Monday, 11 February 2008

The honey bee.....

If you enlarge this photograph you will see a honey bee on the flowers of Mahonia Charity. I took this yesterday and must have had around twenty or so honey bees on it. We have a bee keeper in the village, and although I live outside that area, bees know where to get their supplies. This shrub is so useful in a wildlife garden, it flowers all winter, it tolerates dense shade and most of all is drought tolerant. It also give off the most wonderful fragrance, positively heady. For me though the best thing is RABBITS hate it. They are still causing me to tear my hair out. At the moment they are digging holes everywhere and again have taken all the tops of my lovely lavender plants. Oh the work of a wildlife gardener is never done!!!!! Quote: He that plants trees loves others besides himself.


Michelle said...

Not just the bees and rabbits who know where to get their supplies from.... Me and the dinkies do too. Fab photo as always mum.

Mary said...

Cheryl, wow. You have flowers, bees... Way ahead in the springtime race! Those rabbits are a nightmare. Cute, a nightmare just the same.

Cheryl said...

Yes all a bit scary Mary (bit of a poet there) everything is a little bit too early for my liking.
I used to think rabbits were cute!!!! then I lived with them. I am sure I could ship them over if you were interested!!!!!!!