To my way of thinking, a garden is about enjoyment, being at one with nature, somewhere to go to take away the stress that enters our lives.
I am learning, I am growing, I am thinking differently.

I am looking forward....looking forward to mid-summer and seeing the garden before me.
I am appreciating the little things.....sometimes we pass them by.
They come but for a fleeting is good to stand and stare.
Life in the garden, is all that is good.......

Happy Sunday safari......
Who am I to judge what can and can't reside here.......
That's so beautiful! I feel as though I have had a stroll round your garden with you and noticed with you all the beauty that is there. Life is so frenetic nowadays we need a bit of "quiet time" each day and you certainly have found yours in your garden.
Isn't this time of year just the best. You can stroll about the garden finding such sweet beginnings of all that is to come. Your pond lilies are so pretty, even in the bud stage. Happy Sunday Safari. It is pouring rain here this a.m. UGH. I will stroll about later to see what might be happening if it stops raining.
Hi Cheryl,
Wonderful photos, I think I'm having my own daydream now just looking at them!
You've certainly got the hang of the 'bokeh' now ;)
I hope you have a wonderful Sunday, I'm just about to pop out to see if the daffs have opened - they were close yesterday.
Thank you Jane....I am pleased that you enjoyed the walk with me. Nature, I believe, can help us through our darkest times......
Hi Lisa.....yes it is the best....the season of hope.
The bloom on the pond is that of the 'water hawthorn' I have shown it in it's full glory......this beautiful aquatic will bloom till October......and her fragrance on warm summer evenings will fill my gardens......
We are expecting sleet on Wednesday and cold temperatures.....
Hi Liz....I have struggled with the'bokeh' but think I am at last getting there. Thank you, without your help, I would never have reached this stage.....
Carry on dreaming......I have all my life, it is the most wonderful escape, is it not??
Such `Beautiful` photo`s Cheryl....
love seeinng everything coming into bloom.....TFS
Hope you and yours are well...
Have a lovely Week:)xxx
Wow Cheryl - what a beautiful post!
Wonderful pictures as ever.
It's been glorious here today too, and I have made plenty of time to take notice of what's happening in the garden - often very amusing, courtesy of The Blackbird Gang.
Lovely to see the weekly Sunday safaris are back - I've missed them!!
Dear Cheryl,
It is lovely the way you are one with your garden. These early Spring days are treasures. Seeing your flowers and Mr. Robin just touched my heart...the way you know your garden is inspiring. Miss Lady Bird was a pleasant surprise!
I shall post my Sunday safari soon. I also am enjoying the gardens and relaxing as I do my chores.
Today I too am dreaming...dreaming in our sacred space.
Happy Sunday safari,
Hi Dan....blackbirds are such fun. I have a female clearing my garden to make herself a cosy nest.
This is such a lovely time of soon passes, we must take time to enjoy each moment we can.....
Have a good week.
Dear is a wonderful time of year and yet so fleeting.
Each time I see a bird or insect it lifts my spirit.
Dreaming is a lovely pastime......
Lovely Sunday Safari.
I'm off to stroll in my garden.
Beautiful photos. Spring is very well sprung in your garden. We aren't seeing any blooms here yet but the weather is very fine and it can't be too much longer.
Hi cannot be far away if your temperatures are rising....
Have a lovely week.....
I was headed over to visit you when I noticed you left a comment on my post. Something must be going on with Blogger right now, because I can't see your photos either! I'll come back later...
Such lovely photos, Cheryl; I'm glad I came back to see them. By the way, you weren't the only one to comment about not being able to see photos--I think it may have been a temporary glitch in Blogger.
All the small creatures and blooms you've captured here are great reminders of the glimpses of beauty we can find in our garden. To experience true peace in the garden, we have to forget about--or at least not stress over--those things we can't control, like rabbits.
I've tried to make peace with all the visitors to my garden... it's hard to let go of something you love (the garden) but that is kind of what I've done. I now think of myself merely as its steward and if animals find food here they can't get anywhere else, I try (and try again!) to remain Zen about it.
Spring is such a magical time of year, and the garden so full of promise. I think we get stuck in thinking of the garden as "ours", when all the plant and wild life was here long before we came to tame it--manage it--make it ours...and will be here long after we are gone.
Hi Rose....yes I agree, to leave the worries of the garden at our back door is the best thing to do.
I think the removal of so many plants and conifers got me down. I lost so much but I now accept that was to be and I must now move on.....
Hi Monica.....of course, you are absolutely right. The garden is not truly ours, we just like to think it is. I have always gardened for the species that struggle in UK.......rabbits do not come into that cateogory.
I, like you, am learning to be more focused about it......
A beautiful comment Morning Glories.....and of course what you say is so very true.
BTW I have tried, tried and tried again to leave a comment on your blog BUT am not able to do so.
Rest assured I always read your posts with much enthusiasm......
I like your attitude; there are things that are out of our control so why fight it. I don’t have rabbits but between the snails munching on my plants and rats in the birdfeeder, I spend too much time obsessing over it, now I let it be.
I am going to donate a few pounds to the Samaritans and also as Mind has so many charity shops try and make up a nice bag of things for them in Elspeth's memory.
The name of your blog certainly is a wildlife sancuary after viewing this post! Being one with nature is evident here.
Hearing how you are caring for that injured pigeon has warmed my heart..Cheryl you are a kindred spirit to me.
love and light anna xo
Cheryl, I am so sorry you haven't been able to leave a comment on my blog. I don't understand why it wouldn't let you. I have missed your visits to my blog, and hope that whatever sprite or gremlin is causing the blogger comments to not work, will kindly stop their naughtiness! Email me and let me know if you continue to have problems at
Thank you Anna.....sadly the female wood pigeon did not survive the night. At least she was safe, warm and did not have a night of fear. A lot of cats hunt in my garden at night and of course the fox......I could not bear the thought of her being caught by anything, when she was so vulnerable.
Love and light.....
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