Sunday 7 June 2009

Sunday safari

Libellula depressa
I see her in the garden most days........
This is her favourite perch........

A male has joined her......he likes to use her perch.......

They feed above the flower borders. It is lovely to watch them.
Adult dragonflies usually live for around a month, after a nymphal stage lasting for around two years. I must enjoy them while they are here........


Anna Simpson said...

Fantastic photographs of the Broad-bodied Chaser.

Lisa at Greenbow said...

What a handsome couple to have visiting your garden. We have a female of some sort that visits here. I always wonder where she comes from. There is usually a male Widow that comes around too. There is a borrow pond about a block away. Maybe they live there and come over here to feed. I love to see them no matter what reason they come here.

Monica the Garden Faerie said...

Aw, so sweet!

Cheryl said...

Hi Anna......thank you so much.....

Cheryl said...

Hi Lisa.......they are so beautiful....

Do you know what female visits?

I think they travel quite a way to feed.....if there are insects in your garden they will find them......

Mary said...

They're beautiful dragons, Cheryl. I scrolled through a few posts here. I've not seen so many - I'll never catch up.

I miss you and our walks in your garden.


Q said...

Happy Sunday Safari~!
Your Dragonfly photos are fantastic! So happy you are enjoying these two. A lovely couple indeed!
I enjoyed being with you on safari today.
Happy Full Strawberry Moon.

Barbara E said...

Great photos. I think your dragonfly is different than the one in my garden. It is stubbier and fuzzier. Haven't spent the time to id mine. I love that you saw the male too.

ShySongbird said...

Beautiful photos Cheryl, I haven't seen any damsels or dragons this year yet so it is lovely to see yours.

Rose said...

Cheryl, they're so beautiful! I haven't seen any dragonflies here this year, so I appreciate being able to enjoy yours. I did see my first butterfly on Friday, though--hopefully just the first of many.

Wendy said...

I'm with Rose - haven't seen any dragonflies as yet - did see my first butterfly on Friday!
Your photos are super - so clear and detailed. How nice to watch the male and female as they munch on flowers or rest on the perch. Too bad their lifespan is so short.

beckie said...

Cheryl, how lovely to see such beauty. I know they give you lots of enjoyment. I have seen a couple here, but none have come close to landing near enough or long enough to get a photo. I am glad someone is getting photos of them. Hope you had a great weekend.

Gail said...

Cheryl, They are delightful....I wonder if I had a pond if more critters would stop by for a visit? Dragonflies would be nice company. I am honored Cheryl and when I get to visit England it would be a joy to spend time with you! gail

Cheryl said...

Dear has been wonderful to see the dragons....I am smitten with them...they are very much a pair...

Happy strawberry moon.....

Cheryl said...

HI is always a treat to see a pair, is it not? I was lucky to be able to get a photograph of both....

Cheryl said...

Hi Mary....we all lead such busy lives....I do not have the time to blog that I would like...

Tku for dropping by.....

Cheryl said...

Hi Jan, Rose, strange that so many, have not seen any dragons this year.
I always think summer is here when I see butterflies and dragons....

Cheryl said...

Hi Beckie....I am sure you will get some beautiful photographs of the dragonflies when they that you have your super duper macro lens......

Have a good week.....

Cheryl said...

Hi Gail....

I have noticed that since we installed the pond I have a lot more interesting creatures in the garden.....they do say that water is a must in the garden, if you like wildlife....
Today a squirrel and dove were drinking together from the pond...I was eating breakfast and could not be bothered to get my would have made a pretty picture.....

You are very welcome......

Randy Emmitt said...

Love these photos of Libellula depressa. This one reminds me of our Libellula lidia, Common Whitetail. We have them in good numbers here, maybe 25 or so for the past month +.
I'll be posting photos of the Splendid Clubtail later today.

Miranda Bell said...
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Miranda Bell said...

Hi Cheryl - at last a moment to come and browse through some of your recent postings - some beautiful photos as usual - love your pair of white doves - just gorgeous... go rather nicely with the white theme.... weather forecast for the next few days is dreadful here so am planning on another posting on my blog for tomorrow! Take care Mirandax

Cheryl said...

Hi wonderful to have so many beautiful dragonflies nearby....look forward to seeing your next post...
tku for dropping by....

Cheryl said...

Hi Miranda....the doves are lovely....we have dropped down to one at the moment...I am hoping that one is nest sitting. I would hate something to have happened to one of them....

Weather here is wet and dull...looks like it is in for the week. We do need rain here, the ground is very very dry.....

Have a good week.....

Yolanda Elizabet Heuzen said...

Used to have many dragonflies in my old garden where I had a pond. Hopefully there will be a pond soon in this garden too. Lovely pics Cheryl!

ChrisND said...

Fun to see the dragonflies...not really the time for them here - yet. Really it's been hard to find insects during our cold spell.

Anonymous said...

Hi Cheryl..
I love catching up with your beautiful photo`s....
This is gorgeous I just love the detail in the wings!!!!
You Inspire me to look at nature more closely...
If I can asspre to take photo`s nearly half as good as you then I`m happy..TFS
I think I need a 50 Mackro lens now!!!!
Is that what you use for your close up shots?????
Hope you dont mind me asking you that!!!!
Thankyou so much :) x