As I walk the garden today many blooms are fading fast.....the echinops still has flowers to come but this one has seen better days........

allium drumsticks are finished......the bees loved them ........

the perennial sunflower is just starting to fade although there are a few blooms giving a good display.......

the seedheads of oriental poppies look striking in the border....it does not seem long ago that her huge blooms were dominant in this bed.

but there are some new arrivals.....this little aster is dotted all over the garden. My father gave me some plants a couple of years ago from the garden he left behind......they hold strong memories for me, so I get much pleasure when they open.....

The mighty cardoon has many blooms and looks magnificent.......

but as I look around, the lilacs and whites of summer are in decline, autumn colours are appearing slowly..........the blackberries are in the hedges around the garden, I should be picking them in a few weeks......in fact I picked a handful today, they were in a sheltered sunny spot so had ripened early.....

Mahonia Aquifolium is turning.........adding red tones to the garden.....

I remember saying to Lisa at Greenbow how much I loved Lords and Ladies......only to discover that she does to.....and look under the old apple tree one was pollenated and is covered in berries...

and hanging sweetly in the copse are rows and rows of elderberries.....something that I love........I have been told you should not eat them.....but I must confess I do in small amounts, they have a flavour all of their own..........they can give you an upset stomach, so do not do, as I do.....

and just look at these hips waiting for the birds to have a feast.........red again you see....autumnal colours........

also the haws are turning........they will bring the fieldfare and redwings to my garden and I tell you lovely bloggers I just cannot wait.....I love the thrush family so for me this is a yearly treat.....

and finally honeysuckle berries.....plump and ripe and ready for a taker........so you can see autumn in Cheryl's garden is approaching slowly.......my bees have done a wonderful job with pollenation, for this I thank them.......the small creatures that delight and charm me.........that make my life that little bit sweeter.............is autumn creeping into your space yet?????
I am so jealous of your autumnal garden. Alas, we do not have autumn here. I live in the tropics.
Hi Cheryl,
Oh my ... talk of autumn and autumn colors already... how can it be? I adore the colors of autumn and I am gooshy over any kind of berry... you have so many wonderful ones in your garden.
Those poppy seed heads are just stunning... something I'd surely adore if I could grow them.
Our summers here hang on for quite a while so no sign of autumn here yet...
You have a lot going on...great story of the garden. I think summer is holding on more here (it did arrive later too). I just noticed that the bees seem to be at a peak here...so come mid-late August autumn will arrive fast.
Hi mimi......don't be jealous, you grow some beautiful flowers that I can only dream of.....
Hi Meems.....this has been a strange year....although we have had high temperatures during the last week or so...it has been a dry chilly season on the whole. The garden does seem to be a little confused but that's nature for you.....
Hi Chris....I love to watch the garden.....nature tells us a lot, if we only listen.....
Dear Cheryl,
Lately I have felt like I live in the tropics! Your gardens are winding down. The hips are beautiful. My garden is in full grow!
I love Autumn...no sign here yet of the chance of seasons.
There is a longing in my heart too to hang on to the bees and the butterflies. It is always hard for me to say, "Goodbye" to the Hummingbirds. Still I love Autumn.
August is very summertime in my gardens. Now is the time our temps soar into the 100's plus (38-40c).
Your Thrushes will love your berries. I hope to see pictures.
Your photography is beautiful. You have the eye.
Thank you for sharing all the beauty in your gardens. Seeing your butterflies is wonderful. Looking forward to Sunday Safari!
Lovely posting as always - so sorry it's been SO long since my last visit - there just never seems to be enough hours in the day!! The plants in your garden are SO similar to here it's amazing... the Echinops have only recently come out so we're a bit behind you with those. Do hope you're having a good summer - don't wish autumn on us too quickly! Still trying to enjoy summer here although I don't think the weather knows what it is doing!! One minute it's chilly and raining buckets the next it's 30 degrees and far too hot! We're never happy... take care Miranda
You surely can see signs of autumn in your garden-the warm rich colors I adore. Although some flowers are fading here, others are still blooming away. I am looking forward to the mums and of course the roses will bloom again once the Japanese beetle leaves. There is a distinct oder in the air when fall approaches and I have not smelled it yet. But with August here, can fall be far behind? Wonderful stroll through your garden-thanks.
Dear Sherry....it has been wonderful travelling the world via blogs and finding out what happens in other peoples gardens......I never realised it would be so hot....do you like those high temperatures......I would find them hard to cope with personally.
I to will miss the little creatures....they add something special to a space.....they give it life and meaning....
See you Sunday!!!!!
Hi Miranda.....that's ok you are a busy person....
I am not wishing summer away but there is evidence of autumns approach....it is wonderful how nature tells us rather than the date.....
Hi Beckie....yes I to can smell autumn when she arrives....and I have not smelt it yet.....
look forward to seeing the mums.....I have one called Cheryl.....I bought it last year....could not resist....
Of course I do not grow roses because of the rabbits, so I will have to enjoy yours.....
A beautiful collection of what was and a hopeful outcome for their future. It is the most interesting post I have seen lately.
Thank you Abraham......I take that as a huge compliment.....
I love the clarity of your astor; it looks so special somehow. And your berries look luscious! Autumn is still a good piece away for us. At least where I'm looking. I am not looking at lily-of-the-valley berries, or rose hips in my garden. I'm focusing on day lilies (one left), dahlias (many, many still blooming), marigolds (oops, they do look nicer in autumn). Better stop now before I really put my foot in my mouth. {{Sigh}} - I guess we can't hold summer back, can we?
I tried to post about the festival of Lugh today (August 1), but I am locked out of my blog. Apparently, they are inspecting it for spam. Goodness knows why!
Thanks Cheryl for being such a loyal reader. I hope I can get back into my blog soon.
Hi Wendy....how frustrating....hope you are back in soon....
The asters are pretty and I love autumn colours....they are perfect for the time of year....in the summer they would be too hot...
We can't halt the passing of time....best to enjoy everything for the short while it is here.....
Cheryl - I always enjoy accompanying you on your garden strolls - this one in particular.
Great subjects and pictures again.
mmmmm, blackberries! lucky you - we have another 6 months to wait here! xx
It's always so sad to see the flowers of summer fade, but you should have a garden of wildlife this autumn, Cheryl.
Hi Cheryl, I have been thinking about autumn but my garden is showing no real signs of autumn other than a few berries on the honeysuckle.
My Italica Arum didn't make any berries again this year. I wonder why?? Maybe the bees weren't out when it was blooming and therefore it didn't get pollinated. I have only had those berries one time. Hmmmmm?????
I love the oriental poppy seedheads. They look like there is a convention of princesses. Little crowns all gathered together.
There are some flowers that are giving up the bloom now. It won't be long and autumn will move in. Right now we are having horribly hot and humid days. UGH.
Love the pictures of your family in the previous post too. What a lovely birthday post.
Thanks Tricia......
Don't you just love blackberries naturewitch....with the apples from the tree....I feel a few crumbles being made....yummmmmmmy
Autumn inspires me more than any other season Rose......hopefully the wildlife will flock here knowing the garden is full of treats.....
Hi Lisa...I might be wrong but I think it is actually flies that pollenate the arums....I am sure I read that somewhere....
I adore your description of the poppy seeds....you see things with a poets eye.....
I really do not like hot and humid weather, it can make me feel quite ill.....fortunately this year we have had little, and I have enjoyed that.....
Have a good weekend.....
No too early for autumn, I have decided we are going to have an indian summer, no question about it, Just check back with me in September/October when you can say 'You where right' lol!!!
You have a deal Libby.....autumn is coming....wait and see......
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