It is a chilly morning again....in fact when I walked the garden at 7.00a.m. I had a jumper on.......thought I would show you the woodland walk.....it has certainly flourished with our cool summer and I am delighted with the way it looks. I love the colours in this area and the informality of the setting. At the back of this area is a path where you can walk amongst the trees....as it mature this will be a wonderful wildlife area......

The one alpine trough that I planted has been a winner....it has flowered on and off all spring and summer......next spring all six planters on the decking will be planted up with alpines....it will be mean a lot of work but the end result will be worth it....I am excited already.....

The new beds near the ornamental pond have established well....I can see as time goes by I will increase the size of these borders.......

The common blue visited again........This is the second visit of this beautiful little butterfly.....

I have lots of reading to do, I shall set plans in motion to plant for her next spring....I would love her to lay her eggs in the garden........

And would you just look at this......look who is peeking at me, a little wren........they are secretive birds and often hide away......I can always hear them in the garden but to capture one for me is a first..........You can see how small she is in relation to the leaves....I believe she is around 3" from beak to tail......

The following birds I just quickly snapped to try and get some decent photographs....I decided to upload them regardless for you to see how bad or good they are......I know it is only a starling but its a great photograph......

Too much sunlight but a great pose, I think......

Woody having a quiet moment.......

This is a female chaffinch........love the pink flush of her breast.....she seems to have turned her head as I took the shot, it looks really strange, doesn't it??? Nature makes me smile and makes me cry............it lifts me high and brings me down...........but I am a person who lives to feel. I have always been in touch with my emotions.....and would not want to be any other way..........
Gorgeous pictures Cheryl - especially the butterfly ones. I do love that butterfly - have you ever seen a more a beautiful shade of blue!!
I love the garden first thgn inthe morning before the rest of the world has woken up. It is the most peaceful time of the day for me.
And as for Jenny Wren, we have them here and you can hear them cos they have such a loud call don't they, for such a teeny tiny bird. But they are very shy little creatures. Unfortunately our cat brought one in a few months ago and I found it in the hall. For once, this had a happy ending cos it wasn't really hurt, just very shocked so I put it somewhere quiet and dark and it came to and we let it go once Richard had checked it was ok. Richard always tells me to do this as birds don't move much in the dark so by putting them there and leaving them alone for a while, they are less likely to cause themselves further injury and are less stressed. I often wonder when I hear them calling if it is our little one that we saved. But of course, I'll never know. Have a wonderful day xxxxx
Hello Dawny......what a lovely story about your little wren.....how lovely to have a husband who can check them over....I would find that most reassuring..........If I find a distressed bird I always put them in our little copse.....it is quiet, dark and sheltered there,it is nice to know that I have been doing the right thing....
The butterfly is exquisite, the colour so intense....I love this little creature......I really do like the creatures and blooms that are tiny, that must say something about my personality!!!
You like little creatures too! I love photos of bees, so it was lovely to see some in previous posts of yours. Everything is beautiful in your garden.I enjoy visiting here and seeing the photos you take.
Thanks Pam....I do love all creatures....including bugs, I find them fascinating....
tks for dropping by.....
I would love to walk in your garden with you early in the morning, Cheryl;it looks so peaceful and inviting. I know you have done all the planting yourself; did you plant the trees and shrubs here as well?
The border around your pond is looking wonderful; I'm amazed how big the flowers are already.
Always enjoy your bird photos...I don't know how you manage to capture them. I saw my first woodpecker here yesterday, but didn't even try to get a photo.
Lots of butterflies here, though; those I will try to photograph:)
Hi Rose......yes I planted most of the trees and shrubs....the only trees I did not plant are the hawthorn trees.......I even planted the very large conifers at the very back of the walk.......I have enjoyed seeing it progress....
I am not happy with the bird photographs but I will never improve if I don't keep trying.....I must say, at the moment, I do not enjoy trying to capture them....it is all so very hit and miss......
Would love to see your butterflies.....
First I have to tell you that the comment you left on my blog has made my day! Thank you!!!!!
Then I came over here and found such wonderful treats to feast my eyes and heart on... the alpine planters, the birds, your thoughts on feeling... somehow this is what I needed today.
Dear Cheryl,
Your woodland garden is very lovely. A morning walk in the woods is heavenly. Your mornings are a bit chillier than mine, soon we will have sweater weather too.
The little Blue is charming. Host plants will be nice for her.
I do love seeing your birds too. Little Wren is tiny...so sweet. I can feel your excitment on getting a snap of her.
I also am a feeling person. Would not want to be any other way. Sometimes I get most upset when humans mis treat nature....I understand the food chain but not killing for sport.
I enjoy photography. Bird pictures can be tricky...the birds are fast and shy. You are doing very well. I love cloudy days for pictures! too much sunshine and my birds and butterflies wash out!
The photo of the little Blue is very nice. They are tiny and hard to photograph. I too love the tiny birds and bugs...
Thank you Cindy.....I am glad you enjoyed todays post.....sometimes we just need a strangers comments to lift our spirit....
Dear Sherry.....
Thank you for the advice....I will try to remember to take the bird photographs on a cloudy day.....I am grateful that you pass on positive information....
I love the little blue to, she is becoming my favourite butterfly....she looks so pretty as she dances around the flowers....
I to cannot understand killing animals for sport....Mr P feels exactly the same....wild animals kill to stay alive and to feed their young.....this is nature and as you say the food chain....
It is good always to know you are out there Sherry with the same thoughts.....
Cheryl, of course to me the bird pictures are fantastic. How you get them-I know I will never come close except by pure accident! Your gardens are looking so good. I am surprised at how quickly your water feature landscape has come along. I really enjoyed the alpine plantings and can see why you want more. They look so serene. I got a kick out of enlarging the picture of the woodland area and seeing the owl and the mushrooms. How appropriate. Also, I can see so many tyes of plants and flowers back in there. What a wonderful place for all the little creatures to call home. I am always amazed to think how much you have accomplished in such a short time. Well Done!
Hi Beckie....the bird shots are not good but I am determined to improve.....give me time....
I must say I am thrilled with the woodland walk.....that area was just grass when I moved here.....it is lovely in the spring when the daffs come out and the wildflowers in the summer....
The alpines have attracted a lot of insects.....and the other bonus is that they need little attention, which suits me well.....
Some fantastic pics there Cheryl! I envy the size of your garden, wish I had more space to expand!
That woodland walk of yours looks gorgeous, wish I could have one too. How the wildlife will enjoy that part of your garden. Loved the pics of the birdies, the little wren is one of my favourite birds. Such little things and such big noises they make. ;-)
BTW I have a very special bird on my blog today.
I take long walks to see what you see in your beautiful yard. I like the alpine trough idea...
Hi Libby.....space is not everything....you have a beautiful tropical garden....I would not know where to begin....
Hi Yolanda......tku for the lovely comments......the woodland walk is my favourite part of the garden...I suppose because I created it.....
Thank you Ruth......I am lucky to have the wildlife in my garden....but it takes lots of hard work to keep it here.....
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