Sunday safari seems to come around very quickly.........there are still plenty of bumble-bees in the garden......this one was huge and had trouble getting on the flowers.....

Wasps have finally appeared and we have plenty of those to....I find that are ok if you just leave well alone.

There are literally hundreds and hundreds of honey-bees now....the purple loosestrife has brought them into the garden.....

This is a gatekeeper.....it patrols hedgerows and is very territorial.......I have fleabane in the garden and I know they are fond of this wildflower....also the brambles are in bloom, another favourite of this pretty butterfly....

The comma has been around all week and visits the verbena bonariensis........

There have been many peacock butterflies and they seem to prefer the scabious.......I have many buddleja in full flower, a great butterfly magnet normally.....this year it is not so.......strange.

I think this is an oak bush cricket.....we get so many here........

And a visit to the front door........and another mystery moth.......I like this one, it looks like a flying saucer.....I love the patterns on moths, it is not until you look closely at them you relise how much detail they have on their wings............well that's it for this Sunday......I hope you are all having a great weekend and enjoying the sunshine.............
Cheryl - another great post with some lovely pictures.
Interestingly, I get more bees on my Buddleia than Butterflies! In fact it's rare to see a flutter on it!
That last moth does look like an extraterrestial:) I love to see the peacock moths, Cheryl; I've never seen one around here--they're certainly showy.
Cheryl, your knowledge of insects is impressive...I thought the oak bush cricket was a grassshopper:)
The insect world seems to be doing quite well this summer.
Its strange Tricia isn't it....the common name being butterfly bush and neither of us having butterflies on it,
Hi Rose the peacock butterfly is beautiful.....my knowledge is not that good Rose but I have learnt bits and pieces over the years.....
Another fabulous post Cheryl and these are all stunning photographs. My fave is the peacock butterfly - those colours are just incredible. Hope you are having a nice weekend and enjoying the warm weather xxxx
Great safari ~ thanks! We were just watching the little yellow yard finches in our backyard this morning. They love to snack on our sunflowers.
Dear Cheryl,
Safari was very fun with you today, thank you! I love your bees and butterflies so very much! The Gatekeeper is a lovely little butterfly. It is interesting how one year the butterflies will love one plant and than the next year stay away! It is very humid today in my backyard. While bug hunting I was taken away to the tropics.
Thank you for a fun hunt! It does seem to come quickly every week! I look forward to Sunday Safari.
Cheryl, I haven't seen any butterflies on my butterfly bush either. But when the monarchs come through they will love it. Your knowlegde of insects really impresses me. My memory won't let me reatin things like that anymore. :) Thanks for another enjoyable Sunday Safari.
Hi Dawny tku for your lovely comments as always....we are indeed having fun in the sun BUT I know I am a spoil sport but I wish it would rain and water my garden....
Hi Casey....sunflowers are so good for wildlife...and it is a joy to what visits....
I look forward to Sundays and posting Sherry....it is lovely to have you across the pond and showing me what is in your garden....I am glad you enjoyed it....it is so hot and humid here.......
Hi Beckie....my memory isn't as good as it was to be honest....the only thing I remember well is nature and numbers.....I never forget a phone number and have them all stored in my head.....
Great safari...that peacock butterfly is sure a show stopper. I like the design on your moth...a bit more subtle than the butterfly but still interesting. We have had a one or two hornets patrolling the wildflower area...I don't mind small numbers but I just don't want nests near our house.
Hi Chris....we get hornets here to....I find they normally nest in old trees.......if you are worried just keep an eye on their routes...you will soon know if they are near your home.........I personally find them ok, I tend, like wasps, to just ignore them (but mine are not near the house)
Great Sunday SAfari Cheryl. I love that peacock butterfly. It is just too pretty.
The last moth is interesting. I bet they hope that predators go after those eyes at the tips of their hind wings. Isn't nature grand?
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