This time of year, my mind drifts towards Autumn. I start to plan. Changes for next year.
But this is July, I must make the most of this time.....enjoy the garden.......
I have given the birds so many places to hide is difficult to find them but I hear them all the time.....and see them on the feeders. Today a juvenile male chaffinch sat in the branches of the old apple tree.
The chaffinch is such a soft looking bird........and this little chap seemed ok with my camera......
He stayed for quite a while...... and his sister joined him.
I am delighted to see that the Echinops is just getting ready to bloom......
this one has just started to grow some hair. When they are in full bloom I shall post again....they will be covered in insects.....they are insect magnets......
Great shot of the little birds! Autumn is a long ways off for us. We've got at least 10 more weeks before out temps reach the upper 80's and the humidity starts to take a little break. Enjoy what's left of your summer!
I love that hoot owl statue in your garden. He looks so regal standing there amongst the flowers. The Chaffinch is wonderful too. Isn't this time with the young ones about the garden just so fun??!! Autumn will be here before we know it.
I also love the owl in the first pic. I had to enlarge it to be sure. At first I thought it was a bear - had just been reading somebody else's post about a bear.
Well today it felt like autumn here. It's been unusually cold. Only 10C this morning and 17 this afternoon. Cloudy too. Not the kind of summer we are used to. But, it will change.
Your echinops looks promising. And the chaffinch looks settled and happy in your yard.
Hi Lisa.....I love the young birds......they look so inquisitive.....
The owl is made from oak and was a gift from my father in law. He gave it to us just before he passed away six years ago. I called owl George after him......
Hi Wendy.....I am looking out of the is raining...and is little man's sports day looks like it may be a wet one. We have had chilly nights that have felt more like autumn. It has been a strange summer weather wise.....
Hi ncmountainwoman.....the summer is flying ..... I really do not know where the time has seems like only yesterday I was thinking of spring planting....
Hi Jan.....I know I should not be thinking of autumn but gardeners are always ahead of themselves...
I have found the summer weather strange this year. We have had hardly any temps in the day....and so chilly at night, also damp misty garden is not behaving as it usually does either......I am mystified.....
I am thinking about next year, too, and the changes I'd like to make...Thank you, Cheryl, for reminding me to also enjoy the "now." Such beautiful photos of the birds; I wish I could get some good pictures of mine. But I'll just enjoy watching and listening to them in my garden.
Hi Rose.....I have been reading a book called 'Living in the Now.' It has opened my mind.....made me see things much more clearly. I shall keep it on my bedside, and when I am galloping ahead, I shall pick it up and read.....
Birds have not been an easy subject for me Rose. There are so many trees here, they hide well. Also as soon as they see the camera they take flight..... I am learning patience.....
Dear Cheryl, like the birds in your garden, I always find refuge and a place of solace in here... Oh how I would love to stroll your lovely paradise by you... May you be blessed and may you always find peace and serenity in your gardens...
Aren't Echinops the coolest? I used to have some and I have no idea why they didn't come back! I too was just thinking of a long list of things to do/move in fall; I better get out a pen and write it down or I'll forget. I always do a ton of moving in fall and then in spring am happily surprised by the results of my by-then forgotten work! :) But you're right, we should enjoy July while we can!
Dear Cheryl, These are wonderful photogrpahs! The birds can be hard to spot. They hide well! Your little darlings came right out for photos. I also am thinking and thinking and thinking about how I will change the gardens. I cannot do the heat anymore and need to find a way to re-do and still have plenty for the birds and the bugs...This gardener needs to have more shade! I am planning on planting a pear tree this Autumn. I need more fruit and berries for me and the birds! The pear is an important fruit for me. The north wind blew in some cool air and so I am outside enjoying being with the plants..... I love today but do think about tomorrow! Sherry
Dear Sherry....I am finding the heat difficult. I to prefer cooler days. My garden is south facing but I have areas of shade due to the planting of evergreen trees and shrubs. I need to have shade for my ferns as well, so that is why I started the border.
Pears are an important and valuable fruit. I drink organic pear juice to. I find it very refreshing on a hot day......
I've also been thinking about Autumn and what I'll be doing next year, what can be moved and what I hope will be planted in.
I love the echinops, they look amazing - definitely something for me to get too!
Great shot of the little birds! Autumn is a long ways off for us. We've got at least 10 more weeks before out temps reach the upper 80's and the humidity starts to take a little break. Enjoy what's left of your summer!
I love that hoot owl statue in your garden. He looks so regal standing there amongst the flowers. The Chaffinch is wonderful too. Isn't this time with the young ones about the garden just so fun??!! Autumn will be here before we know it.
I also love the owl in the first pic. I had to enlarge it to be sure. At first I thought it was a bear - had just been reading somebody else's post about a bear.
Well today it felt like autumn here. It's been unusually cold. Only 10C this morning and 17 this afternoon. Cloudy too. Not the kind of summer we are used to. But, it will change.
Your echinops looks promising. And the chaffinch looks settled and happy in your yard.
Hi Liz.....Will send you echinops seeds in the autumn....they are so spring put seeds where you would like them to grow.....
Hi Susan.....there are still many weeks of summer left...unpredictable they will be.....I always think ahead with the garden.......
Hi Lisa.....I love the young birds......they look so inquisitive.....
The owl is made from oak and was a gift from my father in law. He gave it to us just before he passed away six years ago. I called owl George after him......
Hi Wendy.....I am looking out of the is raining...and is little man's sports day looks like it may be a wet one.
We have had chilly nights that have felt more like autumn. It has been a strange summer weather wise.....
I agree with everyone. You do have a great garden. Enjoy your summer.
No! Don't think of autumn...time is flying too fast as it is. I do love the echinops; so perfectly round and beautiful.
I don't like to think about Autumn yet, Summer goes so fast and as you say often our Summer weather is so strange that I feel we are cheated!
Lovely photos of the Chaffinches. My sister-in-law has the Echinops and it certainly is an insect magnet.
Hi ncmountainwoman.....the summer is flying ..... I really do not know where the time has seems like only yesterday I was thinking of spring planting....
Hi Jan.....I know I should not be thinking of autumn but gardeners are always ahead of themselves...
I have found the summer weather strange this year. We have had hardly any temps in the day....and so chilly at night, also damp misty garden is not behaving as it usually does either......I am mystified.....
I am thinking about next year, too, and the changes I'd like to make...Thank you, Cheryl, for reminding me to also enjoy the "now." Such beautiful photos of the birds; I wish I could get some good pictures of mine. But I'll just enjoy watching and listening to them in my garden.
Hi Rose.....I have been reading a book called 'Living in the Now.'
It has opened my mind.....made me see things much more clearly. I shall keep it on my bedside, and when I am galloping ahead, I shall pick it up and read.....
Birds have not been an easy subject for me Rose. There are so many trees here, they hide well. Also as soon as they see the camera they take flight.....
I am learning patience.....
Dear Cheryl, like the birds in your garden, I always find refuge and a place of solace in here... Oh how I would love to stroll your lovely paradise by you... May you be blessed and may you always find peace and serenity in your gardens...
Thank you Cielo.....we never walk a sanctuary alone....I believe there are many that walk with us in spirit...
Have a peaceful and happy weekend......
Aren't Echinops the coolest? I used to have some and I have no idea why they didn't come back! I too was just thinking of a long list of things to do/move in fall; I better get out a pen and write it down or I'll forget. I always do a ton of moving in fall and then in spring am happily surprised by the results of my by-then forgotten work! :) But you're right, we should enjoy July while we can!
Dear Cheryl,
These are wonderful photogrpahs!
The birds can be hard to spot. They hide well! Your little darlings came right out for photos.
I also am thinking and thinking and thinking about how I will change the gardens. I cannot do the heat anymore and need to find a way to re-do and still have plenty for the birds and the bugs...This gardener needs to have more shade!
I am planning on planting a pear tree this Autumn. I need more fruit and berries for me and the birds! The pear is an important fruit for me.
The north wind blew in some cool air and so I am outside enjoying being with the plants.....
I love today but do think about tomorrow!
Hi Monica....Echinops are great....would you like some seeds??
I am exactly the same....I work away in autumn, by the time spring comes my garden is full of surprises, due mainly to not recording my work......
Dear Sherry....I am finding the heat difficult. I to prefer cooler days. My garden is south facing but I have areas of shade due to the planting of evergreen trees and shrubs. I need to have shade for my ferns as well, so that is why I started the border.
Pears are an important and valuable fruit. I drink organic pear juice to. I find it very refreshing on a hot day......
Hope that your gardens are looking good.....
Such pretty and serene.... love your garden my dear Cheryl....
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