There is such a lot to do in the garden at the moment......the water feature isn't quite finished, and then I want to landscape that area......cutting back shrubs etc......when I went into the garden today I thought no, no, no just garden, no photographs.........

But you have guessed it, the bees on the mallow, with the sunlight shining through the petals....and hey I am rushing indoors for the camera.

Don't they just look so pretty??

I watched this bee on the tiny little flowers for ages.......so delicately balanced. But the thing that took my breath away was not a bee or any form of wildlife but a flower...........

The tiger flower.......I bought the bulbs in March, with hesitation. Each bloom lasts but for a day, they are frost tender, so will have to be lifted in the autumn. I took one look at them and was totally hooked.

The photograph does not do them justice, truly...............I normally plant native as much as I can but these are here to stay and I shall buy more bulbs next spring......... As this lovely flower will be gone by the morning, I will be giving it many visits during the day.....now If I can just get an insect to settle on it............
That tiger flower really is beautiful. Such great color. I love the red and yellow together. There is no way you could pass up getting a shot of that one. Hope you find a bee on it later.
I go out to relax or just work and always end up with the camera...now I tend to just put it in my pocket no matter what (one reason I chose the smaller sized camera).
I like your tiger flower...they are a nice looking bulb, even if not hardy.
Hello Baker...it is a lovely flower and believe it or not is fading already.....sigh
Hi Chris....sometimes I want to just enjoy what is around me but I just can't resist that temptation to take a snap......
Dear Cheryl,
The Tiger Flower is beautiful!!
It is a grand event when I am smitten by a flower. Birds and bugs and four leggeds grab my heart easily. Yet when I fall for a flower I am forever smitten. This one is lovely and worth the effort of lifting in the fall.
Her quick display reminds me to stop and enjoy each moment.
I try and keep my camera close at hand when I am outside. It seems I too must stop for a perfect petal or a bee or even a lovely cloud.
You have the eye for beauty. Your photos are lovely; your headed divine!
Dear Sherry....The tiger flower really did take my breath away....I had forgotten I had planted them.....it was a wonderful surprise....
Like you I fall in love with bugs and birds and little bees so easily......flowers rarely grab me so quickly......this is my flower..
What an unusual flower Cheryl. I can see why you like it so much.
That is a beautiful lily, but with my luck I wouldn't notice it the day it bloomed:)
I love your mallow, though. Didn't you say you couldn't raise hollyhocks? I always thought mallow looked very similar in bloom, a more refined plant.
You should see all the bees I have! I wish I could capture all of them in photos to show you, but mine are camera-shy. Or probably it's that I'm not as patient as you:)
For anyone that is interested the tiget flower is also called the peacock flower......
Hi Lisa....I probably like it so much because I have nothing else like it in the garden....
Hi Rose.....I can grow hollyhocks but they develope rust and within a few weeks they look awful....
I would think the mallow and hollyhock are related.....
Look forward, maybe, to seeing your bees......
That is a really beautiful flower Cheryl - so striking. I love the last picture and love how it stands out amongst the yellow and white flowers xx
What lovely photos. I found you via Greenbow.
I understand why you couldn't resist the Tiger flower, it's very pretty and unusual. I feel the same about tigers. Wish I could have a little kitten tiger romping about in my garden. ;-)
I find it impossible too, not taking pics when I'm walking around my garden. I'm so glad that digital pics are so easy to take and put on the pc.
Long may the new flowers on your tiger flower appear and perhaps one day a friendly insect will oblige you by descending on it. :-)
Bees are lovely creatures certanly! If I had a garden I would definetly make everything to make them come to visit me )
Hi Yolanda.....I love tigers to, the cubs are gorgeous but in the garden hhmmmm
Hi Aluajala.....I love bees to and do all I can to encourage them into the garden.
Hi Cheryl, another great post. Many thanks for the plug for my blog, very kind. I agree with Steve on the dragonfly a female ruddy darter. A great book to help id these beautiful insects is by Steve Brooks and Richard Lewington - Field guide to the Dragonflies and Damselflies of Great Britain and Ireland.
Hello John thank you for all the information....I shall order the book soonest....
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