Leaves and acorns litter the ground...........crunch crunch as I walk...........
Alpine strawberries tempt me.....sweet and juicy, mine for the taking........
It is good to see you sweet Robin.......

So good to hear you sing again........singing for the sheer joy of living.......
Oh I did so miss you humble bumble. I saw many birds butterflies and dragonflies in Florida.....BUT not one bee. I became quite obsessed ......studying every area that had blooms........but not one bee.
I loved Florida.......The hospitality we received was amazing....the people are fantastic.....so polite and caring. They spoilt Poppi and Riley.........they received attention wherever we went. I have had a wonderful time......
BUT it is lovely to be home. Each night as I lay in bed I would walk my garden.....I could see every plant.....smell the sweet fragrance in the air.........I realise that my garden is very much part of me. Unless you really love a garden you will never understand that comment. I am rooted here....I belong.........
Happy Sunday safari................
NOTE: Thank you dear Jan for coming so often before work and watering all my patio and deck plants. I know how time consuming it is......you are an angel......
Nice to see you back Cheryl, I'm glad you had a lovely time in Florida - and also enjoying your time back home!
Wonderful photos, and it looks like you still have plenty of blooms around the garden.
Hi Liz.....there are quite a few blooms....asters, cosmos, calendula are doing very well. I am making a mental not of the plants tolerating the drought....they will definately be in the garden next year......
Florida was fun fun fun......I have never done so much in two weeks.....but then when you are with a 6 and 4 year old, life is active to say the least.......
Hope you are well.......
Oh, how lovely to have you back! I'm glad you had a good time.
Hi Cheryl, I'm glad to hear you had a fun time! Of course we want to hear about it :)
To reply to your message on my blog, I have received your seeds thank you very much, I collected your hollyhock seeds a couple of days ago and should be posting them in the next few days :)
Welcome back. Dorothy had it right when she said, "There's no place like home...there's no place like home."
Like you, our thoughts always drift to our dogs when we are on vacation. We know they are well cared for but still...
And I completely understand about your garden. We're all glad you had a good time and equally glad that you are home again.
Hi Mimi....thank you so much.....we had lots of fun but it is so good to be back......
Hi Liz.....thanks re hollyhock seeds....very grateful....
Hi ncmountainwoman....I have always loved the US...the people are friendly and fun.....in comparison to UK it is so vast and makes me feel so small.......
But my thoughts always drift to home....I can speak to family to check they are okay.......but my little dog and gardens are out of reach. As I spend most of my time alone here, Nella is my companion......she follows me constantly and will often sit and watch me dig or weed. It is good to have her sitting at my feet this evening......
oh dear cheryl...how i have missed you and your garden.
i hope you had a wonderful holiday and it sounds like you did....but i am glad you are back home. your garden needs you and so do i...every flower is happy to have you home. lovely blooms...bees are there for you to enjoy and of course nella must have been overjoyed to have you back home.
your autumn is looking nice...and don't you just love leaf crunching time.
i so understand the need to be home and in your own garden...
happy days of autumn.
Oh Cheryl! I most certainly understand your comment about your garden being a part of who you are! I winter in AZ with so much in bloom to keep me mezmorized however there is always that part of me that is left behind in my own garden even though covered in now.Regardless the season a walk in our own garden..soothes the spirit.
I so enjoyed a walk in your santuary..your garden today.
blessings from aNNa and purr-zzz from me two *female* kitty cats. wink
OOPS! error above:
"covered in snow"
Hi Cheryl
Glad to hear you had a great holiday and so good to have you back.
Personally, I find it very difficult to leave my garden in summer. I always worry about what might be happening to it, so you are very brave to leave it at that time. But I'm sure it's great to be back.
So sad that you didn't see any bees. I would have thought somewhere like Florida would have heaps. Very sad, but at least you have your bumbles to come back to.
Oh, and I think we have hoverflies - first time I've seen them, but there seems to be quite a few around. xx
Welcome home. I am glad you had a great trip, but there is no place like home, is there? I am sure that Nellie was thrilled to see you soon.
I enjoyed your photos.
I see bees often here in Virginia but less honeybees than bumblebees.
Welcome home Cheryl! I have missed you and wondered how you were getting on, I'm so glad you are back safely and enjoying your beautiful sanctuary again. It must be wonderful for you and Nella to be together again.
Lovely photos of Nella and also of the sweet little Robin joyfully heralding your return :)
Dear Cheryl,
So good to hear your voice again and see your gardens.
I missed you. I am sure dearest Nella also missed you. She is a sweetheart. Your photographs show how darling she is!
I wonder why no bees in Florida...very strange...yet you did see butterflies?
The children will always remember their Florida trip with Grandma and Grandpa. Is Poppie a princess now or did she connect to Tinker Bell?
So happy your bees are safe and happy. I bet your birds are also happy you have returned. Your photogrpahs of the Robin are wonderful!
I too love to travel but am always happy to come home to my gardens and my bed!
Sleep well dear friend.
Nice to be hunting bugs together again!
Welcome home, Cheryl! It's so good to have you back. No matter how enjoyable a trip might be, it's always good to be home again. I understand completely your missing your garden and Nella. We are going on a long weekend trip this weekend, and I'm already worried about leaving Sophie behind.
I'm surprised you didn't see a single bee in Florida. There are still so many bumbles and other types of bees around my garden, even though they probably need to put on a blanket at night:) It's definitely fall weather here with very chilly nights.
I hope you had a wonderful time. Looking forward to seeing how your garden is faring and maybe a few pictures from your trip?
Welome back! I have so missed your delightful posts and seeing your beautiful gardens. Your new header is such fun-I can almost see the smile on the bee.
I hope your had a wonderful time and got some reat. It will be such fun to hear and see all the sights you saw and to hearhow the kids enjoyed themselves.
I can't imagine no bees in Fl., wonder were they are. Maybe here, as my gardens are still full of them. They seem a bit sluggish sometines because of the cool weather, but are still out there gathering pollen where they can find it.
I am sure Nella is just as happy as you to be back home in her garden and with her family. She will have lots of catching up to do keeping unwanted critters out of the gardens.
Take care(and excuse the letter instead of just a comment!)
Dear Cheryl,
Nella is a very handsome girl, and looks very happy to have you home.
I understand what you are saying about your garden being a part of you...the only place I am truly happy is at home in the garden. But, I do think it is good to get away occasionally to truly appreciate it.
It's good to have you back in Blog-land. You have been missed!
WoW soo glad you all had a fabulous time Cheryl...I bet Poppi and Riley loved it!!!!
Ooooh it was 1993 when my children were small and they last visited America...oh brings back wonderful memories..hmmmm....
Theres no place like `home` and home is where the heart is....
and your heart is definatly there....
Had much changed in Florida since your last visit in 1992?
Love to you and yours TFS:)xxx
Dear Marmee.....it is good to be back in blogland.....Florida was beautiful, I understand why you love it so much. I loved the rain in the afternoons...warm rain, soft rain....I found it delightful. The people were so lovely....so friendly and kind to us. I cannot fault my holiday at all.
BUT my heart and soul are here.....in my home and gardens.....and I did miss my little dog so much. She stays with me all the time. I spend many hours on my own, she is a wonderful companion.
I do hope you and yours are well and happy........
After a time, we all get impatient to be home again;) Glad to see everything there is doing well.
Welcome home...We may be as excited as Nella to see you in your garden! Cheryl, I know exactly what you mean~~we gardeners are rooted in our gardens. It would take a pry bar to get us out.
Welcome home dear girl. Nella isn't the only one happy to see you back in your patch. I am happy to hear you had a good time. Nothing better than that good ole southern hospitality.
I am not surprised that you didn't see any bees. The oney bees especially are being descimated by some kind of virus/parasite in their hives. I don't think there is a cure as they can't really pinpoint the cause. Nature is not able to fight what ever it is. So you can see why we treasure our bees.
Hi Naturegirl.....firstly so sorry that I called Paisley a boy...tut tut.....I shall remember that in future.
Our gardens are so very much part of us.....it is hard to explain to someone who does not tend a space.
I do hope that you are well.......
Hi Naturewitch
I was worried leaving the garden but family come first. It was good to come home and see how the garden had coped without me. The rabbits have done lots of digging.....in the grass....in the beds.....bad rabbits.
Hoverflies are so lovely.....I am always so pleased to see them in the garden. So many different colours and sizes.....great species.
Hi Art.....thank you. It is good to know that you have plenty of bees in Virginia....they are so important to us and our planet.
Thank you so much for dropping by.
Hi Jan...thank you, so kind. I missed many of my blogging friends including you of course.
It is amazing how this small network opens up so many new friendships.
It was lovely to be with Nella again.....
the robin was a bonus......the birds in US are wonderful....I saw many but could not tell you what they were.
I did not take my camera....I really needed to switch off completely. Mr P took his camcorder....so we have some wonderful video to watch.
Hope you and yours are well.......
Dear Sherry....good to be hunting bugs with you again. I have missed that and you. I did need a blogging break......with everything else in my life I was feeling quite exhausted.
How did you know....you are incredible....Tinker Bell of course. Poppi has the outfit, including the floral head dress.....she looks so sweet. She met the princesses, who thought she was the real Tinker Bell. Poppi delighted in telling them that she was. Such fun.
It is good to be home....I missed my bed ....I love my bed, it is so comfortable.
Missed you loads....good to be back...
Hugs Cheryl
Hi Rose....I do hope that you have a wonderful weekend. I understand you worrying about Sophie. I worried about Nella all the time I was gone....I knew she was in good and safe hands BUT.......
Sorry to disappoint....no holiday snaps.....I did not take my camera (by choice). I was feeling exhausted by the time we went away....I just wanted to go away and enjoy the time with the children. Mr P took some wonderful video with his new camcorder and that of course is for family viewing.
Now that I am home and feeling rested, I wish I had taken my camera but there you go, too late now. I saw some wonderful wildlife, especially butterflies. Aren't they huge. Ours are so small in comparison.
Nice to be with you again Rose.....
Hi Beckie.....although we did such a lot I do feel rested, thank you for asking.
I feel guilty....I did not take my camera....I know that I should have done but I felt so exhausted when we left I just could not be bothered. I regret that now but it is too late.
Mr P took some wonderful video......family video.....an absolute joy to watch......treasure memories for sure.
I loved Florida and the people....I could not have asked for more from the holiday, it was indeed amazing.
Hope hubby is sorting out his health issues....thinking of you both.
Morning Glories....you are kindness itself, thank you.
It is good to be back in my gardens and amongst the blogging community again. I missed you all heaps and thought of you so many time during my stay in US. So near and yet so far as Lisa said........
You are right, being away from one's garden makes it more special when we come back. I have itchy fingers......and am out there, as much as I can be, at this time......
Welcome back Cheryl!! It's so nice to visit with you once again. I missed you and your enchanting gardens. And Nella, of course.
Florida is a lot of fun and seeing it through the eyes of your grandchildren - makes it extra special!
Don't know why there were no bees, unless they stay inland, although Disney World is inland ( I think).
At least you saw butterflies and birds - and lots of flowers too!
I quite agree with you - home sweet home! Nice to get away and nice to be back home, hands in the Earth - ummmmm! My garden will always be part of me. We spend so much time and love on our gardens....
Oh, I forgot to mention your robins - your pics are lovely. Our robins have all flown south for the winter. Our geese are migrating too.
Happy Autumn!
Sweet post. That's our Cheryl !
Love going on trips but coming home for a gardener is like discovering a treasure.
Glad you had a wonderful time in Florida--I can well imagine your two poppets got a lot of attention--so cute and we Americans love English accents, esp. in children! Your Nella is very cute and I can well imagine you having missed her. A very belated welcome home!
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