Some were so beautiful that I became lost in the moment, and I forgot the passing of time, and the freezing temperatures.....I was walking in beauty.....
Iris Katherine Hodgkin had grown overnight and is ready to burst. I was not impressed with this bloom last year, I feel differently now........somehow I know, just know, that she will captivate me.....the weather is right for her. The rain last winter damaged her flowers and her true beauty had not been seen....
Daffodils have appeared all over the garden as if by magic......there is a lot to be said for a little snow and the sun appearing the next day........slowly melting....taking this precious elixir down to the roots of the plant..........

Everywhere I looked plants had put on growth and blooms looked healthy and happy.....
I really did walk in beauty left me feeling calm and peaceful and full of hope.......
As I walked back to the house, the doves flew in....I have not seen them for a while...........they looked incredibly beautiful today.......
and if you would like to see my two grandchildren playing in the snow...... please click Poppicrafts.
Beautiful photos. We spotted two doves on our roof top yesterday afternoon as well. And I love seeing all the little footprints in the snow trying to figure out who has visited the garden :-) I enjoyed my visit here to your blog today.
Thank you Deb.....doves always bring a sense of peace to a garden I think.....
These are lovely pictures Cheryl... it's funny how often you take pictures of similar things to here... we only had a smuttering of snow yesterday and had taken a few pictures... one of the best ones was the Helebore... looked so elegant with a coating of snow on... keep enjoying the snow...
Oh Cheryl everything looks so ready for Spring..I love the photos..Hope your blooms come out
despite getting frozen.
It always happens here it seems.
I love Eagles..the ones I have on my blog our Bald Eagles..our National Bird.
Cheryl, you manage to find beauty in every aspect of nature--lovely photos of the ice and snow. But what is especially appealing is that you can see the sun begin to peek out in the later photos until the last one of the doves in the bright sunshine--perfect!
I hope all your flowers survive this cold, though the daffodils and snowdrops should be fine. Our plants are used to this weather and know better than to pop their heads out too soon:)
Just hopped over to see the grandchildren--how adorable!
Well Rose said exactly what I was going to say. You find beauty in everything, Cheryl.
I think your iris will do just fine this year. It looks so promising.
Nice that those doves came by for a visit. They look so pretty against the blue sky.
Will pop over and visit your two little grandchildren.
Even with the forcast of more snow, you sound calm and serene.
Love and Light
It is good that you can get outside a bit Cheryl. The wildlife does struggle to survive when the snow gets deep.
Do those doves belong to someone? Do they just get out occasionally to stretch their wings? They are beautiful creatures.
Everything is still covered with snow here. At least the streets are beginning to emerge.
absolutely beautiful captures of your walk amoungst the beauty.
those white doves against the bluest sky...spectacular. the frosty spikey branches...stunning.
i love see the colours of the hodgkins barely peaking out.
also noticing that things can change so always close to my heart.
Dear Cheryl,
I just had to stop by! I heard on the news LOndaon had snow...
Your gardens look lovely in the were "Walking in Beauty!"
I am having fun in Texas. The birds are plentiful as are the butterflies and dragonflies and bees! I thought of you today when I watched honey bees gather pollen.
We are staying a few days longer since our rooms are available and there are so many birds to see.
Miss you!
Oh my friend, how beautiful... how beautiful, indeed, our world is... and I'm so happy to see that I'm not the only one finding new signs of spring.... amazing the way God reveals himself to those who trust in Him... I thank Him!
Hugs, and love
Yes, I agree with everyone, wonderful images from your garden Cheryl :-D
I also agree with you, the footprints do make us wonder about the birds and wildlife out there just now. We have just a hard frost and some sunshine at the moment - not quite like the sky in your dove pic. What a beautiful capture that is :-D
The sun came out and made your snow shine. Great pictures. I love the snowman your grandchildren built, with lots of help I am sure.
I just love this weather and only wish we had it each year! It slows everything down, everywhere looks white and crispy and the occasional blue flashes of sky make it all seem rather surreal!
Hi Miranda....the snow is still with us....temperatures are so low it is frozen....
I to have noticed the similarities between the photographs that we take....I should think the conditions for growing are very similar.......Have fun
Hi Deena I am sure the blooms will be alright, they are quite tough plants.
The eagles are beautiful, so majestic.......
Dear Rose......the snowdrops and daffs will be fine....I am not too sure about some of the others....spring will reveal all I am sure.....
I am mostly concerned about the bees....I just hope that the really cold temperatures have not affected them too dramatically.....
Glad you enjoyed Riley and Poppe
Hi Wendy....I suppose the novelty of the snow opens up a new world to me.....we see this so rarely, it is an opportunity to go and enjoy the beauty of it.....When the doves came in, around eight of them circled the garden several times. They are so graceful it is almost like a ballet........they are very peaceful birds.......
Hi Lisa....the doves belong to a neighbour, they have a beautiful cote where the doves reside. It is lovely to have them come visit the garden.....they usually take the wild birds seed......
Hi Marmee....things can change so quickly with nature, also with life. I try to take things a day at a time, for me that is the best way...
I hope you are well.......
Dear Sherry....I am not really sure if I like the snow, it holds much beauty but it is so cold.....
How wonderful that you are amongst our friends again...enjoy the birds, bees and butterflies. I can see the honey bees in my mind.......tku for sharing...
Enjoy your extra days my friend....stay well and happy...
Miss you to, look forward to your news when you return.......
Dear Cielo....there are signs of spring appearing all over the garden....the blooms will not listen to the snow who is trying to tell them that winter is still here.
Being in touch with nature is a blessing.....
Hi Shirl...thank you.....I to like the dove photograph...I think it is the blue of the sky that does it for me......
Such beautiful photos of the snow and your garden, Cheryl.
It hasn't snowed here but its sure COLD here in Georgia !!!
I have many many birds feeding here now, and the dear come by regularly.
Stay warm and well.
Lovingly, Graceanne :)
You always help me appreciate nature and the gifts life gives us...What a wonderful gift you have for gratitude. Everything looks lovely, the daffodils, the doves and the beautiful blue sky. gail
I have been leaving bread in our garden (leftover) but instead of birds ,fox has been helping herself to it.
She/he came close to the house (2m) took the bread and away she went. She came back for more in 5 min time. No fear, just hungry.
We had lovely two days of sledging and snowball fights , but now is back to reality, our long drive is still frozen.
Hello Graceanne.....stay warm....winter will soon end and the beautiful bees butterflies and dragonflies will soon be back.....
Thank you Gail.....everyday is a blessing....I try to see something good in all things......
Hi are kind to feed the she fox.....she may be hungry.....she will not harm you......
Stay warm.....rain is on its way...the snow will soon be gone.....
Your garden is indeed beautiful Cheryl. Even with the snow. I am so surprised to see buds on some of your flowers. How amazing that they look so healthy with all that cold and snow.
It is always such a treat to visit and see through your eyes the joys of nature. I should try to find more beauty in our winter instead of comlplaining about it. However, in my defense-it has been a loooong winter! :}
Take care and hope the weather changes to a more normal pattern soon.
Dear Beckie.....The snow has been so pretty but I will be honest with you a few days is enough.....please complain, I don't know how you endure it for so many weeks......
In saying that I have found it quite beautiful to is amazing what you can see through a camera lens.....
I feel as though I were walking right along with you. Beautiful photos and thoughts. ♥ ♥ ♥
The doves are beautiful. How lovely to have them. Ours are mourning doves, which I also enjoy. Yet, there's something soothing about those white ones...
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