Allium drumsticks is another......and bees again love this particular flower.....the only problem with this one is, the weight of the bloom often brings it down, I find you need to support them. Something I have neglected to do this year. A job waiting in the wings......
And this bloom is especially dear to me...........she makes me smile, apparently this is what a rabbit looks like!!!
She is the best of blooms!
Thank you for sharing her...I am delighted.
It's scary just how many plants we share Cheryl, we must have great taste ;)
It's been a dull day here today and rather chilly so I look forward to the return of the warm weather so I can take photos of something I discovered tonight on my slug patrol - Very excited!
Absolutly Blooming Gorgeous...
WoW Poppy is soon growing Cheryl!!!!!
She has to be the prettiest Bloom!!!
I hope the storms didnt cause to much trouble for you and your all safe and well.
and seriously sorry for not stopping by so often...
`Thankyou` sooo much for taking the time to leave such sweet comments;)
I so really do appreciate everything you say..
Much love to you and yours :)
Hope Michelles well;) xxx
Lovely blooms and that last one is especially lovely!!
A flower that looks like a bunny! What a great addition to any garden.
I love Poppi's smile, it makes me smile back. My verbena is growing beautifully, thank you very much! I will have to get a picture of some of them to show you. In fact, one day soon, I hope to do a post on all the flowers you sent the seeds for. I have several growing and almost all are blooming.
Still wish I could grow poppies like you do. :)
Your little girl is so pretty and I love the name Poppi. Your flowers are beautiful! I enjoyed your blog.
DEar Sherry....there is no sweeter bloom that little Poppi.....
Hi LIz....I am sure we do have great taste!! Speaking of which, I have the ragged robin seeds ready for you....will be in touch....
Can't wait to see what you have found in your garden.....look forward with anticipation.....
More lovely blooms Cheryl with the loveliest of all saved until last, how sweetly she grows in your garden and long may she continue to do so, what could be more beautiful than a little perennial Poppi all pretty in pink :)
Your borders are just to die for Cheryl. That sweet blossom at the end is the most beautiful in your collection though. If rabbits were as sweet as this bloom one would want a whole garden full.
Twitchy nose, floppy ears, yes, that's what a bunny looks like. ;-)
Love your new header, such a colourful pic.
BTW on Bliss there are many pics of a happy puppy and when you click on my Dutch blog you can see a few more of sweet little Tara.
Oh, Cheryl, the best blooms are definitely those with a smile on their faces:) Poppi is the cutest "rabbit" I have seen.
I like upright blooms, too; right now it's my coneflowers that are reaching to the sky--they put a smile on my face every morning. The verbena bonariensis isn't that tall yet, but I'm hoping for blooms soon.
Your header is really pretty. Is the first bloom an agastache? It looks like one of mine.
LOL, your little girl looks more like a deer than an bunny. Those fingers are more like antlers than ears;)
we both share a passion for the wild things. i love to see wildflowers along a highway or in a huge field naturally growing. i love how your wildflowers are looking around your water is just so lovely. i am hoping one day that my meadow will be able to produce such lovely things.
i do so love to focus in on one single bloom/bud to drink it in and see the tiny features.
you having poppi or me having ellery adds such a special quality to our one else grows such things.
Oh sooo charming...
all your beauties !
Hi Cheryl - our gardens must be quite similar with all the plants you photo although I've not got the black peonie poppies which are stunning - sorry I've not been around much recently - it's hard trying to keep up with everything - am going to the UK for a few days next week to see my nephews which I'm really looking forward to so have been madly gardening this week so that everyone's garden is left tidy till I return! Have a lovely weekend and will be back v. soon Miranda x
Beautiful flowers all. Especially the Poppi at the end.
Hi Marnie....yes the first photograph is appeared one year and now has reseeded around the garden but not in an invasive way.......
Hi wildflowers are now reseeding all around the garden. This is what I love.....eventually the borders will have ornamentals dotted with wildflowers.....perfect for me and the wildlife......
I to love to see wildflower meadows and wild verges......such an important habitat for many species......
I hope that you and yours are keeping well
Hi Miranda.....would you like some black peony poppy seeds...just let me know if you would......
Have a good break and may the sun shine on you and yours......
Dear Cheryl - that's a really kind offer - I'd love some black poppy seeds if you've got some to spare - always up for a seed swap... if there's anything you'd like me to send you please do let me know I'd be very happy to mail you some... if you send me your email address I'll send you a note of my home address... many thanks again Miranda x
It's unanimous! Poppi steals the show - the prettiest bloom in the garden! Yippeeee!
Poppy is indeed a bright sunshiney bloom, though to me it looks like a moose she's making! ;-) I also love Verbena bonariensis, but it doesn't reseed as readily in my garden as in my friend's... Harumph!
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