Of all the creatures that visit my garden, this without doubt, is my favourite.
I took six photographs and decided to sit with her and just take in my first visit of the year. I gazed as she pumped her little body, she needed to warm up.
It was not long before she started to enjoy the blooms....and for a moment, just one brief moment, I was a child sitting in Nannie and Gramps cottage garden, amongst the foxgloves and hollyhocks, watching the bees. I have never been afraid of bees....they have always captivated and fascinated me.
They charm and delight me.......take a look my friends, are her wings not exquisite?
And this photograph, for me says everything. It is soft and pretty........the humble bumble is a gentle creature.......I have spent time with bees all through my life and until this point have never been stung. If one comes to say hello I allow them to sit on my sleeve......flapping arms makes the bee think she is under attack....sit quietly my friends and she will leave in a short while.....this is her way......
I shall leave for Cornwall in the morning...........
Stay well and happy and I will be in touch when I am back home.......
My beloved bumble bees how I miss them. I can watch them for hours and feel their soft bodies as they would sit on my hands...
You're so lucky to have such a visitor! Have a nice trip and I wish you to be as lucky as today when you saw this lady in your garden.
I love Bumble bees too, I've only ever been stung once and that was when I was little and my mum told me not to try to catch one...
Yep you guessed it, I went out and tried to catch one!
I also love hoverflies, and as any gardener knows, they're our bed friends :)
Hi Aluajala.....I have missed the bees to, her visit was a gift...pure joy....
It will not be too long before your bees are back.......
Hi Liz....my little granddaughter tries to catch them....I have explained the reasons why she must not......I hope that she does not follow your example!!!
I to love hoverflies....they are darling little creatures and as you say the gardeners best friend......
I think your Bumble Bee came to wish you farewell for your journey.
I have a dear friend who has a terrible phobia of bees and wasps and it is such a shame that on lovely summer days she cannot sit in her garden for fear of them. I hope your ankle is improving now and does not hamper your visit to beautiful Cornwall.
Welcome shysongbird.....tku for your well wishes....
I think there are many people that miss the beauty of nature due to fear.....this saddens me....
I was stung by a wasp once when I accidentally dug up their nest in a border. Who can blame the creature, I was destroying its habitat......I am more careful in the borders these days and all is well....I like wasps to.......
Cornwall is beautiful.....have you been??
Hi again Cheryl,
I hope I'm not holding you up from preparing for your trip. Yes we holidayed in Cornwall two years running some years ago and it was glorious. I re-read Rebecca recently and I was transported back there again, it really is a beautiful place.
I was stung by a wasp as a child when I accidentally knelt on it, but if I was a wasp I would have stung me too!
How alert you are to notice and photograph the little bee. I wonder where ours are? I have never given much thought as to how they survive our long winters.
I am so glad to see bees in your garden already. It seems so early, but they know where they can get fed. Such delightful photos of her!
I hope you have a wonderful holiday and are feeling so that you can enjoy it. Will miss you, but bring back lots of pictures and stories.
Hi Cheryl
Good to see your bumbles are returning - Spring is just around the corner . . .
Have a great time in Cornwall. xx
Oh,Cheryl, I too just adore walking about in the garden hearing before seeing. It is so calming to know the bees are working side by side with me. Yes, her wings are exquisite as is her soft little body. I'm training my grandbabies not to start flapping as the buzzing critters come whizzing by their heads. It is their first instinct but they are adapting my philosophy of letting the helpful critters have the right of way. :-) Afterall I'm planting to attract them.
Loved this first sighting... there are many more to come for you!
Enjoy your time away.
Meems @ Hoe and Shovel
oh how lovely that you have seen your beloved queen bumble.
when i was at meems i heard them buzzing all around her azaleas. it was a pleasant sound to the senses.
i loved seeing your very beautiful captures of her on your buds an blooms. spring is coming!
i love how the moment with her brought back fond memories for you. i love when that happens.
happy sunday to you and happy cornwall holiday to you too.
Hi shysongbird.....we too spent much time there with our children, many years ago.....I have such fond memories.....we are travelling to Bedruthan Steps.....
I could not visit your blog for some reason, only the header came up and nothing else.....I have tried twice....I will try again when I come home......
Hi Ruth....they will only come out of the nest if the weather is warm....and only visit gardens where there are blooms.....
Only the queen bumble survives the winter....all the other bumbles die.....a new colony will emerge in the springtime......
To survive the cold winters the bumble will choose a sheltered spot and go quite deep.......
Dear Beckie.....the weather warmed up and brought the queen out of her nest......it was wonderful to see her....
I am ready for a short break....my foot is still very painful but the treatment has helped. I shall take some photographs but don't want to bore people....I shall show a few.....
Will miss you all.......take care.....
Hi Naturewitch....the clock turns.....autumn is waiting your end.....how fast time goes.....
Oh Cheryl... I loved this post!!!!! You and I have a kindred love of bees. Your description of when you were a child reminds me of my childhood days spent at Grammy's house among the hollyhocks (I was even photographing them back then). I have yet to see my first bumblebee this year and am looking forward to it with much anticipation.
beautiful, lets hope that spring is just around the corner,have a great time in cornwall, sue.x
Thank you so much for telling me that Cheryl, I use Firefox and had no problem but tried to access myself on Internet Explorer which I suspect you may be on and had the same problem as you. I deleted my latest post and re posted it and it seems to be all right now.
I hope there won't be any more problems and I'm really grateful to you for pointing it out.
That is a wonderful friend and exciting to see. When I was a child I would stop to pet the bumblebees (maybe not the best interaction - but I was young). I only been stung by hornets - never a bee.
Happy Day! I've been stung several times but not by Bumbles. Hornets, Honey Bees, and Wasps. I'm very careful with them...
It's been good to catch up with you, Cheryl.
Wonderful! I am so glad you have them back in your garden~~One warm day a few weeks ago I thought I heard buzzing but it was just a wasp taking advantage of the unusual weather! Soon I hope to celebrate the bees return...in the meantime I will revel in your photographs and prose! Gail
Surprised that it's warm enough to have bees. What a wonderful reminder that much life in the garden is on its way.
Enjoy your holiday.
Oh, it must be almost spring, Cheryl, if your bees have arrived! Seeing this bee on the budding mahonia just says spring to me.
I've never been stung by a bee in the garden either; I've found that if I don't bother them, they don't bother me:) And last year I discovered they don't even mind having their picture taken.
Sorry I didn't get here yesterday to wish you a good trip. I hope you have a wonderful time in Cornwall!
I've got weeks and weeks of snow in my country yet, but your post on the bumble bee brought back a childhood memory. When I was just a girl, pushing my doll's pushchair up our country lane, a bumble bee landed on my hand. I pet it; it was so soft! Since then, I have never been afraid of bees and have never been stung. I wish things were growing in my part of the world today!
I too saw my first Bumble Bee yesterday whilst out gardening - as well as a beautiful pair of Brimstone Butterflies!
Do hope you have a lovely time in Cornwall - we're also going there for our wedding anniversary in March - can't wait! Whereabouts are you going? We were married at Gunwalloe - beautiful little cove on the Lizard - well worth a visit if you're down that way! Have fun Mirandax
Hi Cheryl, excellent post and great pictures. I love spending time with the bees,It makes me feel great when I see them, it validates the reason for garden
Oh I am so excited for you. The first bumble bee! How wonderful. I am glad you were able to capture her with your camera and share with us.
Have a wonderful trip in Cornwall. Thank you for your kind words on my last post. Your intuition is right on. I am learning that I am on a journey that needs some attention too.
Dear Cheryl,
I cried when I saw her....I'm gratful she came right before you left.
She is heaven on earth for me too. Have a delightful rest knowing your gardens are well cared for. The humble Bumble is awake and well in your gardens.
Hi Cheryl...
One thing I have a fear of `Bees`...
Your photo`s are beautiful..I love catching up with them all.....TFS
Have a lovely time away:)~x~
You, and your sanctuary have the power of transporting me to some sacred place... I love it!
oh what a lovely lovely post cheryl!
leanne x
What a delightful send-off having a best friend visit just before leaving on holiday. Have a great time. Just think of the changes you will find in the garden when you return.
I found blooming crocus and hellebores. I haven't been out and about the garden much yet. Maybe tomorrow.
Can't wait to hear about your holiday. Have fun.
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