the reflections were beautiful.......
the cliff face was full of plants and some were in flower.......
there was so much to many memories.......
Mr P and I spent our honeymoon in Cornwall.......just three days.....we had little money.........but we shared dreams and hope for the future.......

We bought our son here as a baby.....his first holiday.........we stayed in a caravan....again money was short, but we had a wonderful time.....
and then our daughter arrived and made our family complete........we spent summer holidays my mind's eye I could see their little bodies running across the beach, bucket and spades in hand......."Mummy can we make a sandcastle".........
Cornwall in February is silent...........its beaches deserted...........its scenery soft..............we needed space and time to talk...........quality time........
Beautiful Cornwall photos and what wonderful memories!
Aw Cheryl...
`Beautiful` photo`s I have `Happy Memories` of Cornwall from when I was a child such a beautiful place...
Didnt appreciate as much as now!!!
Glad you both had a lovely time..TFS:)~X~
This place is gorgeous Cheryl. I can see why you are drawn back time and again. I hope you have a wonderful holiday. With those views and Mr P by your side you can't have a bad time. Rest and Relax.
Such a treasured spot. Thank you for sharing your memories and pics with us. There is something about the ocean.....
Those honeymoon memories and pictures of our children when they were young are like gold. Money doesn't matter - we rarely have any when we're young. And it's not that important.
Beautiful photos, Cheryl! I'm glad you and Mr. P had this time to get away and relax together. All the special memories you have of Cornwall must have made the week even more special.
As Wendy said, most of us started out without much money--I know we didn't--and yet those early days provide so many happy memories.
Thank you for your kind words about my Dad; knowing your mother made a full recovery is very encouraging.
how absolutely wonderful. i loved every photograph. they all had a story to tell. your words seem at peace and cherishing a long tradition of experiences with husband and children. so happy for you that you had a wonderful time.
Hi Terrie.....Cornwall is very dear to my heart....memories flow......and to my joy it had not changed at all....bliss.....
Hi Lisa.....I found much peace and pleasure on this mini break......remembering our times there, walking and talking was wonderful....
Dear Wendy......I agree there is something about the draws me yet I fear I stood on the beach I thought of you all across the pond......
Memories are indeed to be treasured especially those of does make life easier but I agree some of our best times were had when we were broke......
Dear Rose....I cannot tell you how special this week was.....I found it peaceful and at the same time exhilirating......I love the ocean and the rugged formation of the has not changed since we first visited 39 years ago.....
I held your father in my thoughts last night Rose.......there is always hope, hang on to that.....and take care of yourself, these times can take there toll on the carer......
Dear Marmee....I had the most wonderful time with a very special man....he makes the memories that much sweeter.....
- Olá!!! passei para dar uma olhadinha nas novidades e fiquei surpreso com tantas fotos, uma mais linda que a outra, parabéns pela qualidade.
Abraço grande do Brasil
- Olá! I passed to give one olhadinha in the new features and was surpreso with as many photos, one prettier than to another one, congratulations for the quality.
I hug great of Brazil
What lovely photos. It looks like you had a wonderful, relaxing and tranquil time and nice to be there when everyone else isn't!
Hi Eduardo....thank you.....the scenery was stunning so photographs were easy.....
Hi was lovely to be in such a beautiful place, when the rest of the world were thinking of summer holidays.....
Great photos of your trip. I always like those paths with bends in element of mystery and excitement. It's great to find so many memories and enjoyment from a place - even when the money was short. We love that kind of trip.
Dear Cheryl,
Very beautiful. I love the softness of your photographs. I love the cool, lonely beach. A good time to walk and talk and plan. Cornwall looks to be a grand place in all seasons.
So happy you are home.
I missed you.
I bet Spring is in full dress and dancing about in your gardens.
Dear Sherry....Cornwall is a beautiful place, as you say, in all seasons.
The beach walks were was not cold.....just a slight nip but the wind was kind.....
I missed you to...we will catch up soon.....
I cannot believe how the garden has changed in just a few days....spring is most certainly here.....
Hi Chris.....I love those winding paths to....I enjoy mystery....
Perfect holiday even when the money was short......
Hi Cheryl - really glad you had a good break in Cornwall - I don't know that area of coast at all... we're off to Cornwall ourselves in a couple of weeks - can't wait! Lovely pictures by the way... take care Miranda
Hi is a beautiful coast....I have friends who live near the lizard.....they have a cottage on the cliff top.....
I hope you have a wonderful time and that the weather is kind to you......
We visited there once . . . a long time ago. It is so beautiful. Thanks for sharing your gorgeous photos and I'm so glad you were to have this time away. ♥
Beautifully written, Cheryl. Sentimental and very meaningful - even to me! Just lovely. Cornwall is a very special place for you.
Oh Cheryl what a delightful image you left in my thoughts today with the comment you left on my blog... Oh, I could see little Poppy and Tesa playing in a lovely garden as you and I both enjoyed some tea and crackers sitting by a gorgeous table under blossoms of lavender wisteria.... so sweet, dear friend... and I have so enjoyed this post.., what a lovely view from your hotel room... I love that white cottage over the cliff tops, and the romantic and somewhat mystical winding paths that let to the beach... I’m sure you had a wonderful relaxing time, and I'm glad you did... What a blessing. Take care sweet friend...
Love ya!
What a beautiful place! I would love to visit this kind of beach over a tropical beach any day.
Cheryl, A beautiful post and a wonderfully beautiful spot to spend time, reflecting and being together. Your photographs are splendid. gail
What lovely pictures Cheryl. I hope you and Mr P had a peaceful few days. The view from your room was stunning. It's nice to re-visit I think. Sometimes you are disappointed, but often you are not, I think maybe cos we take our precious memories back with us. When we were small, we didn't have fancy holidays as we didn't have much money, and also I suffered from crippling travel sickness - 15 minutes in a car and I'd be off. So we used to stay fairly local. More often than not we went to Rhyl or Southport and I tell you, we had the best time cos my aunt , uncle, cousins and grandparents all went and it was nice to be together. I still remember walking back from Ffrith with an ice cream - we walked along the sea wall - and I would be holding my grandads hand and singing. Precious times that cost next to nothing and I would not have swapped those holidays for all the tea in China. I bet Mich and your son would say the same xxxxxx
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