I am home alone this evening....Mr P has gone to do some DIY at my daughters.........the day is coming to a close, so with bare feet and a camera I decided to look around the garden........I sat on the grass and looked up. Its amazing how different things look against the blue of the sky......even a bloom that has seen better days, somehow makes a statement.

There is a warm breeze and it is gently rustling the leaves of the eucalyptus........is there any better music.......floaty, dreamy........I laid down on the lawn and closed my eyes.........all I can hear is the rustling of the leaves .............

gardens are magical places. I walked towards the house and was drawn to the water feature and again just sat and listened to the sounds....how often do we just sit quietly and listen...........

or look around properly, for the little things.....I caught this image just by chance....a little hoverfly, is this not a magical photograph....for me it is....I think it is quite beautiful.......

I love this space with a passion.......I love the creatures that visit and allow me to capture them........I love the change in seasons here, yes I complain sometimes, I am human........but the best moments of all for me, after a hard day of working in the garden, is to sit in the middle of the lawn and just 'be'.
Hi Cheryl. I love the pictures of your world and all the little friends in it! I found your blog thru someone else's and love it. Where are you (and the bees and butterflies) located?
AAAaaahhhhhh yes. I can just bee very easily. Enjoy all your hard work Cheryl.
Dear Cheryl,
Your garden is a magical place!
I understand the be. I feel so good when I be..bee.
Hoover fly is so tiny and perfect!
Time alone in a garden can be delightful. I know it would be in your garden. You asked how often we look for the little things-I can tell I do a lot more since knowing you. You have taught me very well to look beyond the flowers and foilage. To see the creatures big and small that inhabit that space. And because of you I am much more aware that our actions or lack of them can determine in a small but important way the health of our planet. Thank you for sharing all your knowledge and passion for life with me and with all of us.
And as I read this lovely post, I could feel my shoulders droop while sinking comfortably in my office chair... I am with you.
When we need calm, all we need is our garden. Listen to the water and leaves in the breeze. And think...
I just loved this post, Cheryl.
Hi Cheryl,
Just be. It is sometimes difficult for a hard-working gardener to step back and take it all in like you've described tonight. As I get older I'm am learning this better. For me, every angle of the garden is a delight. Like you said, just lying down on the grass or sitting and looking up... new views and always full of delight. This is a lovely post revealing your gardening- heart. Thanks for a glimpse of you. Oh, and your gardens are beautiful, too.
meems @Hoe&Shovel
Oh Cheryl, that is so true! I said the very same thing in my blog (several blogs back) titled "Time Expired". I just love your pictures too--they are amazing.
Tku Casey....I am in South East England......Kent.....
Hi Lisa....I do enjoy it so much...at the end of the day when I look across my garden, I feel content....
Dear Sherry...I just loved this little hoverfly and the colours....
Do you know Beckie that gladens my heart....to know that one person looks at things a little differently, makes everything worthwhile. I have loved watching the change in you on your blog....I have learnt a lot from other peoples posts and I truly thank them for that....
Thank you Mary....we are kindred spirits with nature and our dogs....
Hi Meems....tku....you should stop and enjoy your beautiful gardens...I would be lost in thought in your little piece of paradise....
Thank you morning glory, for your kind words....
Hello Cheryl, a first time visit via The House of Roses. Your garden is beautiful and I love what your mother wrote to go with your wonderful photos of the bees in a post a while back.A delightful visit.
Cheryl, This is the perfect place to be at the end of the day!
Like Beckie, I am noticing so many of the smaller things. I've been collecting pictures of insects for a later post, including a praying mantis. Thanks to you I am taking the time to appreciate the small creatures, and spend more time just observing them.
Tku for dropping by Pam and the lovely comments....
I am looking forward to that post already Rose......as I said to Beckie, you will never know how that lifts my spirit, to know that someone out, there is doing there little bit....tku Rose...
That last photo is peacefulness personified Cheryl - just wonderful xxx
I like how you caught the different perspective of the garden...It is a whole new world when you just sit and be.
You're right, it's not that often we do that. There is always something else going on even when we enjoy the garden...what to do next...do I have time for this...if only I could... ... ahhh let's just be for an evening.
What is the point in a beautiful garden and not resting in it and enjoying the moment......
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