This charming detached property comprises of lounge and bedroom. The sleeping quarters have been furnished with hay and dry oak leaves. Suitable for any hibernating hedgehog.
If temperatures rise in the winter, it will sometimes wake hedgehogs from their slumber. I have rescued many of these little creatures........they often wander aimlessly and become quite disorientated. This new unit is made of timber and the roof can be lifted off easily. A nice new home ready and waiting.......
The garden is full of birds....the summer has suited them well. Many have successfully raised two broods.....
Feeders have been cleaned today and some new ones put in place.

A good days work. When I sit by the fire on a cold winters night, I know that I have helped at least some of the wildlife that frequents my garden.
I have so enjoyed my day.....the cooler weather suits me well and my energy levels are higher than they have been during the summer. The forecast for the week is sunny and bright......and around 15C (62F).........perfect for more gardening......
Amazing to see your grass has grown back so quickly! Wonderful photos Cheryl, so much colour, Autumn is such a wonderful season :)
The weather this weekend has been lovely, yesterday especially was wonderful and warm, I wish I had been able to plant bulbs but I'm still waiting for them to arrive!
I have a few days off in a couple of weeks and hope the weather remains relatively warm for the jobs I'll have to do...
Hi Liz....I truly cannot believe it.....the third day of rain there were little bits of green showing through....isn't nature incredible. I have to say though we have had a lot of rain these past few days........
I have been planting bulbs......some lovely white daffs, they look similar to a peaony bloom.
I may try trout lillies again this year. I have never been very successful with them but I really love them. Do you have any??
Dear Cheryl,
I thought of you today when I walked my gardens. Sending you and yours blessings. The north wind is blowing and temperatures are dropping.
I love the little kind of you to provide loging for these darling creatures.
Your birds look happy. Getting feeders cleaned and baths ready for winter is a good feeling.
I looked for bugs too while out and only could find one cold wood bee.
Your gardens are lovely....just like you!
Thank you for this October garden tour. October is my favorite month.
I shall think of you while sipping my tea this evening. There are hard freeze warnings for over night.
Happy Safari,
Plants really are amazing, I'm often amazed at how easily they jump back from the worst possible treatment! Propagating is amazing too...
I'm waiting on some Crocus, Allium, Snowdrops, Mixed Spring Bulb Collection... I was going to get some Iris and Tulips too but had to hold off... There's always next year!
I haven't tried the trout lilies before, I did get some bulbs/corns last winter but never planted them and now I seem to have lost them...
I love Fritillaries, and planted lots a couple of years ago and not a single one came up... But they were all in pots and I suspect didn't like the dry compost. I've since planted some in the garden and they came back this Spring just gone, so I may also try planting some more.
It is cool here now too. Don't you just love it!! Those lucky little hedgehogs having a cozy cottage all fixed up for them. I just love seeing those little animals. I have never seen one in person. I just admire them in the photos that people post. Our bees are now dormant. It has been so wet and rainy. The poor things haven't been able to be out and about. It is only going to get colder now.
Cheryl, your gardens look lovely, again. I know you must be pleased that they are going into winter with enough moisture to sustain them.
Your critters are so lucky to have you as their gaurdian. I love all you birds and know they will be well fed during the winter.
I saw a few bumbles this weekend and a couple of the smaller butterflies and skippers. They were taking advantage of the last of the blooming flowers before the frost. Most of them will be gone by this time next week.
Have a lovely week gardening!
Dear Sherry.....I walked the gardens for 40 minutes looking for bugs and not a single one......I miss the insects....
I try to clean my feeders every week....disease spreads very quickly if you do not keep feeders clean. It is a good feeling when everything is put back into place......
We have a sunny week but cold nights are forecast....I like cold nights, I sleep so much more soundly......
I have lots of bumbles but some of them appear to have mites...poor things.....
Have a lovely week....
Hi Liz....Nice bulb collection....I do not plant crocus...I love them but they always get eaten my something?
Frittilaries do very well here.....they like damp soil....I took some of mine out of pots and planted them in the meadow and they have suited that situation very well.....
Hi LIsa yes yes yes I love maternal grandfather was a Scot, I think I must have some of his genes.....
Hedgehogs are amazing little creatures....sadly they are in decline many run over on the roads. I have created habitat for them....I shall put more prickly hedge cuttings over the house to deter predators (Mr Fox).....
Poor bees....they do not like wet and cold....I suspect not a good year for bees....lets hope the queen has enough honey to survive the winter......
Hi Cheryl
Beautiful photos of a beautiful garden...
The birds certainly look happy in your garden. I love the little sleeping pods... we are about to make some small homes for the birds in our garden, too so they can nest and raise some babies. Fortunately, our cats are too old or too lazy to catch birds now (or maybe it's their bells?). xx
I wish more people thought about our 4 legged, 6 legged, and winged neighbors as you do.
As always, I enjoyed your photos and stories.
I would love to see a hedgehog! Art
I know I keep saying it Cheryl but your garden really is beautiful, you have clearly worked so hard to achieve such beauty! Regarding your grass, I know I shouldn't (but I will anyway!) say I told you so! ;) It is amazing just how quickly it turns green again. I do hope some of your other plants which were struggling will rejuvenate too.
Lovely too to see the bird photos, I have just put some roosting pouches up but struggled to get them within bushes where I thought the birds would feel more secure, whereabouts do you hang yours? I have never had them before, do the birds use them?
I love the very desirable ;) hedgehog residence too!
Hi Beckie.....I so enjoy placing the different units around the garden for the creatures that come here. I always hope that I have enough natural habitat for them.....the additional buys give them a choice.
The skies are bright today but there is a chill in the air....a wonderful day for working in the garden.....Have a lovely week my friend.....
Hi Naturewitch....tku
Bells are such a good warns the birds cats are around.
Nella has a name tag and chip id on her collar which jingle....she still manages to catch the rats and rabbits but the birds now know when she enters the gardens. I would not be happy if she caught the birds......
Hi Art....if I see any hedgehogs this winter be sure I will post.....
Hi Jan....yes you did tell me the grass would come back....Mr P did the same. I should have listened.....I am not fussy about the lawn, it is full of weeds but I do like green.......
I have found feathers in my roosting pouches so have always assumed they are used. Wrens and blue tits seem to like them....
I have many dotted around the garden......I put some of them in my beech hedge as it keeps its old leaves and this gives the birds some added warmth. I also put them in conifers.....ones that I have clipped. I also put a little hay in the time I finish it looks so cosy I could almost join the birds!!!
I would be interested to know if they are successful......
I usually like the cooler fall weather too but this year is different.
Isn't it amazing how fast grass recovers;) Your garden looks very serene.
Hi Marnie......autumn is my favourite season....
Thank you, that is how I like my gardens to look, serene......
Cheryl, You've been very busy and productive...but I know you always take time to just be and appreciate! Your garden looks wonderful...the tall grasses are stately and the fall color is very becoming. I am so glad the rains returned to your part of the garden~~
I have lots of places for the small critters to sleep and keep cozy....log piles and leaf piles if they need places to nap. The four legged variety like raccoons and opossums seem to find themselves good homes. How much fun it would be to have hedgehogs in the garden.
Have a sweet week,
Hi Cheryl, I too love the colors of fall. Edging the beds is one thing I sorely, SORELY need to do... but will wait for spring, as I'm so busy moving things and fighting with buckthorn roots... The beds just look so much crisper with fresh edges...
Give me temps between 55 and 70 degrees and I'm happy.
Your first photo reminds me that you do have a good size property.
Anyway... nice to hear all the creatures are doing well...thanks to you.
Your pics are so colourful. Autumn has indeed come to your part of the world. Little birds look happy in their clean feeders. I have yet to hang new ones. I take the old ones down in the summer and either clean them up or replace them entirely for the winter. This year I need to replace them all.
I love that sweet little hedgehog house. So cute! I can just see Mrs. Tiggywiggle settling down for the winter - but I think you'll need to provide her with a washing-bucket and an iron so she can do her laundry. LOL!
I'm glad things are back to normal in your garden. Happiness shines all through this post.
Have a wonderful week.
Your garden and lawn have certainly recovered from the drought quickly, Cheryl--everything looks so lush and green. It's still early here this morning, and cool, so I haven't checked the garden, but I suspect all my insects are long gone, too, even the bumbles. What a difference a week can make.
The creatures in the area are going to appreciate all your effort to help them out this winter. I know they're going to snatch up that prime real estate quickly:)
It's amazing to see your grass has grown back. You have such a beautiful garden and I loved the photos of the flowers and the birds. I hope you have a great week with nice weather.
your pictures are absolutely gorgeous! there is such a quality about them.
i love the long shot of your gardens and house. it gives a real feel for your expansive gardens with your lovely house setting.
such a heavenly shot of the bumble.
i never thought of putting out roosting pods but i love the idea and the fact that you do. where do you get such a thing?
hedgehogs around your home sure are this little house for them.
the birds really do have a sanctuary at your home...
happy autumn.
Hi Gail....I know that you have had far too much rain.....but the few days of rain we had made such a difference. Today it has been warm and soft and hushed.....
I love to hear of your you see opussums in your garden?
Dear Wendy...thank you....I shall have to think about the additions....washing tub and iron!!
Dear Rose.....I do hope you had a lovely weekend....
It is amazing how the gardens change in a short space of time....I love to see the changes...
I do hope that a nice little hedgehog comes along and takes up residence......there are no charges here......
Dear Marmee.....I buy the roosting pods from a local garden centre but am sure you can buy them on line.
They are for birds but I have found that wood mice use them as well. They fill them with berries and acorns, just like a little larder and overwinter cute......
You are a great steward to provide shelter for your wildlife. The scent of burning wood fills the night here and the insects are now tucked in for the winter.
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