Well thank goodness there is only one day left of April. Weather wise it has been a foul month. I have lost most of the buds on my wisteria, all the tops of several pieris, my japanese maples have brown edged leaves etc etc etc. Severe frosts have done more damage than I first realised. We are now going through another rainy spell. Woe is me! BUT every cloud has a silver lining.....the auriculas and cowslip have flowered and flowered. The drumstick primulas are still pretty and the white thrift is just getting ready to burst. I treated myself to a scabious today, butterfly wings, lovely name. The last photo is of our rusty old garden ornament CHURCHILL. This is for Rose, she knows why, and I am glad I am not the only one who sometimes can't see 100 per cent.
Also I would like to thank Mark at The Green Fingered Photographer. I won the monthly competition he holds "Wednesday Wanderings". The prize is one of his mounted photographs. Mark has a way with the camera that most of us can only dream of, and I have a great respect for his work. Tku Mark it will be a priviledge to have one of your works on my wall.
Congratulations on your win Cheryl - I am really chuffed for you xx. And let's hope May is nicer than April was xx
Hello from oh so far away, across the pond, as they say. I am happy to have discovered your blog since I also blog about gardens, butterflies, bees, and taking care of our green planet.
Cheryl, I knew you were having lousy weather this month, but had no idea you'd suffered so much damage. Sounds like our April last year. I am sorry. :) Love the flowers that are blooming though. Rose and I talked about 'Churchill' today. We didn't have a clue! Glad that is cleared up. Congrats on your win. May the month of May bring sun and warm gentle breezes and lots of blooms.
These lovely pictures haven't revealed your distress with April Cheryl. I too will be happier when the weather evens out. Errr does that ever happen? We will probably go right into the blistering heat of summer. We will survive though.
OOOooooo, how cool to have won one of Marks pics, its a lovely one too!!! Congratulations!
Really chuffed Dawny
Hi Terra will drop by sometime, Tks for findking me.
Tks Beckie for your good wishes.I thought it was so funny about Churchill, I do that sort of thing all the time.
We always moan about the weather don't we Lisa??
I couldn't believe it Libby, how good is that??
hi cheryl, i'm sorry your poor garden has been so hammered by the weather.. its absolutely tipping it down here again, too
scabious is one of my all time absolute favourite flowers.. i don't know why, i've just always loved it .. your photo is gorgeous
here's hoping for a better May!
How kind Hedgewitch....the garden will recover, nature is wonderful at healing her own. I do worry for the wildlife though. There aren't many insects around with this cold wet weather. Soon the birds will need to feed their young. Like you I hope May is better.
Scabious are lovely, I have many of the old field scabious in the garden. There will be pics further down the line.
Congrats on winning the WW Cheryl. Your long stemmed primulas look devine! I'm green with envy.
What a shame the weather has been so foul in April. I hope May will bring much sunshine and lots and lots of flowers for you to enjoy!
BTW that pic of Churchil cracked me up, too funny.
Glad you enjoyed Churchill Yolanda.....and thanks for the warm wishes.
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