As I walk the garden I stuggle to find lilac blooms.....but I did find this little flower.....I don't know what it is, the previous owner left it but it is very pretty.........I shall miss the soft colours of summer and they are disappearing quickly from my garden. It is chilly again, and apart from a few weeks it has not been a good summer....I must say I have enjoyed the lower temperatures, but I think I am in the minority with that one....

Little wild flowers have appeared out of the blue....a packet of seeds sprinkled around the garden in the spring have added a lovely feel to the garden.....this pink clover has appeared and is much loved by bees.....

and I love this....I think it is a member of the plantain family....I love small flowers, you have to get really close to appreciate them and the detail is stunning.....

a little carder bee hangs from the honeysuckle bloom....

this is a better shot of him....I think out of all the bumbles it is my favourite......very hard to capture, as he flits from flower to flower with amazing speed.......I must have followed him around the garden for twenty minutes before I got a reasonable photograph......

And the large bumbles are still around, busy, busy, busy..........but as I said in a previous post autumn is slowly creeping into this garden......

the elderberries are ripening, these beautiful dark berries make me think of the magical qualities of the tree.....

the staghorn sumach shows her colours well and when her leaves give way to autumn....she will without doubt be a stunner......

the haws are ripening well, so the birds will be feasting this autumn.....

the old girl is ladened with apples..........the bees served her well and she shows her fruits with pride........I stand beneath her, my love of this tree grows each year......there is a connection between us.....she gives so much, but asks for so little......

ripe honeysuckle berries hang like Christmas decorations.........bright and colourful.......

The garden is lush and green, with plentiful growth.....there has been little disease in the garden this year....and that is unusual......the weather has played a large part in this........it doesn't seem so long ago we were talking daffodils, hellebores, mason bees and blossom.....time passes so quickly..........we were all rushing around getting ready to plant our tubs and make new beds and now thing are slowing down as autumn approaches..............did your garden turn out the way you planned this year or will there be changes to make????
I just can't imagine cool days as well as nights already! We are still in the 100's, although today has been cloudy and kept the temperature down to 98! Your pictures are beautiful as usual. Do you do anything with your Elderberries? Do you make jelly or wine?
Hello morning glory....When it is time for picking the elderberries, I will put them with blackberries, raspberries etc...stew them and make crumbles and pies.....
My father used to make elderberry wine many years ago....it is a lovely wine...although elderflower is my favourite.......
Elderberries fascinate me. I'm always reading about their magical properties in books. Wish they grew here.
My garden? Well, there were some thngs (the giant dahlias) that I was particularly happy with. Herbs grew well. But my geraniums did not like all the rain we had.
I loved following you around your garden today (well, it's night here and dark already!). Those bees are really sweet. Berries just bursting with goodness. Your apple tree looks so abundant with fruit.....connecting with trees is so important, I feel. There is something about apple trees and remembering.....
Have a happy week!
Dear Cheryl,
We also are having a cool down. The ways of Autumn are showing more in your gardens than mine. I do feel the air is dryer and the wind from the east today made me think of Autumn. My gardens did fine this year. I was pleased. Each year I add more native plants. I will plant a couple of Butterfly host trees this Autumn.
Always enjoy seeing your flowers and your bees.
I know before long it will be sweater time again. I love sweaters....
Hi Wendy....the elder is a very magical tree.....I have many in the garden......the apple tree is special....80 years old and could tell a tale or two.....I am sure my grandchildren will speak of her long after I am gone....memories....
Dear Sherry.....I have many plans for my garden to....I will start to help the butterflies more....I have not decided how at the moment but I am doing lots of reading to find out which species are vulnerable at the moment.
I love jumpers to.....and love to wear them....in fact I am taking my parents to a large store today to get winter clothes....I shall be buying some new jumpers.....
It is raining heavily today.......and so windy......an indoor day I think!!!!
It's hard to imagine that fall will soon be on us. It's been cooler than normal here, too, but very pleasant. I wouldn't be surprised if we have a few more weeks of hot weather, though; sometimes it seems as if summer goes right into winter.
Cheryl, you have such an eye for detail--I like the way you help all of us see elements in the garden from the view of the smaller creatures.
My hummingbird feeder is empty, and I noticed this morning the hummers going to all my petunias for nectar instead. Glad to know they like the flowers I planted for them!
Hi Rose.....I could see the hummer and the petunia in my minds eye....how beautiful, did you get a photograph??
I took my parents to the river bank this morning....we were watching swans......suddenly out of a small hole popped a water vole.....he took one look at me and was gone...lol Everyone else missed it....I suspose Rose I am always looking because of my love of the outdoors.....
Hi Cheryl....
It`s always a pleasure to visit you ...your garden has been delightful!!!(and still is)
`Thankyou` to you you are a real true gem:)
Much love to you and yoursxxx
Love to Michelle and the children Poppi and Ryley:)xxx
It is a bit chillier Cheryl, and also very wet here in Chester. Our garden is starting to wind down a bit now. Glad your old lady has lots of fruit. Our young whipper snapper - probably a mere 20 years or so - hasn't done very well this year, but I'm not sure why. I can feel summer drawing to a close and while that saddens me a little, I look forward to autumn. Season of mists and all that and it has a cerain smell that I really like. I don't love the leaves dropping and the hours of work it takes keeping the paths and drive clear. It is an obsession of Richards and he is out there for ages. I suppose it is the price you pay for having a wood as your next door neighbour, but on the plus side, it doesn't throw loud parties!!! Hope you are well xxxz
Cheryl, chilly days already? Surely it won't stay that way. We have had lovely fall weather these last few days and I am enjoying it so. My garden is on the wind down too, but still have fall ones to come. Your bees are wonderful and I am so happy to see them still enjoying your gardens. Do you use your apples or do you let nature and the creatures have them? We (I hubby has to work) have the grand girls this week and we are having fun. Went to the zoo yesterday and tomorrow swimming. I can't tell you what a joy it is to have them for such a long time. We have time to just be together. I wish you a great rest of the week!
Hi Terrie...I am so glad that you have enjoyed the garden....sometimes it is difficult to keep blogging with all the work involved but I have been determined to keep my blog going.....
Hi Dawny.....I don't know if you prune your apple tree but I only do mine every three years, apart from taking out dead wood. If you leave them they produce more fruit on old branches.....
I leave autumn leaves to blow around the perimetres of the garden....so that the little creatures can hide, also on a garden this size it saves me a lot of work.....but the driveway and paths you have to keep clear because of slipping over....tell Richard it will keep him fit and healthy.....better than a workout at the gym!!!
The days have had a slight nip in the air.....I don't think it will last but this year has been unpredictable.....
I use a lot of the apples for crumbles and pies.....also you can eat them straight from the tree, they are quite sweet the blenheim orange...
You have fun with those lovely grandchildren....they keep you young, even though it is tiring.....
Hope you are keeping well??
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