The weather is cool and cloudy today but this little bee was busy......

and there are still plenty of soldier beetles around.

I spent ages watching this spider spining her web.....

she looked lovely against the cerinthe.

This bumble bee was busy cleaning itself and must have sat on this flower for around ten minutes.

A large hoverfly takes flight just as I took the photograph...

Soldier beetles again....they really are everywhere at the moment. I have never had so many in the garden.

A juvenile thrush had just found breakfast.......she visits regularly and I have found smashed snail shells everywhere....hooray.....

A juvenile blue tit waits for its turn on the nut feeder.....

this one waits patiently as well......

This is one of the brown butterflies........

there have been many this year. Well lunchtime now......must go....have a happy Sunday everyone.....
This was quite a successful safari! Thanks for identifying the soldier beetles--I was wondering what they were. Do they damage anything or are they a helpful insect?
Love the baby bluebirds; they must sense a kindred spirit to allow you to get close enough for a photo (even with a zoom).
I love them all but I especially love the 2nd picture Cheryl. And if you can give that thrush directions to Chester, maybe he can come and deal with the snails etc here!!! There are loads!!
We just had a little incident about 30 minutes ago and I'm still quite upset by it. Our cat brought to the patio door a little mouse that she had caught. Well I know that's what they do (and I know and appreciate that nature does these things), but I still don't like her doing it - very cruel. Anyway, she dropped it but the poor little thing was trying to run away using only it's front legs as I assume the cat had damaged it's spine / back legs. I know I am quite pathetic at times but it upset me so much that I had to call Richard to 'deal' with it cos I could not bear to see it in such distress. I just feel so awful. Oh dear.
On that horrible note, I hope you are all having a nice weekend and hope Mich has got everything sorted and hasn't been too stressed xxx
Hi Rose....the soldier beetles do not damage anything....they eat other insects, so create a nice healthy balance in the garden.....
The juvenile blue tits are used to me now, so I am able to get plenty of photographs....
Hope you are well..........
Hi Dawny.....It is hard when you have a soft heart, I do understand. I cannot bear anything suffering, it is heart breaking for those of us who care.
Unfortunately it is the way of things.......
I will have a word with the thrush and see if she is available for you!!!!
So thrushes eat snails too! Here they usually hunt for may bugs. I have found l-o-t-s of may bugs' shells in spring wondering who eats them, until finally saw a thrush with this kind of bug in its beak!
Hi Alajula I love thrushes don't you???
flippin' snails! wish I had a thrush! or a hedgehog. Or both!!
leanne x
Cheryl, I love your blog, so I gave you my personal "Blog Award"
I have a banner made for you at my blog. It's just something that I like to do when I come across a blog that touches me.
Thanks for sharing your blog with others!
Yee! Thrushes are my favorites! They're cool! I've made a post in my blog in spring on how they hunt for crows. That was a show really: 3 or 4 thrushes blethering chase crows, so that the least ones won't break the nests.
I like that term Sunday Safari. I'm off to take one of my own. Hope it is as successful as yours and I can return with such great photo's.
PS - Thanks for the visit. Did you notice the bee's (or perhaps bee-like creatures) on the photo on my recent blog post? I thought about you when I was posting them. Check the photo with the butterfly. One is on the side to the upper left of the photo and another one down on the bottom left. They aren't prominent but you can see them if you open the expanded view. They seem to love that flower and it takes them a long time to circle all around it.
I am really lucky Leanne, I have both at the moment....
Thank you Linda that is so very kind.
Popping over now Baker.....
Cheryl, your Sunday Safaris are not only beautiful but also informative.You know your wildlife so well-it's always a treat to come see what is in your gardens. Those little birds always make me smile. They look like little gangsters with spikey hair just waiting for mischief. Hope your Sunday is a good one. Still a zoo here!
Dear Cheryl,
Oh my goodness! Seeing all your lovely bugs and birds makes me want to go out hunting again. Wow, wonderful safari with you today.
It was very hot and humid while I was out. I had to come inside and cool down a bit!
Your little brown butterflies look like little skippers. The little Blue Tits are adorable.
Thank you for a fun bug hunt.
Hi Beckie....love your description of the blue tits....I shall see them in a different light now.
'Still a zoo here'.....you make me smile you really do...
Dear Sherry......How strange how weather is the opposite to yours but warm weather is on its way apparently.
Tks re butterfly....I really wasn't sure on this one....if only he would open his wings....
The blue tits are beautiful, I really like these little birds....
That Blue Tit chick is adorable :-)
What gorgeous pictures of the juvenile Blue Tits - I love it when they're still all cute and fluffy! Sorry I've not popped over for a while, but you'll have noticed that I've not even had time to do many new posts on my own blog recently - I'm sure more regular postings will resume again soon! Take care Miranda
Oh, I loved the blue tit and baby thrush - so cute. Isn't that a coincidence - I was also watching a spider spin its web this morning. I didn't stay too long - just watched for a few minutes and admired her work.
We must be having the same weather; cool, rainy, then sunny. Not a typical summer at all.
Hi Miranda....hopefully you will have some time in the not too distant future....everyone seems to be in the same position at the moment. The world of blogging has gone very quiet..........
Hi Wendy...It is fascinating watching a spider, is it not??
We have not really had summer yet, I have quite liked it actually. Apparently we have some very hot weather coming soon,no doubt I shall wilt......
I really miss not having the same amount of time to do new posts on my blog - looks like it's due to get v. hot this week - so might just be forced inside! Have a good week... Miranda
You have a good week to....Miranda..
I wish I could get a thrush to take up residence in our garden. We have plenty of snails for them.
I just love the color of the Cerinthe. I have never seen this plant before.
Hi Lisa....I wish I could send him over to you but......
the cerinthe is lovely....do you want some seeds??
Hi Cheryl...I finally got some time to read and few blogs. You have some great photos. I know some people are afraid of spiders, but they can be fascinating to watch...we have these little jumping spiders around here. Love the bird shots.
Cheryl - A Sunday Safari sounds interesting. Thanks for the suggestion to participate. I just may take you up on that sometime. Or better yet I may suggest it to one of my blog's team members. I think they are both ready to start posting to the blog so that might be a good theme for them. At any rate, look for some coming posts from them on the blog. I'm sure they will be excited by any comments.
came back to let you know I have added your blog to my blog list...
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