Searching amongst the blooms is fun......
and taking a closer look is an eye sorry, I did not mean to interrupt....
The fragrance of sweet peas draws me to another corner of the garden....

There are many bees......
Their gentle drone is always makes me want to sit a while......

As I enter the copse I notice bones on the is a recent kill....they were not here first thing this morning.....
The tail feathers of a large bird are nearby.
I also notice a nest being built in the ivy on the arch. It is made with dried leaves and has a hole in the centre. Any ideas please??
A juvenile robin watches me from the shadows.....he does not realise that I am the hand that will feed him during the cold winter months........

As I walk back to the house I notice a moth on the is the silver Y, one of the great migrants of the insect world. It sometimes arrives from warmer areas in spring and early summer to breed in Northern Europe including Britain. The species cannot survive the winter here....caterpillars, pupai and adults are all killed with the first frost.
Hope you are enjoying your Sunday and that the weather is fine.......
NOTE: The lion is kept at a Born Free sanctuary. He was rescued many years ago from a zoo and cannot return to the wild...he would not survive. He is well looked after and cared for. It always saddens me a little, to know, he will never roam the vast open areas of his native country.....
It is a beautiful summer day here, too, Cheryl. As always, I enjoyed going on this safari with you--your flowers seem so happy after the rain. I love the photo of the bee about to land on the pink flower. We have so many bees this year! Clover is appearing all over our lawn, and the bees are enjoying the blossoms, until Husband gets out the lawnmower.
This really was a safari today, complete with a lion! I'm so glad you included the explanation about him; I was worried about wild lions roaming your area:)
Hi there Cheryl, great to pop by to join you on safari. I do love to read about your walk :-)
Of course I love the pics too. Not sure about the nest but what about a long-tailed tit? Although they usually nest in prickly trees and shrubs. Maybe a chaffinch then?
Enjoy the rest of your day and have a great week :-D
Wonderful photos as always Cheryl, I feel relaxed just looking at them!
My Sunday has been similar to yours I believe, most of it has been spent out in the garden just sitting and enjoying as well as painting some of the wall - I'm getting there, just one last section now :)
Dear Rose....Bees love clover....with the dry weather, I have not had to mow so the bees have had longer to enjoy the clover....
I was glad to see the rain, so cooling...
I like the bee hovering over the Cosmos....a lucky catch.....
Have a good week.....
Hi Shirl.....I do get both species in the is a new structure......I shall have to keep an eye open for activity....
Thanks for the suggestions.....
Hi will be a good job done....I have no fencing here, only wire mesh.....the plants are slowly covering it, so it is not so ugly now....
Weather is lovely, sunny with a cool breeze....just perfect for me.....
I know what you mean about fencing! I had a new fence put in a few months ago and it's going to be a while before it's covered. I planted Clematis Montana a few months ago and it's already doing a very good job of covering it for me!
But once the clematis, 2 jasmine, wisteria, rose, pyracantha are big enough I'll never even know it was there! :)
Great planting Liz....that will look stunning in a few years.....
I love jasmine....I cannot grow it here sadly, the site is too exposed...beautiful perfume.
I love going on safari with you. It's so relaxing and different than a safari here. It really does take me away.
It has been a hot and muggy day here Cheryl. We have seen many bugs today. I have tried for a few photos but I didn't have much luck. It is good to see all of your lovely blooms and bugs.
Hi Mimi....tku glad you enjoyed it....that is what is so interesting about blogging seeing what happens in another country.....
Hi Lisa....we have sunshine and showers this week...I am happy.
I did not have lots of bugs in the garden today, or maybe they were there and I just did not see them!!
Have a good week.....
A lovely safari again Cheryl and I'm so glad you explained the lion allusion, I originally read your post yesterday and was slightly puzzled as to whether it was a whimsical remark, it lends a whole new meaning to your Sunday safaris ;) I'm glad you have had some rain at last, we had it too and it has certainly refreshed the garden. I enjoyed your photos, the bee hovering over the Cosmos is lovely. Your Sweet Peas don't seem to be growing up sticks, do you have a more attractive method of growing them which I haven't heard of?
I do so love the Sunday safari! And I had no idea you were within hearing distance of a real lion. Lovely photographs and soothing narrative.
Hi Cheryl, thank you for the lovely walk around your home. That certainly is interesting about the lion. I'm happy he has found a home. I agree he may have been happy in the wild but he would also have often gone hungry and perhaps suffered injury, starvation and illness. In the sanctuary he will live along life and be content.
Dear Cheryl,
Happy Safari. Having a Lion so near must be exciting and sad. Wonderful he has a safe home after the trauma he must have gone through. I think about all the hardships some of our animals and bugs have endured. When it is part of a natural life for them I understand. It is when man puts the hardships in the way I become sad. (I do not think keeping bugs as pets is very nice!)
Always I love seeing your bees and your flowers. The Prairie is in bloom around my house and the bees are happy. I very much enjoy seeing your little moth. I seem to be smitten by all the moths. There are so many and I know I have only seen a small fraction of the ones that are in my backyard.
Once again I loved walking and hunting with you. Very interesting about the bones and too many feathers. I loved the mating does go on. Guns??? oh my! Perhaps more Nellas would be the best idea for rabbit control or the hawks!
Always I am delighted to spend my Sunday with you hunting bugs!
Hi glad you enjoyed safari....the sweet peas are growing over an old potato plough. It was given to me many years ago by a very dear friend. He has since passed away......I like to plant something there just for him.....
Hi Marnie...tku for your view....I do love to read others makes posting so much more interesting.....
Dear Sherry.....I changed my safari today....I thought I would show how it is to live in the countryside UK. I often hear the guns, they chill me....I do not like guns. I do not like shooting but it happens a lot here. Sadly often protected species are shot. I have seen badgers with bullet wounds....I have no understanding of shooting.....
But with sadness comes joy and I see much to warm my heart....and that is what I must keep with me.....
I am going to post each safari as my day is....not selecting the beautiful options all the time.......
The prarie sounds amazing.....I have seen it on the is beautiful....I love grasses swaying in the they not speak to you?
It has been a fun safari....I look forward to next Sunday......
I love going on safari with you, not only on Sundays. ;-)
Dear Cheryl,
At first I wondered why you included the remnants of a killing in your safari - and the gunshot sounds. Both made me feel uncomfortable (like you and others, I detest guns). And then I read your explanation to Sherry. Ah, now a lightbulb goes on. You are celebrating darkness and light. Seeing life how it truly is. That speaks of a gentle "wisening" of the soul. Namaste to you, dear friend.
I am also glad you clarified the lion. I thought you meant the wind was roaring like a lion. LOL! Yes, it's sad that the poor creature has to be kept in captivity.
I enjoyed your safari today. The bees and bugs doing what they normally do. And the softening rain on your flowers.
Dear Wendy....thank you for such a beautiful comment. I hesitated with the post but decided it is time to tell it how it also give my views.....
I tend to only post the beautiful, because that is how I would like the world to be....sadly it is not always that way....
I hope during the next few weeks bloggers will see a change here.....
I have always seen darkness and light my friend....sometimes we keep it to ourselves.....there is much I keep we all do......
Always a pleasure to read your comments.......
I too love the sound of bees, very calming. Bzzzzzz....
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