When I started this border on a cold autumn day....I asked myself, why?
Taking up the grass....adding top soil....wet, cold, and tired....I asked myself, why?Nature gives back so much more.....

She lifts me high, and I understand why I am here......Wildlife, for me, is a passion. It charms and delights me.....
and brings softness to my life......
It heals my tired mind....and makes the day brighter......
Did you know that you can talk to bees......and yes, they do listen.......
Even this tiny rat did not bother me today....she seems to like the mushroom compost. Nella will find her, she has taken many......that is her job. I am learning to accept the ways of the countryside. For me, it has not been an easy road......but I am getting there. I have so enjoyed this day....to see more butterflies is something I have been aiming for.......now what can I do this autumn??
If I would get these results I would be making another flower bed too Cheryl. Your new border is a bonus in life. Cheers.
Hi Lisa......thank you, hard work but worth it......
Lovely having so much fun then the little gems come to visit. Our Mountain Mint patch is just starting with butterflies and bees, in a few weeks it'll be covered with goodies.
It's raining yeah!!!!
Wonderful photos Cheryl, your garden looks like heaven something I can only dream for!
Your border is another wonderful sanctuary for nature's own. I love the butterfly and bee shots as well as your gorgeous flowers. As you say, a day like this makes all the hard work worth it. I know I appreciate your hard work! I can come here and enjoy. :)
you do walk in beauty cheryl... and you take us with you, thankyou.
Leanne x
Send some rain over here Randy pleeeeeease.......
Look forward to your posts.....
We all have dreams Liz and they do sometimes come true.......
Beckie...as always you bring a smile....thank you.....
A pleasure Leanne, always.....
How lovely Cheryl, that's what I call a border, so natural, no wonder the butterflies love it...it does me good just seeing the photos. Your hard work and dedication is rewarded and I have benefited from it too, thank you!
Thanks Jan......in the autumn I have decided to change my planting again....and shall have cornfield mix in most borders. Native is the way to go......the plants survive well even in drought. They have been around for hundreds of years, so have seen weather changes before, and survived.....
Climate change is an issue and I personally think wildlife needs all the help it can get...
As always your garden is a delight to view through this blog. I really wish I had more space to add meadows etc for encouraging wildlife, maybe in my next life!
Hi Libby.....you never know what is around the corner....if you told me twenty years ago that I would be living here, I would have laughed......
Lovely, Cheryl...the results do make all that hard work worth it. Now you can just sit back and enjoy. Such beautiful butterflies! They can certainly lift up a person's spirits.
Loved seeing all your butterflies. We usually have lots of butterflies by July but this spring was very cold and wet and the numbers are down. Hoping this sunny weather will help them.
Dear Cheryl,
The bugs and the birds ARE why we do what we do! I am so tired today from Sunday Safari! The good kind of tired...happy tired. I went to the Prairie and was gone 10 hours....I am looking for the Pink Katydid. She is endangered and I read she was in the Prairie just southeast of me. I did not see her. I just might have to add Katydid habitat to my backyard. There goes the tomatoes! Oh well, the deer are eating them anyway.
I love seeing all your butterflies. They are gorgeous...as are your flowers. I would gladly nectar in your gardens. Always happy to be near the bees.
Little Ratty does have a place...all of nature has a place.
You understand and love them all.
Slowly I am replacing my gardens with habitat. I am redefining beautiful...is it good for the bugs and the birds?
YOU are good for the birds and the bugs....YOU are good for my spirit!
Thank you for a wonderful safari.
I thought of you while I walked the Prairie. Thank you for your friendship! (I know the bugs and birds appreciate all you do too!)
This is just lovely.
Dear Rose....it was a perfect day....the garden was just full of life......for me that is the very soul of the garden,the life in it......
Hi Marnie...we had a cold and wet spring last year and like you, we had few butterflies. There is always next year.....
My Dear Sherry....to walk the prarie with you would be a dream, kindred spirits, words would not be necessary.....
I shall look up katydid.....I need to know what this is.....
I to am thinking new habitat......improving each year is my aim....I am excited at the thought.....the path where I am walking is where I want and need to be......I am sure we walk side by side.......We lift each others spirit, that is what we are about.....
Oh, Cheryl - what a beautiful, heartfelt post! I totally agree with you. Our natural world, it's plants and butterflies, bugs and birds, trees, and fish, water and earth - is where my passion lies too.
I am glad you chose to til the soil last autumn. Your pics are beautiful - thanks for sharing. Poor little rat.....
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