The temperature has risen and the soil is bone dry. Although it has been chilly and grey for many weeks here, we have had little rain. The odd shower here and there but nothing significant. I try hard not to be tempted to water the garden apart from hanging baskets and tubs. I personally feel that if you leave plants alone and they have the right conditions, long term they do well. The heat has brought the butterflies out and this little meadow brown, sitting on top of the verbena bonariensis, is a common butterfly here.

The Comma likes the verbena as well......in fact it is a firm favourite with them.......they are using this in preference to the Buddleja.

The water hawthorn is flowering and the perfume is lovely.....

the lobelia that I situated in the ornamental pond is also flowering and attracting honeybees...

and the water lettuces seem to increase in size everyday. I am really enjoying this part of the garden....life is already appearing in the pond....I cannot tell you at the moment what they are but give me time......

This echinops is just coming into bloom.....the bee could not wait to investigate......

here is one fully opened. They are lovely plants, no staking required, no feeding, they reseed so come up year after year.......all in all a good wildlife plant.

This is a wildflower, ragwort....and it is the host plant for the cinnabar moth.......It is fine in my garden but for anyone with horses or livestock it is toxic to them....and therefore needs to be dealt with swiftly.....

The mighty cardoon has just opened its bloom and if you look closely there is a bee enjoying itself.....my plants have done well this year and are standing around nine feet tall, hence why I could not get the picture I wanted.

African corn lillies are something I enjoy, they are colourful and again require little attention.

This is purple loosestrife.....a wild flower here......my garden is full of it....and I absolutely love it. This plant today was full of honeybees....dozens and dozens of them.........it spreads like wildfire and to be honest I am glad it does, this time of year I have a lovely purple haze all over the garden.....

And finally another tiger lily has opened, I really like these flowers. They have not attracted any insects which is a shame but they are lovely to look at. The summer has been late and September is not that far away.........it has been a strange year weather wise. How has the summer been for you so far and has your garden done well?? Mr P is having a day off tomorrow, so we are going out to lunch, and going to the garden centre (can't wait)......the weekend is not far away.....have a lovely one..........
Cheryl, what a wonderful tour through your garden this evening (evening here).
I have never seen a Meadow Brown so it seems exotic to me. I haven't seen the Echinops either. Both would be welcome in my garden.
I have always wanted to grow a cardoon but I have never seen it offered at any of the nurseries here. I might live out of its range. I don't know.
I knew you would enjoy your beautiful water garden. We will soon be seeing and reading all about your frogs, water striders etc.
Well, I can send you some rain if you like! We are having a rainy spell right now. Not the usual for July. And cool. Temps in the 60's - not normal.
Loved your ragwort. What an awful name for such a pretty yellow flower. Had no idea it was toxic. In fact, you have a lot of flowers that I haven't seen before.
Can't believe some of yours are 9 feet tall! Sounds like a you live in the jungle. LOL - just kidding.
I am glad you are enjoying your garden. Have a wonderful time at the garden center and a fun weekend.
A beautiful tiger lily; it may not attract insects, but you can enjoy just looking at it instead.
I'm not familiar with the cardoon, but if it's nine feet tall, no wonder you couldn't show the whole bloom!
Purple loosestrife is considered an invasive here in the U.S., but it is pretty.
Have a good day--enjoy your trip to the garden center. Beckie just told me about a big plant sale, so I may just have to go shopping tomorrow as well:)
Cheryl, mulch mulch mulch!
Such lovely pictures of butterflies and bees-I am just a little envious. Your flowers are doing so well, even with your odd summer. The lily is wonderful. I don't think I've ever seen one like it. The cardamon must be a giant...wonder where I could put them? The echinops is so unusual-save me some seed? I am so glad you are enjoying your water garden. It looks lovelier each time I see it. I am sure before long you will know each bug by name and may have pet names for them. :) Enjoy your lunch and plant shopping! Hope your weekend is great.
Hi Lisa....I will be sending Beckie some Echinop seeds...if you would like some just let me know.....also the cardoon, they are so easy and a huge statement in the border......
The meadow brown is lovely especially when she opens her wings, they are brightest orange with an eye of each wing.....
Hi Wendy....a jungle would sometimes be the appropriate word. Sometimes when I am pruning it feels like one.....
The ragwort is pretty but many do not like it due to its toxicity....
Tks Rose I will....yes the tiger lily is worth having just for the pleasure.....
Crone, believe me I do, on the flower beds and they are ok....the cracks are across the grass and other areas.....
Hi Beckie.......I love the tiger lily to.....so pretty...
I will save some echinops seeds for you....I think you will enjoy them....
I love that, me naming the bugs....you know me well
Hi...I love your flowers and am curious about your pond..do you have a shot of the whole of it?
We are finally getting a good amount of rain, the earth was cracked and the clay had hardened to rock...hoping you get some, too.
Hi Gail....tks for dropping by.....my blog archive...water feature....the raised pond is on there.....
I like those thistle-like plants (echinops and cardoon)...ever since I read about your globe thistles I have been thinking of putting them in our garden...it gives me a more "wild" feel to the garden.
Hi Chris....globe thistle are so easy and are great for wildlife.....good plant...
That was quick with the comment on my blog. Thanks very much for the kind words. I think while you were commenting I was adding a last little bit to the post that I had forgotten. I thought I would share it with you just in case you missed it:
"And always remember this. A smile is one of the few things you have that you can give away to everyone you meet, but still have an endless supply for yourself."
I wanted to pass the award along to you but I paid heed to the grumpy warning, lol. So let this be my 'informal' award. Your blog always brings a smile with every visit I make.
Cheers to your mum and you should get her to contribute more often. It was delightful.
Thank you Baker....you are one of life's gents.....
Dear Cheryl,
The Meadow Brown is charming! I love seeing your flowers and your butterflies.
Your water garden is already so lovely. Having a large water feature is a grand addition to any garden, how exciting!
It is a wet summer for me. I also seldom will water. I do "ask" for rain often. LOL
Cheryl, I think your photos are So Hot. Lovely.
Hi Sherry....what I would do for some rain.....it would be so refreshing....
the meadow brown is lovely especially when she opens her wings, I am still waiting patiently I will get one soon I am sure......
Tku Mary....I really try with my camera....I still look at amazement at yours and Sherry's...I will get there one day, I am determined....
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