am sorry I have not been around to wish you a Merry Christmas. I hope it was a good one for your family, and that the New Year is filled with joy.
Hi Cherly,
Bullfinches are such wonderful birds that regardless of whether you see them frequently it's always still a pleasure to see them!
Last summer we even had babies in the garden that the parents brought. No chance of getting remotely close to them though! The adults were fairly easy to get close to, but with the fledglings, not a chance... I don't think I ever managed closer than 15m.
I plan on having a little archway in the new border... Just might take me a while before I get it! :)
We had snow Saturday night and it's still around now... I hear there's plenty more to come this evening with up to 5cm. Oh great...
It's actually really nice and warm in the sun, no doubt helped by wearing a black coat, I've had to go buy some boots for the expected snow. My trousers now have a lovely white nasty stains from the snow/grit... lol I wish I was in bed!
Hi Cheryl. I'm having problems posting to your blog today. Trying one more time.
I can hardly believe you have bulbs coming up already. We won't see any here until April.
We have such deep snow cover that many animals will find a real hardship this winter. Impossible to find food under two feet of snow.
Hi Beckie.....That is just too cold. I am not surprised that you are staying home. Hope you are cosy and warm inside.
The old oak is a wonderful tree for roosting birds. The ivy that is climbing it, gives shelter to many animals and insects.
As soon as the daffs are out I shall post but it will not be for a while yet.
The bamboo arch will be another gardening 'to do'. I enjoy shaping and pruning, so it will not be a chore......
Thank you Morning Glories. I do hope that your Christmas and New Year bought much fun and laughter.
It is good to see the daffs peeking out....they are brave because it is very chill and snow is still lying around.
I will tell you a little.....I am planning a bed of Queen Anne's lace with a backdrop of trimmed hawthorn. Monty Don has a border filled with the two species in his gardens and tells of the incredible scent and beauty as they bloom. As a lover of white blooms and the perfume of both plants, I ask myself, why have I not thought of this before. I am thinking of location at the moment. It is all just too exciting.......
I look forward to the gardening year ahead and following your dreams......
Hi are so funny....your lasts paragraph did make me least you have a nice new pair of boots. My wellies serve me well....everyone wears them around here, they are a bit like a
Lovely bullfinch story. You are very lucky to have them so close. No such luck here......they stay in the orchards, so are rarely seen in gardens.
What sort of arch will you have...wood, metal?? Are we going to buy another clematis?? I am already thinking about that....I shall leave you wondering.....will post when I have purchased mine (which will not be for a while yet)
What a lovely bird the bull finch is! And daffodils
Oh Cheryl - I am so thrilled! To see daffy's coming up already!! A sure sign of spring.
Your bullfinch is a colourful bird. Nice to enlarge the pic and see it up close. Your garden is alive and healthy! I love coming here to enjoy your greenery. The bamboo arch is a nice touch.
Am still trying to catch-up.
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