Native wildflowers are just coming into bloom.
Solomon's seal is a new addition. It likes damp shady areas, I am hoping it will do well here. I love the colour.....
Some flowers are so tiny I cannot see them clearly without my camera.
It is a fun time watching plants come to life after their long sleep.
Ragged robin is my favourite native wildflower. I collect seeds in the autumn and scatter them on damp soil along the lanes.........we need more wildflowers.
Poppi played with the fallen apple blossom today.......

She thought I was making lunch.........I was hiding and watching. She was singing and throwing the apple blossom into the air........
It's been a good day.
What fun having fairies tossing love all about your garden. I am sure the wildflowers appreciated it. My Soloman's Seal looks just like yours, in the bud stage. It own't be long and it will be blooming. All we need is sun.
Isn't it fun to get those unaware photos of children ""so cute"" your little fairie!! Ragged Robin is beauitful and I love it to!! There is large patches of it in wetland and roadsides here. Looks like a pink blanket!!!
Lovely little fairy you have! Those flowers too are beautiful - who needs hothouse orchids etc when we have such fabulous wildflowers?
Hi Lisa...I am enjoying seeing the changes in the garden. Whilst I have always grown wildflowers, there are many that are new to me.
Solomon's seal is one of them.....
Poppi is just magical.... lovely. It is a long time since I have seen ragged robin in drifts. You are very fortunate....long may they last.
Hi Jane.....I think we are very blessed with out native wildflowers....the variation is just amazing.
I intend to plant a lot more this summer.......
Any garden would be blessed to have a little fairy like Poppi flitting about.
Cheryl, You bring joy to my heart. Poppi is demonstrating just what a child should do! I also like the way you photograph flowers that may not be the showiest, but are dear just the same. Thank you for sharing!
Hi Jenny....
Indeed she feeds my heart and soul, without a doubt.
You are welcome Amy....always a pleasure when you visit.
Oh, I'd love to put on some fairy wings,too, and join Poppi in the garden! My grandkids have been busy with different activities lately and haven't been over for awhile. You've reminded me that I need to bring them for a visit to restore some magic in my own garden.
Love the blossom you call ragged robin. I've never seen it before.
Just added Solomon's seal to my garden and it is beginning to bloom. I have admired my father's SS which is a very old plant and so graceful.
I was so glad to see the sky this morning~it feels like forever since we had anytime to work in the garden. Your little fairie winged Poppy is a delight.
ragged Robin is beautiful~must find out what its botanical name is and whether we can grow it here. gail
Hi Cheryl,
No fair, you have far too many flowers... And Ragged Robins!!!
Wonderful photos, it must be fantastic sitting out in your garden at the moment... Such a treat!
Dear Cheryl,
She is so very darling! She seems to understand the garden too. She is a magical child indeed.
Glad you have had sun and a warm up. I hope to see some bees this Sunday!
Oh Cheryl, your post has cheered me up immensely! Put a smile on my face - just looking at your dear little Poppi. What a magical garden you have where only the sweetest fairies live!
I just love this time of year, when the flowers bloom, the air is warm and skies are blue. I had a good day today - spent it in the garden (with a bit of time at the garden center - just can't stay away).
Thank you so much for keeping David and me in your thoughts and prayers. He is getting stronger. I don't know how or why, but at least he is doing better and wants to try going out into the Healing Garden for a few minutes if we can manage it. I got him to walk a few steps with a walker, from his hospital bed up to the window, so he could look down at the Healing Garden. It really is pretty, with koi fish in a pond, a small bridge, a path all around and garden swings. It's warm enough now and there were quite a few other patients in the garden; some in wheelchairs, some with oxygen tanks - so good to get out in the fresh air for a bit.
Wow how lovely, she really looks like a fairy! I love most your maple leaves in the older post. I also appreciate the excellent DOF.
poppi is so cute, she looks so happy being a fairy.
love your wild flower photos there are lots in the lanes round here,I love seeing them,
Love that last photo especially--worth it hiding on her to get it, lol. Love the ragged robin--it looks so familiar and I'm blanking on the name--do you know the Latin name? Have a good Sunday!
WoW Absolutly beautiful photo`s Cheryl..I love love your garden TFS
Poppi is adorable she is soon growing up!!!!!How much fun you girls must have...
loves to Michelle and Riley too!!!
Have a wonderful week:)xxx
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