Friday 18 December 2009

Walking in beauty......

Every picture tells a they say.......
The birds knew the snow would they can feast on berries........

The garden is hushed.......not a sound.......the birds are not singing......

I think of Riley and Poppi making snowmen.......I hope their Mummy has some carrots. Poppi says all snowmen have carrot noses.......
Snow is not common in my part of the world.
I shall walk Nella during the day.....walking in the snow is fun.......


Cheryl said...

Hi everyone.....winter is here.
Time to read by the fire.
If you would like to leave a quote for the first photograph, I have a prize for the best.....

The Forgotten Garden by Kate Morton.

I will announce the winner in the New Year to allow the post to settle after the Christmas rush.......

Liz said...

Lovely photos Cheryl, very seasonal!

Sadly there's only a peppering of snow up here, oh how the tables have turned! We had good snow earlier in the year like this, although it wasn't so good for going to work in.....

Cheryl said...

Hi Liz....we had snow last winter to. Most unusual for us....two years in a row......

I am not a lover of the 'white stuff' although it is, without doubt, pretty.

Roses and Lilacs said...

Your photos are beautiful. It is always wonderful to wake to a bright, clean new world. You are lucky to enjoy some snow now and then but not have to deal with it regularly.

Rose said...

Oh, Cheryl, your garden is a veritable winter wonderland! I am envious, because we still haven't had a bit of snow. Everything looks so lovely covered in white; I hope Poppi and Riley get a chance to make a snowman--be sure to have some carrots on hand!

I'll have to think of a caption for that first picture, but the owl face inspired me to look up a couple quotes. Here are two that seemed to fit:

"Wisdom outweighs any wealth."--Sophocles

"Patience is the companion of wisdom." --St. Augustine

I'll try to think of something more original while I bake Christmas cookies today.

Susan said...

Beautiful photos! It all looks so peaceful. Stay warm on your walk.

Cheryl said...

Hi Rose....oh dear, I feel are baking cookies. I should, I must, get myself together and start thinking Christmas. Tku for the gentle reminder......

Rusty in Miami said...

Hi Sheryl, spectacular pictures, and in time for the holiday season.
I found this quote for your picture
“Alone and warming his five wits, the white owl in the belfry sits”
By Lord Tennyson

Gail said...

Cheryl, I am not clever enbough to come up with anything brilliant and original! Here's a haiku I like by Basho a very famous Japanese poet.

"Winter solitude-
in a world of one colour
the sound of the wind."
— Basho

Your garden looks serene and peaceful...gail

Q said...

Dear Cheryl,
Your snowfall is the perfect blanket for the winter garden.
Your photgraphs are lovely.
I am enjoying reading the quotes others have found.
I am very fond of Basho.
May you enjoy your winter walk with dear Nella.
Be careful not to slip.

Moonstone Gardens said...

LOVELY photographs, Cheryl. It all looks so hushed and still, reminding us to slow down and enjoy the peacefulness of it all.
Happy Holidays,
PS, Cookies Baking tonight with my daughter.

Monica the Garden Faerie said...

Hi Cheryl,
I'm really hoping that first photo is of an owl sculpture. So my title for it would be: Wisdom in stillness, beauty in snow.

marmee said...

good evening cheryl...i am loving all your snowy photos. so peaceful..serene..beautiful...still
i would have to say the first photo struck me and could be aptly named...."in silence."
enjoy the beauty of your white wonderland while you have it.
happy december.

Lisa at Greenbow said...

It is snowing here right now. You certainly have the most beautiful coating of snow. Just in time for Christmas. What fun.!! A real treat too since you don't have snow often. I hope Poppy and Riley are out there having a blast building their snowman. Nella will enjoy her walk immensely. It seems that the smells are intensified for animals in the snow. I can just hear her snuffling in a pile of snow. That first picture looks like a real owl covered with snow. I have seen this before. I wish I could think of a proper quote. Keep warm by that fire. Cheers...

Anonymous said...

Lovely photos. We usually have snow for Christmas. I'm glad you have some to enjoy this year as well.

Enjoy your walks through the snow, and stay warm,


gypsyrose said...

I love your photos, your garden is so beautiful and looks so peaceful under a blanket of snow,

Anonymous said...

This is so strange to see your snowy photos under a sunny header...
You mentioned the berries: do your birds actually eat them? Here everything is covered with snow but trees in the town are full of various fruit and berries but birds ignore them. Maybe they have other food sources.

Cheryl said...

Hi Aluajala...yes they do eat them. Also the squirrels eat them....

I know the combination of the header and snow is odd but I needed to see something that transported me to summer......

Brenda Kay Ledford said...

What a lovely posting. Your Christams decorations, the snow and photos are splendid. I hope you and your family have a Merry Christmas and joyful New Year.

Anonymous said...

Hi Cheryl:)
Your garden is a delight!!!
Happy New Year to you and yours!!!
best wishes for 2010:)

Corner Gardener Sue said...

Wow, Cheryl, your snow sure is pretty! I'm thinking you got more today, if I remember what I heard or read today. It's so cold here, that we have not had school the last 2 days, and are not going to tomorrow. My husband and I both work at a school. Tomorrow, we are going to try to get most of the rest of our daughter's things moved to her new place.